Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 6 Where do so many star levels come from (6)

Among Jia Yan's subordinates, if we want to talk about explosive power in battle, it is Tianniulang and another one who has developed the explosive Yin and Yang Dao.

Their explosive method adopts the characteristics of the positive and negative forces of Yin and Yang Dao, that is, using the explosive power of this attribute, their usual strength can show an explosive increase of double or even several times.

As the founder of Yin and Yang Tao, Jia Yan's understanding of Yin and Yang Tao can be said to be natural. Even though many of these moves are others' unique understandings, he can still learn from them and even develop his own more powerful ones. The yin and yang path comes.

So when he and the star-level empire powerhouse were directly bombarded face-to-face, all the onlookers thought that he was definitely going to die, but they found that this half-star level existence was behind him. At the last moment, terrifying power erupted, and then this power reached the stellar level astonishingly.

The bombs from both sides clashed with each other, and suddenly the attack reached one point.

Then, both of them retreated a lot.

"How could it be, you, are actually a star-level powerhouse. Why, you are a star-level person, pretending to be a semi-star-level creature. Fortunately, I used some strength, otherwise I would have said You may be seriously injured or even killed, you are simply insidious and cunning."

The opponent thought that Jia Yan must be using tactics to show weakness to the enemy, so after his expression changed wildly, he scolded Jia Yan for being shameless and using despicable tricks.

But Jia Yan didn't care about the words of a weak person in his eyes, he just looked at his giant ape palm silently, and then nodded slightly.

The strength of this clone is very suitable for him.

He only reached the upper limit of half-star level strength, but after using his Yin-Yang Dao, he was able to explode into star-level strength. Although this would be absolutely impossible for others, Jia Yan has Yin-Yang. Dao, plus he was originally a lower-level star, not even an ordinary lower-level star, so at this moment, he was able to use such a clone to perform an amazing act of combat strength.

"Or it should be said that every strong person who has reached the lower-level of stellar strength will probably have a clone with a certain combat power. However, if you want to use the clone to burst out stellar-level strength, you must at least have galaxy-level strength. My strength is all a trick."

After Jia Yan understood all this, he gave up thinking so much and instead turned his attention to the battle in front of him.

Knowing that Jia Yan's avatar was actually a 'stellar-level' imperial creature, his eyes turned solemn at this time.

"Where does this star level come from? Do you have any information?"

In the battleships far behind, they used their huge database to start inquiries, wanting to know what this sudden creature was.

But no matter what kind of inspection they used, they couldn't find the creature in front of them. Whether it was the biochemical star field, the Orion Arm, or their empire or several star fields around the empire, there was no such person. Traces of the existence of stellar powerhouses.

"Then there is only one explanation. This star-level creature comes from a more distant place. Bastard, I know why. This should be a mercenary invited by the giant mosquito clan."

"What? Can a star-level person be hired as a mercenary? Don't such creatures just get whatever they want? We really don't understand the star-level at all."

In the group of battleships watching the battle from the rear, there were many giant apes who were interested in the battle at this time, and they thought they were creatures who knew his details.

They all believe that Jia Yan is a being from another more distant star field who was hired as a mercenary by the giant mosquito clan. Moreover, the commission for such a being is not low. It is even difficult to say that they will change their employment relationship. After all, mercenaries are A profession that relies on credibility, so their empire has never thought of persuading this enemy to leave.

"I actually know mercenaries, even such powerful mercenaries. What is the status of the Giant Mosquito clan? Recruiting a star-level mercenary is not something you can do casually."

"But it's useless to be a star. Judging from his sense of strength, he is just a star-level creature. He may not even be as powerful as an ordinary star-level creature. We don't have to be afraid. Such a star-level creature will fundamentally change Can’t control the progress of the war.”

Among the several star-level executives in the empire, every one of them felt extremely wary of this star-level 'mercenary' who suddenly appeared.

But after thinking about it carefully, they didn't have too much to worry about, because astral-level men are indeed extremely rare in the universe. It is generally not that easy to ask people to sacrifice their lives for a war. , and even if the giant mosquito clan invites this star, it will not help the war.

In other words, the empire has nothing to worry about with an extra elementary creature from a mere star. With their strength, they can easily be crushed.

But one is not enough, so what about two?

In other words, two is not enough, so what about three, four, five or even more?

None of the creatures in the empire have thought about this possibility, because it is simply impossible to happen.

Stellar-level experts are not big cabbages. How could they invite so many at once? If it were that simple, the war would be too easy. If you invite a team of stellar-level experts, wouldn't it be easy to fight the whole war? It's over.

"Hmph, it's a star level, and it's not a very powerful star level. Maybe I can deal with it by myself. Come on, let's see if you, a foreigner invited by the giant mosquito clan, have any abilities."

The imperial star-level being who fought with Jia Yan, after receiving the information behind him, just as a group of subordinates and senior officials believed that Jia Yan was just a mercenary from the outside world, then he also He has changed his style of play, that is, there is no need to fight to the death against the creature that is fighting him, because although most of the mercenaries are very trustworthy, if things cannot be done, they will leave very quickly. The place where the incident occurred.


The two sides fought again in mid-air.

Both Jia Yan and the other party took a big step back.

Then the two stellar-level creatures quickly approached each other, and then continued to fight.

"Wow, it's scary. The fluctuations in the battle between the two star-class battleships made all the battleships on our side stagger around and almost capsize."

"Of course, these are two star-level stars. With the strength of our battleships, you will only die if you go up there. And you were lucky just now. I remember that you were among the battleships that charged to the star-level powerhouse just now. This ship is so lucky that it didn't die."

"Haha, we are lucky. I hope we won't be affected by the fluctuations of the battle next... ah."

The two battleships were having a conversation, but as soon as the one they were talking to said that he was lucky, he was suddenly scattered by a wave of waves, and the entire battleship was caught in a direct explosion.

The instant explosion caused great fluctuations in the surrounding vacuum.

But this has no effect on the two stellar powerhouses in the battle.

For the Stellar class, the explosions and fluctuations of battleships are not something worth noting.

"What's going on? When this guy fights me, he always bursts out with huge power when he is about to get close. His power is almost the same as mine. Why is this happening?"

The star-level expert from the empire always felt something strange when facing Jia Yan.

To say that it is powerful, the creature opposite is indeed strong, and its moves are as if it has seen through him, and it can often use suitable combat moves when he is most uncomfortable, making his own combat skills come to nothing.

To be fair, he already knew that his fighting skills were absolutely incomparable to others.

But there is another huge doubt, that is, this creature's combat skills are very high, but its actual strength is like every blow explodes with power at the end. At other times, whether it is retreating or moving, it slowly It seems that he is just like a semi-star-level powerhouse. Even if he is fast, he cannot be much faster than a star-level powerhouse.

This made this star-level creature feel a little surprised, and even thought that there was definitely something wrong with it.

But he never expected that the creature in front of him would be the clone of an extremely powerful person.

If he knew about it, maybe this star-level creature would escape directly. After all, he can't even defeat his clone. If he fights with his real body, no matter how powerful the real body is, it will at least be better than him. A guy who can't even defeat his clones needs to be a lot stronger, right?

Fortunately, Jia Yan's true form did not appear, or in other words, he was not in this area at all.

But even if the real body is not present, the pressure this avatar brings to this star-level strong man is far greater than he imagined when he fought just now.

"Damn it, I obviously feel that he is very slow, but often when I chase and attack, he will use another kind of strength and skill that I can't even imagine, and the explosive power at the last moment to defeat me. What is this? What's going on? Is he looking down on me and hiding his strength now?"

The star-level creature of the empire found it extremely difficult to accept the battle with Jia Yan. After all, Jia Yan was still in the state of a semi-star-level strongman when he dealt with him, and it was impossible for him to really He recognized his clone throughout the whole process and reached a star-level explosive state. After all, if he could maintain it forever, it would not be called a semi-star-level clone, but should be said to be a constant-breath level clone.

"Why is this? His fighting skills have reached a level that is completely impossible for me to achieve."

Far away on the other side, the two mid-level stellar beings who were fighting the Cowherd were also dumbfounded after observing the process of the battle.

"Oh, I know who you are. Hahaha, I didn't expect that you would deign to personally send a clone to deal with the strong man in this biochemical star field..."

The Heavenly Cowherd was different. After seeing several of Jia Yan's combat skills, as well as his skills and combat abilities in dealing with the enemy's obviously not weak creatures, he knew that the creature in front of him looked nothing like a giant mosquito. It is Lord Jia Yan’s clone.

He had long known that Jia Yan had obtained a large number of clones in Taiya Kingdom, so he was not surprised at the appearance of Jia Yan's clones at this time.

It is a pity that the strength of Jia Yan's clone is still a bit weak. It is about the strength of a star-level powerhouse at the beginning, and it cannot have a decisive result in this battle.

Tian Niulang was helpless. Even though he was a stellar mid-level creature, he had no pressure to fight or even deal with most of the strong men in this battlefield. However, he was not optimistic about the outcome of Guan Yi's battle here.

But the battlefield where two strong men were fighting slowly became anxious. Although there was a slight fluctuation in the battlefield due to the appearance of Jia Yan's clone, the overwhelming strength remained unchanged, and the empire soon occupied it again. Actively, or even slowly, the Orion Arm and Biochemical Star Territory coalition forces were directly overwhelmed by the extremely stressful pressure, almost causing the coalition forces to collapse.

At this moment, all the people in the empire were extremely happy, and some people even started to celebrate the victory.

The only thing is that the clone of the giant ape in the battle is looking for Shuyuan and silently counting the seconds.

Finally, when the seconds in his countdown reached ‘0’…

"Another super-fast battleship with the identification number of the Biochemical Star Domain has arrived on our battlefield. Is it another lone rescue?"

"Haha, you still dare to come. There was a mercenary in the ship just now. Is there more coming now? I'm laughing to death. They are all here to die."

One by one, the imperial warship commanders almost burst into laughter.

They believe that if the Biochemical Star Territory Alliance has such a role or line of defense, it would be too simple. After all, there are no tactics, and the rescue team that comes up to die one by one cannot be said to have any combat power at all.

Just imagine, going up one by one and being beaten up, or coming up with a huge group of coalition forces to launch a frontal general attack against the enemy. Which of the two is more reasonable, it must be the latter.

At this time, the Orion Arm Alliance in the Biochemical Star Territory was using the first plan in an unorganized manner.

"Let me do it this time. I don't believe there is another star-level existence there."

On the empire's side, an animal that looked like a ghost suddenly stood up.

"You're trying to steal the credit again, but it doesn't matter. You happen to be close, so you're lucky."

The surrounding battleship commanders all felt a little bit envious because this guy happened to be on the route of the incoming battleship. In principle, he happened to be the one who had to deal with the incoming battleship, so this battle achievement must be his. .

No one believes that there is already a mercenary in this battlefield, and another mercenary will appear. After all, even if the giant mosquito clan has money to hire, the number will never be too many, so there are many battlefields to go to. , it would be nice to have one here.

But something they didn't expect happened.


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