Reborn As a System

Chapter 89: Copy life (2)

Copy life (2)

When Shi Qing finished reading the background prompts, he immediately ran to turn over the system manual. It was not that his memory was not good. Yes, he did never see the type of "system task". And no one task is forced to accept, and no task has such severe punishment conditions.

Shi Qing now has no concealment of Qin Mo, and he has told him what he knows. Qin Mo touched him and said: "Nothing, no failure."

Qin Mo should be so understated, although Shi Qing is still embarrassed, but it is finally safe.

The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. If nothing happens, it will not scare him to death. It is not his style. Since there is no retreat, let's go ahead, not to mention that he is not weak now!

After thinking about it, Shi Qing looked at the big screen seriously. He tried to absorb the intelligence of the world and hoped to do enough preparations.

However, what surprised Shi Qing was that there was only a background introduction to the world on this big screen, but there was no introduction to the plot. Yes, there is no role this time.

The plot is empty there.

And down is directly a system task: disciplining poachers.

The simple five words seem to reveal a lot of information, but it seems that there is no explanation at all.

Discipline is well understood.

But what is a poacher?

There is too little information, and Shiqing can't judge it. It seems that he can only go to the world and collect it slowly.

Qin Mo looked at the story mission and said: "There is no role, this time may be the body crossing."

The idea was to give Shi Qing a slight glimpse. He quickly went through the system manual and found that there was an introduction to the body crossing. However, there was no hint before this point, and it was generally determined after the crossing.

Without the plot task, it is indeed possible that the ontology traverses, and there is no advantage in the body traversal. On the contrary, it also increases the difficulty of the task.

Although the ontology traversal will be accepted by the ‘rationalization’ of the world, it will not have the memory of the character. Invisibly, it will lose a lot of useful information, and at the same time it will lose the social status of the original character, the physical and financial resources and so on.

To get the job done, you must first explore the world, not only will it take more time, but also more trouble.

However, this is a task that cannot be abandoned. It is useless to think too much now, and can only go on.

I have seen it all, and Shi Qing and Qin Mo pressed the button together and entered the space-time tunnel.

When he was dizzy, Shi Qing thought, this time he must give strength, try to find him before Qin He finds him!

It sounds like a tongue twister, but Shi Qing really wants to find Qin Mo quickly and give him a surprise.

From the time and space tunnel, Shiqing has not adapted to this whirlwind, but suddenly there is sharp pain behind the brain.

It seems that someone knocked him a sap!

Lying in the trough! Do you want to go through it so much?

However, at this time, Qing is not a time, and a sap wants to fix him too naive.

He just turned around and wanted to fight back, but he was numb and his feet were empty, and he was suppressed by a totally unknown force.

When Qing’s heart was tight, the short-term stiffness was caught by the enemy, and a horrible feeling of taking all the power out was instantaneous, and the consciousness was lost instantly.

It is said that you have lost consciousness, but you can still feel what you are still feeling.

The repair of Yuan Ying's ninth order can almost make the gods detached from the above. When Shi Qing lacks practical experience, he is completely unprepared for sneak attack, which makes him unprepared and has a body, but the gods still have a few traces. wide awake.

He couldn't move his body, and he could feel his limbs trapped. He pressed a huge iron plate on his chest. It seemed to be moving forward intermittently on a conveyor belt. He stopped every five or six minutes and then continued to Before, I stopped for ten times and stopped. I kept moving forward.

In this process, Shi Qing has not stopped breaking free from bondage. He tried to control his body. After an hour, he finally won the autonomy of the body.

He opened his eyes sharply.

The purpose is to leave the room empty.

Everything before is like a dream, no realism.

He didn't seem to have been sneaked, there was no intermittent coma, and he was not trapped, as if he had been in this place after crossing.

Shi Qing jumped from the simple wooden bed, stretched his arms and kicked his legs, and there was no wound under his body. His body was full of energy, and his knowledge spread outwards, vast and unimpeded.

what is the problem?

When Qing was frowning, someone came.

This thought has just flashed, he is already guarded by God, and the Tulou block is just a broken piece of wood. The people are very heavy. When they walk near, they kick the wooden board unceremoniously. The old board slams and breaks. It became two halves.

The people screamed and looked at Shiqing, and his eyes were muddy: "Get up! Go to work! You waste!" After that, the middle-aged man with a stomach was demonstrating. Whip in the hand.

Shi Qing looked at him, motionless, the people in front of him were not tall, and they were wearing a greasy yellow vest, black shorts and a pair of plastic slippers on their feet.

He didn't even have to look at it. He knew that this was an ordinary person. Ordinary ones couldn't be ordinary anymore. There was nothing special about it. With the current ability of Shiqing, he really lifted his hand and pinched him.

The middle-aged man is bullying the newcomer. Seeing this person still does not move, the whip will be drawn to him.

Shi Qing was really too lazy to cope, because he didn't understand the situation and didn't want to cause trouble. He moved a little and couldn't see it. He hid.

The middle-aged man didn't think so. He called the yellow three whip. This whip was used to it. When it was waved, all the responders were screaming. This kid didn't cry, he was not happy. .

The Huang San whip walked closer, and I wanted to give this kid a great sigh. I didn't expect this to be close, but I saw it at first glance.

This kid... this kid is so beautiful!

Although it is a boy, but the skin white bomb can be broken, the lips are red and white, a pair of big eyes are round and bright, and the corners of the eyes are slightly picking up, naturally with a hook of human curvature.

The yellow three whip is not good for men, but I can watch this boy, but I suddenly feel it.

I really didn't expect to see this kind of color in this poor place!

But since I came here, no one wants it.

Instead of going out to be cheaper than others, it is better to enjoy it first.

Huang San whip changed his mind all at once, his face was hung with a wretched smile, he took the whip and took a few steps forward. This was closer, and he even smelled a very tempting aroma. Not rich and unclear, faint and soft, can not tell the taste, but people feel the heart and tide.

Where did Huang Sanwu see this shackle, he was anxious at once, and he couldn’t immediately put the boy down on the ground, and he was close to him.

He stretched out his arm and forced him to hold him, his mouth groaning and talking about the swearing words: "The kid, let your Huang Ye cool, I will keep you safe and ill in this place."

Shi Qing: "..."

I didn't want to make trouble, but what about him? Is it so good to bully?

One or two come to provoke him! It’s really a tiger who doesn’t take the pill to fall into a sick cat!

Laozi is a pure man, what kind of tricks do you have for the entire set of bullying Huanghua big niece?

Even if you want to provoke me, you will do your part and take out some men and men!

It’s enough!

Shi Qing cold-faced, lifted his feet, squatting on the greasy face of the bear, the yellow bear immediately issued a scream of killing pigs, then looked up again, his nose was swollen, his tears were flowing, his brain was dizzy and turned into a circle. Didn't play anymore.

Shi Qing looked disgusted, and he still had a fire in his heart. When he raised his hand, he caused the broken wooden board on the ground. The stomach of the yellow three whip was waved over. The big man of the yellow three whip was more than 200 kilograms. The board crashed out for more than three meters, and the slam fell on the wall, and the eyes turned over and fainted.

Not dead, but lying on the bed for a month is no problem.

Shi Qing clap his hands and go out the door. On the other hand, he sees a row of thin teenagers standing opposite each other. There are men and women, and they all look at him with a stunned look.

Shi Qing did not remember, he did not know how it happened, so it is very inconvenient to go through the body!

Maybe his behavior was too embarrassing, and Huang Sanpai bullied this group of people to bully, no one dared to resist, suddenly appeared a 'fathers', shocked them.

Anyway, a row of twelve teenagers, one by one is scared.

When Qing was stunned, he couldn't help but frown. The children looked like they were sixteen or seven years old. They all wore rag-like clothes, their faces were dark and their hair was messy. They were all skinny and skinny. There are still a lot of welt marks on the arm.

The most note to Shi Qing is that they have the same imprint on their foreheads, in the center, in the eyebrows, about the size of a coin, pure black, is a five-pointed star standing upside down.

On the left, the first taller boy, drumming up, finally spoke up: " can you..."

After that, he looked timidly and became the yellow three whip of the pig's head.

The girl next to him also said: "Must be... must be Huang Ye bully... bullying Xiaoqing... but... Xiaoqing you, you can't beat him... he is...he is..." After saying it, I dare not say it anymore.

The tall boy squatted and looked around and hurriedly said, "Let's go, let's go, no one found out, let's go."

He said that the other few have returned to God and went forward together, regardless of the push of Qing, all the way out.

It’s a breeze for Shi Qing to break free. He can see these children’s thin arms like bamboo poles. He really can’t help, and he is afraid of hurting them accidentally.

Although he was not worried about anything, he followed them and considered them to go out.

As soon as he left the small courtyard, Shi Qing knew that it was a mine.

A very large mine, he dissipated his knowledge, and he could not touch the margin of the mine.

Under this "look", he locked his eyebrows tightly.

There are countless miners here, the wolves are thin and highly exhausted, and even some elderly veterans are still dragging their old bodies to work. After a pause, there are whips on them.

When Shi Qing looked at the two eyes, he couldn’t immediately rush to let the scum of the whip squirting foam!

But then he gave a slight glimpse and found a problem. All the absenteeism here, regardless of gender, has a common mark, and the inverted five-pointed star between the eyebrows.

I don't know why, when Shi Qing saw this mark, he was very uncomfortable.

He took back his knowledge and calmed down. At the moment, he still found Qin Mo and said, the first time he sent a system message: "Qin Mo, where are you?"

Responding to him, there is never a hint: communication failed.

The author has something to say: Hey, let me know, there will be a little abuse in the back, but don't be afraid, it's very short, the pain will pass, and the sweetness behind the bumps is sweeter, what? 2k novel reading network

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