There is no way to describe it, one moment I was hanging on the ground, the next I was ascending to a higher place. It's hard to describe, but all of a sudden, I felt... It's bigger.

- But it's a lot bigger! I have nothing to compare to, uh....

Await! Is this the error I'm seeing? Oh, I do!

I reached out an arm and gently grabbed it. They feel longer, but what's even more distressing is that if these bugs used to be about the size of a mouse, this bug now has a ——, well... Bug size. I had to hold him gently so as not to squash him completely. Size also seems to increase strength and – if the bug's struggle is understood that way – persevere!

When I was a little thing, bug feet could easily pierce me. But what about now? It's not that easy, huh.

Anyway, I have a lot of mouths now, and they're bigger, and I'm standing on a rock; Suitable for consumption.

I face the asteroid and start eating..........

... Welcome back. I don't know how long time has passed. Hour? Sky? I do not know. The asteroid was about half the size of what it used to be, and I was soon in the cave. I've gotten a whole bunch of scores, and I've grouped each one into sizes. It's true that I was only able to buy the upgrade once, but it feels like a lot!

Bro, things must be getting more expensive, huh? Why, after a while, I may need to eat a whole bunch of asteroids to get bigger!

Is this my life right now? Eating stones?

Better than writing essays. Here escaped the tomato signing trial, hehe.

Eating rocks is not a fun thing to do, though.

666 -> 700

This is the only interesting math part. Now, what to do... Oh, I should upcycle! That never hurts! It would be a rather serious paradox if it did, but ... Anyway, look at the price first. Ha.

Upcycling? Cost: 150 (you have 700)

How about twice?

Upcycling? Cost: 225 (you have 700)

Wholesale price and discount? Ha ha.

Upcycling? Cost: 325 (you have 700)

Well, let's get started!

700 -> 0

... Very interesting. Now, as always, speed!

I ripped off one of my five main tentacles. It will float up slightly. No regeneration. Now I remember that it has- what? Is there a quad core in it? Ah. So, with a sigh in my heart, I rolled up my arm so that all its eyes were closed, and gobbled it up. As expected, it didn't make me crouch, but I watched excitedly as my arms grew back.

...... Technically, it's a lot faster than it used to be. Each part heals much faster than before, but it takes as much time to integrate the damn arm as it used to.

I continued to eat - no, actually, I was too lazy to bother. This asteroid is still about ten times my size, and I continue to devour it!

Am I ready to float? Find and fight other monsters (because there must be more monsters for me)! It's more fun than just eating stones.

I removed myself from the asteroid, pushing my entire body out of its gravitational field and into the normal asteroid field.

Planets of all sizes whizzed past me, and I instinctively wrapped myself into a ball, just to better protect myself.

I realized that some of them weren't that fast, and that some of them were easily eaten by my third mouth. I hesitated, my whole body trembling with tentacles, and I opened my body.

As I did so, a small, fast asteroid chopped off one of my tentacles. It's okay, it's cool. It will regrow in a matter of seconds. An asteroid too big was approaching so fast that I could barely dodge it.

Two asteroids tore off two of my third tentacles. Mentally, I breathe deeply. Focus.

My eyes are moving, focusing, doubling their efforts. I'm very widely dispersed. Drifting in the wind, being pushed along a stream is almost too easy. Focus, focus.

I saw it approaching a little faster than I could move on my own. A small fragment, barely worthy of my attention. Two of my third-order tentacles grabbed its rugged surface and brought it to the nearest third-order mouth.

0 -> 3 - confirmed! Useful!

It's a viable way to exist!

In my excitement, I almost missed how a slightly large asteroid made me lose my second tentacle. If I can feel the pain, it can be very painful. Thanks to my many eyes, I can focus on many asteroids at the same time, and by using my many, many tentacles, I can also catch many asteroids at the same time. And eat them.

With only my third-order tentacles, I was able to bring the asteroid to my smaller third-order mouth. The slightly larger asteroid had to be brought to my secondary mouth, which usually required the use of more than two secondary tentacles and its branching tertiary tentacles. If the asteroid is large enough to be brought into my single main mouth, I sometimes have to use two or three more main tentacles.

And just like that, I started eating. Ha

3 -> 144

but it feels boring. It feels a bit like forcing yourself to focus entirely on a textbook without any comments or any extraneous thoughts. Just non-stop work, work, work.

Grab the stone and put it in your mouth. Grasp the large stone and place the stone in a larger mouth. Grab the larger stone and put it in the largest mouth.

144 -> 210

dodge slow asteroids that are too big. Ignore the little tentacle that just took my complete secondary tentacles. Eat stones.

210 -> 332

At any given moment, I eat three stones at the same time. Sometimes chewing them in half, which can lead to a small amount of buildup, but overall, I'm always eating. Always chew. Constantly move a dozen limbs at the same time with full concentration. Rock it, Cronk, Ding Dong Ding Dong rush in. Ha ha.

After 332 -> 412

had been done for a few minutes, I could already tell myself that I would get used to this very much after a while. It's a skill that feels impossible at first, like a clarinet, pressing too many buttons with fingers that feel too much, and then blowing at the same time, reading notes, and marching to the band I need to do it all while dancing and wearing a stupid hat?

In other words, if I want to get used to this, I can get used to this! Energetic!

412 -> 498

I've successfully taken the first step, which is to be able to do a lot of complex things while also really thinking. See? The whole thing is simple! In a few minutes, I'll be easily growing enough to get through it all unscathed—

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