Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 14 The whereabouts of Edisha Star!

However, the current situation is not the sense of threat that Jia Yan himself wants to create.

He was still in the period of uncontrollable power after being promoted. Even if there was a fierce battle, the energy had not been fully vented, so there was nothing he could do to release his power to the outside world and declare his arrival. I don't want to be so high-profile.

Well, actually, a little bit?

Bah, just follow the trend, then he can brag.

The dignified Territory Lord, why are you bragging about these weaklings who are not even worthy of the Territory Lord? I am not so naive.

"Huh? What are these people talking about?"

Suddenly, Jia Yan sensed from a distance that there seemed to be some information he wanted among the hot topics discussed by several galaxy-level powerhouses thousands of kilometers away.

He quickly suppressed the explosion of his power as much as possible, and got closer without causing them to notice.

"Hahaha, we are really lucky, we actually picked up a sub-space planet for nothing."

"No, the superiors even praised us."

"But the intelligence brain on that planet is really difficult to deal with. Although it was controlled by a domain master sent by our family, it would rather die than obey, saying that if it enters the planet again, it will destroy the planet. The preset object on the explosion exploded, so that our domain master did not dare to make a big move. He just used the power of brain waves to control it, and transported it back to the power to think of other methods... Tsk tsk, such a loyal brain, really It’s rare.”

? !

Jia Yan was in the sub-space. After hearing the news, his expression changed instantly.

A burst of anger surged from the bottom of his heart.

He understood that if his guess was correct, the group of creatures in the starry sky discussing the "subspace planet" were talking about the Edisha planet!

And that smart brain who would rather die than obey, who is it if it’s not the Edisha?

Unexpectedly, after entering the North Super Star, Edisha Star was in the outside world and finally attracted the attention of others.

That's right, even in the periphery of the North Superstar, there may be people who can come and go here, and there are as many capable people as the crucian carp crossing the river, and there are some capable people who can detect the planets deep in subspace, or they just happen to be. The existence of subspace exploration equipment is also very possible.

In other words, there is a high probability that his own Edisha star, including Edisha, has been kidnapped?

Thinking of this, Jia Yanfu's eyes flickered slightly.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, we must ask clearly about this matter.

He is no longer an upper-middle-level powerhouse who has just reached the Galaxy level when he first came to the Galaxy Central Star Territory. He has become a Territory Lord and is a combat-type Territory Lord. He is properly in the Galaxy Central Star Territory. He is a high-level existence, and there are not many strong people who can threaten his life.

So be domineering, even if you make a mistake, there won't be too many problems!


Several creatures were still chatting happily, but little did they know that they had provoked a terrifying existence hidden deep in the sub-space.

The middle-level star creature who was regarded as a junior was just about to ask more questions to the elementary-level star creature next to him, but suddenly he felt his whole body tense up.

"What a terrifying power!"

An instant later, he found that several Galaxy-level seniors who were with him, just like him, had been hit by the attack together and were unable to move. Suddenly, this star-level junior understood that they had encountered an existence that might be impossible to fight against.

Domain Lord!

These two words emerged from the bottom of his heart, followed by extremely terrifying pressure, which made him feel terrified and uneasy.

For Territory Lords, the common mentality in the galaxy is one of fear and awe. This is a supreme being recognized by the entire galaxy. Even the strongest person recorded in history claims to be Galaxy level, at most, Galaxy level. It's just a peak, it's just in name, it's one or two levels stronger than the Territory Lord.

Although there are many records and documents that show that there are many divisions of Territory Lord levels, and then there are the high-level galaxies above the Territory Lords, and the even more elusive, there is not sure whether there is a Galaxy Peak in the current Milky Way, and there are There is a gap as big as almost all the levels under the galaxy, but the Territory Lord is the Territory Lord. Without the existence of the Territory Lord, one cannot understand how terrifying the Territory Lord is.

At least the current group of galaxies and his star class are extremely insignificant existences in front of a Territory Lord, even the weakest one.

The kind that can be crushed to death easily.

"Uh, may I ask which senior Territory Lord is here?"

At this time, a mid-level galaxy creature forced himself to calm down, and asked a certain direction in the starry sky, trying to make himself less excited.

He didn't want to stand out, but he was facing a Territory Lord. As an ordinary mid-level Galaxy, he was destined to never become a Territory Lord in the future, so he had given up his sharp lifestyle long ago. He took his apprentice and others to work in a small power in Beiyustar, barely making a living. But what he never expected was that before he was waiting to enter, he was entangled by a domain lord.

For him, this was a bolt from the blue.

"Oh, you are very good at being able to see where I am."

There was a cold snort in that space.

Such a sound made the mid-level galaxy creature tremble all over, and he really wanted to slap himself in the mouth. His talent lies in detection. Even if an ordinary Territory Lord is in front of him, it may be difficult to hide him. What's more, when this person comes, he seems to be unable to suppress his power. If he can't see that the other party is there, Well, that would be a disgrace to your own talent.

But even if you see it, you still have to take care of the Territory Lord's face. How hurtful it is to say it.

The mid-level creature in the galaxy has never hated himself so much for his low emotional intelligence in his life. He quickly explained respectfully: "Senior, I am a racial creature who detects talents. Besides, senior is not trying to deceive others, otherwise I will not care. There is no way to find out the whereabouts of seniors."

What he said was a bit quick-witted, and he rounded it up. What's more, he thought that the coming Territory Lord seemed to have extremely terrifying energy and was not like an ordinary Territory Lord. If he really wanted to hide his whereabouts, he would definitely not be able to detect it.

"Even if you are eloquent, I am here to ask you something. Please tell me honestly, otherwise..."

In this space, Jia Yan has no idea of ​​taking action against these creatures in the outside world. After all, he has reached this level. In the face of the small team that he could easily kill when he was in the middle level of Galaxy in the past, There is not much feeling at all, because it is completely bullying the weak.

As a high-ranking Domain Lord, if he wasn't so angry, taking action would simply be an act of bargaining.

"I don't know what the seniors want to ask, but we will definitely tell you everything."

When several creatures heard that Jia Yan was just here to ask questions, they immediately laughed respectfully.

When a Territory Lord asked a question, they must be cooperating. If they had known it was just a question, how could they be nervous.

This kind of thing happens a lot in the starry sky. Territory Lords wander around in the starry sky simply unscrupulously. Unless there are other Territory Lords in the distance, how can they care about what ordinary creatures think? If they catch one, they can directly ask , so arrogant!

They thought that Jia Yan must have wanted to ask about directions or what was going on.

But what they never expected was that when Jia Yan's first question came out, they were stunned and broke into cold sweat.

"You just said that some sub-space planet was taken away by your forces, right? I want to know the information about this planet."

At this moment, the few talking creatures were silent for a moment.

What the Territory Lord asked would not be that simple, and there are two possibilities for the Territory Lord in the sub-space to ask this question.

One is that he has some interest in this kind of planet that can move in sub-space.

The second reason is a big problem.

This planet probably belongs to someone else. As the domain lord, he took away the planet and the intelligence on it. If he knew the details, a war would definitely break out.

Territory Lords are very face-conscious. If another Territory Lord robs something of their own, if the other Territory Lord dares not ask for an explanation, it means that this Territory Lord is too useless. After others find out, This Territory Lord will definitely laugh at him.

However, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a fight to break out between domain owners, because they always communicate with each other through dialogue.

And if that planet was owned by a Territory Lord, why didn’t the intelligence on it tell the truth in the first place? If Zhinao said it, his own forces would definitely think about the consequences of taking action, and maybe give up. After all, although such a planet is rare, it is not that difficult to create. If the domain lord wants to go further, Outside the black hole area, it would be wise to find some technological forces to create it, and it would be possible to do it.

Could it be that even Zhi Nao wants to cause trouble?

That's too bad.

At this time, they never thought that Edisha was not trying to cause trouble, but that when she watched Jia Yan enter the North Superstar, Jia Yan was still a top mid-level star in the galaxy, and he was not the kind who could do it very quickly. It didn't know how long it would take for Jia Yan to be promoted to the top of the Galaxy Intermediate Level of Territory Lord, so how could he say that his master was a Territory Lord.

Perhaps even this intelligent brain with good calculation ability has never calculated that his master will be successfully promoted in less than five years after entering Beiyustar.

"Well, senior, we discovered this planet some time ago when we arrived at the edge of the North Superstar. We then reported it to our faction. A few days later, a Territory Lord from our faction was interested in this planet. , I came here in person and took away the planet design..."


These creatures felt that the temperature of the surrounding starry sky had dropped a bit.

Jia Yan was angry, because he could imagine that the sub-space planet nearby was most likely the Edisha planet, and the opponent's domain master actually took the Edisha star away. This was a big deal for Jia Yan. That's unacceptable.

Of course, to Jia Yan, the value of the Edisha star itself is not enough to make him angry, but the Edisha on the Edisha star, this light and shadow intelligence brain, is of great value to Jia Yan. , but it has an extremely different meaning. Zhinao, who has watched him grow up to this day, is like a relative to him, so how can he not care.

For the sake of Adisa, he might not hesitate to go to war with a force.

However, the information is not enough, and I don’t know if this is really the Edisha star.

"Describe that planet and give it to me in detail, otherwise you will be killed."

Hearing the mysterious domain lord's seemingly angry response, several creatures immediately looked at each other and saw the bitterness in others.

They knew that this Lord Territory Lord probably really had a lot to do with that planet, otherwise he would not show such emotions. A Territory Lord, there is no need to act for small characters like them.

As a result, several of their big creatures, one or two, did not dare to hide it at all, telling how they and others discovered the planet hidden in subspace a few days ago, how excited they were, and what happened next. They went to contact the territory lord of a planet power near the North Superstar. The territory lord was very interested and came in person to take away the planet process.

In fact, it's not that complicated. It's precisely because the mid-level creature from the galaxy has the ability to detect, and what's more coincidental is that during those few days, Edisha avoided the nearby subspace storm and came to a comparative place. The surface area was just detected by him.

What happened after that was just as the other party described it. After the appeal was lodged, several of their creatures received awards, and then a Domain Lord came. Under the gaze of their several major creatures, the Edisha star that was sheltered from the storm, He had no ability to resist at all and was taken away by this Territory Lord.

As for the appearance of Edisa Star, they didn't need to describe it too much. Jia Yan only heard a few words and knew that it must be Edisa Star.

After all, it is able to move in subspace, it is of that size, and it happens to have a planet with a mosquito-like brain. Apart from the planet Edisa, how could there be another planet appearing here by such a coincidence.

The key is that if the owner is not present, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. Isn't this Jia Yan's Edisha star?

It's impossible to go wrong.


"Is that so..."

After Jia Yan finished listening, he saw only a few big creatures, who were submissive and did not dare to say a word.

Several of their creatures, from the gradual description, felt that the existence of this Territory Lord gradually increased his temper.

At the same time, they also understood from Jia Yan's rhetorical questions that this planet might really belong to others. As a result, they became less and less confident to describe it, and they did not even dare to say what they had done before this attack. , and also played a bit of a helping role.

If they speak out, maybe the Territory Lord will take action on them.

Of course, even if you don't say it, people will probably think of it, but it will be better if you don't say it.

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