Reborn As a System

Chapter 78: Galactic Federation (15)

Galactic Federation (15)

Shi Qing was taken away by Qin Mo, on the road, he still regrets, but unfortunately, can not assess the performance of Ye Xin classmates, but given the host's urgent task, he is not good at grinding, so two Together, people go directly to the house in Linsu.

But he said that Ye Xin was on the other side, Ye Xin was also ruined, and he tried hard to cheer himself up, finally knocking on the old bedroom door.

Ye Ye's father is old, although he slept early, but he didn't sleep very hard. He woke up with a little movement. Who would knock at the door in the middle of the night? When I pressed the confirmation button, I saw his four sons.

The old man frowned, put on his robe and went out of bed, let Ye Xin come in.

Then he began to be shocked and shocked.

Ye Hao Ma's life, not to mention a big old, but also a pure big man, love and love for love, this life is all used in his wife, and there is no nerve to consider other people.

This is true even if it is my own son.

Therefore, he did not know that Ye Xin had someone else in his heart. Although he had some self-proclaimed ideas for finding a partner, it was also the responsibility and obligation of his father to some extent.

He did not think that Ye Xin would refuse this marriage, just as he did not expect his four sons who had always loved face to pounce on the ground.

Ye Xin’s opening remarks were all taught by Shi Qing.

On the spot, I came first: "Dad, my son is wrong, my son is not filial, and my son is not good."

First put down the gesture and take things to yourself, the fault is all, take the initiative to soft concessions, all of a sudden let the old man soft, Emma, ​​my baby son, you are swollen!

Then Ye Xin made persistent efforts to recite the drafts that had been memorized in the heart.

Needless to say, at the beginning, it was really a word that was told to him by a word. He listened at the time and only felt that he couldn’t say it. Even if he said it was stereotyped, there was no feeling, so that Ye Hao could listen at once. Out of the flaws. But what he didn't expect was that at this time, I really said it. These words seem to have been pressed into his heart for a long time. It can't stop at the beginning, completely from the heart. All the real emotions are naturally revealed, and there is no trace of any fake.

"Dad, I don't know what to do. I don't dare to talk to others. I don't even dare to tell you. I spent five years trying to forget him, but I can't do it. I know that it is impossible for me and him. His age, his identity, his relationship with you, and his relationship with Ye Family are all impossible. I understand all of this. I know everything, but I really can’t control it, Dad, I am doing it. No, I can't forget him, I really don't know what to do..."

Ye Xin said, tears don't need money. Hey, he hasn't been so embarrassed in this life, but he hasn't been so humble, but he doesn't regret it at all. As Ye Qing said, this is the father who loves them. What is it like, how is it humble?

The whole man was shocked by the whole person. His heart was simply overturning the flavors and spices. It was not a taste. He is a little angry, but more is distressed. They know their own children, if Ye Xin with stubborn obstinacy and his head-to pout, that leaves Xuan certainly be furious, though not willing to beat him, but it must be vicious curse him, chances are he will be tough to marry .

But Ye Xin is like this, but he can't lose his temper. Ye Xin, this is really no way. His child is really no way, so he will come to see him like this...

Ye Xinyu was on the ground, although the tears were fluent, but he did not have any crying sounds. The tone was not high, even a little weak: "Dad, I know that you are good for me, I found the most suitable for me. Companion, if there is no one in my heart, I will be very good in the rest of my life. But it’s late, what should I do, Dad, if I don’t tell you anything, I’m married, and finally I’ve found my mind. I really don't know what to do! I haven't forgotten him for five years. I don't know if I will forget him in the next five years. If I can't forget, I have to How do you face Gu Jia, how do you face Gu Yan, when will I have to live again?"

If the above words are to make Ye Hao feel soft and distressed, then these words directly hit Ye Xie's heart, and suddenly let him wake up.

Ye Hao is an alpha. Although he can't understand the helplessness of omega, sometimes he can't think so well, but he is an experienced elder. After all, he is so unintentional by Ye Xin that he instantly sees farther. future.

If Ye Xin really has such a deep obsession with Lin Feng, now that he insists on letting him marry into his family, the consequences are really unimaginable.

The same as alpha, how can they not understand this? There are others in my own omega heart. This is a lifelong insult. Even if there is a Ye family to support the family, Ye Xin’s day... is also...

Hey! Ye Hao sighed heavily and lifted Ye Xin. He finally said the first sentence tonight: " kid!"

Ye Xin shed tears without a word.

Ye Hao was both distressed and helpless. At the end, she thought of Lin Feng. She could not help but spread the fire to his head: "Lin Feng this bastard! I was really blind!"

On this point, Shi Qing also passed, if Ye Qi Lin Feng, Ye Xin is honestly listening.

At this time, Ye Xin did not care about this at all. His mood fluctuated greatly and he was also shocked.

He had doubts about what Ye Qing said before. Before he knocked on the door, he also imagined a lot, but all the results point to one, that is, Ye Hao will be furious, will categorically refuse, and even beat him. .

He believes that he can't communicate with his father.

But now he said it, Ye Hao’s reaction is completely beyond his imagination.

He didn't beat him and didn't marry him. He could feel that Ye Hao was very angry, but because he was distressed by him, he all endured it. Finally, his father, who was awkward, was only unable and helplessly sighed.

Ye Xin hasn't cried for so long in this life. He always knew that Ye Hao was hurting him, but he really didn't think that his father loved him like this.

And he is so unfilial.

Although Shi Qing did not want to be on the sidelines, he was not worried.

Although last week's eyes, the father and Ye Xin were worse than the father and son, but at the end of the day, they lacked communication and were blinded by anger.

There are also two people who are too strong and too good face.

Even the father and son brothers, the love of the dear, can get along with each other if you simply hit hard and hard, then you can only lose both.

The situation is completely different when you take a step back from the beginning.

To a certain extent, this is Shi Qing’s outlook on life, and it is this kind of concept that allows him to be comfortable and comfortable in the Qin desert.

When Shi Qing followed the Qin desert, the two men entered the forest house with their forefoot and feet. In the middle of the night, they saw the general Lin Da who was still busy with military affairs.

Later, Shi Qing saw the magical performance of the Qin Mo Qin Emperor.

Stepping into the study, Qin Mo grabbed Lin Feng's collar, and a pair of scorpions filled with raging anger: "Lin Feng! You this beast!"

Don't say that Lin Feng is shocked by the whole person, that is, the time of the peers is also (⊙-⊙).

Lin Feng had not had time to react, and a heavy punch was on his head. What made him even more wrong was that he couldn’t hide.

But then, the fighting nerves in the body awakened, and Lin Feng leaned back and took the next wave of attacks. The Qin Mo face does not change color, and turning around is a heavy punch. The place of the squat is precise and clear, and it goes to his skull.

When you come to me, it’s hard to divide each other.

Shi Qing Zhang Dazui looked at it for a while, then closed his mouth silently. Now he is also a connoisseur. It is obvious that Qin Mo did not move the real thing, just teasing this piece of wood.

Of course, Lin Wood did not dare to make full efforts. He was guilty. Although he did not have anything with Ye Xin, he liked Ye Xin, and it was enough for him to live a life of guilty conscience.

It’s not a problem to play like this. Lin Feng took a gap and opened his mouth and said: “Ye Mo, you... what are you doing?”

"What?" Qin Mo’s actions continued, his voice was cold. “Do you have the courage to do things but don’t dare to admit it?”

Lin Feng slightly stunned God, did not escape this trick, the handsome face was rubbed, and instantly broke the road, seeping blood.

However, he has no time to take care of it, only said aloud: "I Lin Feng dare to do things, not a shrinking turtle!"

This sentence, let Qin Mo stopped his hand, he looked at Lin Feng, his mouth taunted, his eyes full of anger: "Not a shrinking turtle? Good! Then you will go to Yejia to kiss tomorrow!"

"That... mentioning the pro?" Lin Su’s face can go to Sichuan to play and change his face. "This... what does this mean? I... how can I..."

"How? Are you scared? Do you know that you ruined Ye Xin!"

When I heard Ye Xin’s name, Lin Su’s face changed slightly: “Ye Xin, what happened to Ye Xin?”

Qin Mo looked at him with a cold eye, and that attitude was definitely the best brother in the world. He was not able to look good, but his voice was very good.

"Ye Xin is an adult, his father is preparing to tell him a pro, but this is a marriage, all the families have escaped, saying that he is your sweetheart of General Lin, saying that he has been booked by you, so no one Dare to mention!"

When this was said, Lin Su was stupid.

"Impossible, impossible! I don't! Absolutely not, I and Ye Xin, we... we have nothing!"

Qin Mo sneered out loudly: "No? Then you talked about what you have done in the past two years? Who have you been with each year's holidays? Who are you going to look back and forth on?" Since there is nothing, What are you doing around Ye Xin all day? Since there is nothing, why don't you marry your wife?"

A voice forced me to let Lin Su a handsome face.

These... he couldn’t answer it all.

He likes Ye Xin. He only has Ye Xin in his heart. He can't wait to watch him all the time. He is restrained on weekdays, but as long as Ye Xin looks for him, he can't control him. He knew that he was not worthy of Ye Xin, so he kept his duty and didn't even dare to be too close to him. He thought it would be fine, but he did not expect that he was still delayed.

Lin Su is disheartened. He knows that the turning point of omega's life is on marriage and marriage. If it is not married, it will be dusty. Then the omega is almost ruined...

Ye Xin... Ye Xin should have a better life. There will be a handsome young alpha who cares for him. They will have children, they will support each other and will live together for the rest of their lives.

And he will always guard him in the dark, as long as he can see him, he will be satisfied.

But these... all were ruined by him.

Lin Suzhen stood, brave and war on the battlefield, the unstoppable generals, but at the moment they were at a loss.

Qin Mo looked at him, his voice calmed down, but it was still cold.

"Don't make excuses for yourself. The so-called Ye Xin is good, but because you are timid, the general federation is a coward! You are afraid that Ye Xin is young, afraid that his temperament is uncertain, and his love is only impulsive. You are afraid of being old, afraid that as time goes by, you will become more and more old. When you are afraid, Ye Xin will dislike you, leave you, and discard you."

"You are afraid that you will not take a step forward. You are afraid that you will never touch it and you will not lose it after you get it. You don't even dare to fight for it. You only know that you will have a better self-fantasy. Ye Xin? Why don't you think that Ye Xin, who has a heart on you, can be accepted by others? You are all talking about Ye Xin, but in fact you only think of yourself in selfishness."

"I didn't say anything wrong?" Qin Mo slightly raised his eyebrows, his eyes scorned, "You are a selfish and timid coward!"

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