Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 38 I want all his information!

After using the power of brain waves to push the Edisha star into the ten-dimensional space, Jia Yan thought for a while and then said something to Edisha.

"Edisha, I have something to tell you first. You can't be so excited anymore, okay?"

His voice was very solemn.

Adisha stopped flying next to Jia Yan, turned back curiously, and stared at her master strangely.

"Master, what do you want to say? Edisha is definitely not excited, because Edisha's computing power has been greatly improved."

"That's good."

Jia Yan nodded, then looked at the brain buildings where Edisha's body was located, and said slowly: "That's it, your master and I have indeed reached the level of a domain lord, and I am not an ordinary domain lord. .”

Adisha was startled for a moment, and then laughed out loud, making a happy sound.

"Hahahaha, hee hee hee, okay, the master is the domain lord, why don't you believe it? Edisha believes you."

It sounded like it was playing with a child.

Jia Yan looked at Zhi Nao speechlessly, and then sighed: "Adisha, Master, I am not lying to you. I have never lied to you, right? This time is no exception. I am really a domain master." Lord, and I was promoted in Beiyustar. At that time, I was even a 'fighting type' that was popular among Beiyustar. My strength just after promotion was comparable to that of senior domain lords, so I was able to conquer the three domain lords of Northern Morning Rain. , plus a group of outside domain lords, do you understand what I mean?"

"Huh?" Edisha's compound eyes froze for a moment, and then she turned her head in disbelief and stared at Jia Yan: "Master, Master, you...have you really been promoted to Territory Lord?"

"That's right, the real Domain Master."

"And you are also a Territory Lord who is as powerful as a senior Territory Lord?"

"Not bad, a Domain Lord whose combat power is equivalent to that of Zi Shen Domain Master!"


Editha's abnormal behavior made Jia Yan very nervous. Last time, this little light and shadow brain burned down a whole building. If it happened again, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

The small light and shadow mosquito floated in the air for a while, as if it was brewing something, and Jia Yan was nervous for a while.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Edisha jumped three feet high and shouted happily.

"Wahahahaha, wowhahahaha, Master Edisha is the domain lord! Edisha has a powerful master! Hahahaha, look at you bullying Edisha and make you chase me! My master will beat you up."

Editha jumped up and down with joy. Jia Yan was so frightened that he thought it was finally completely broken. He secretly took a look at the Zhi Nao Building behind him and found that this time the Zhi Nao Building was just running crazily with a loud sound. But there is no risk of burning.

Jia Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he had upgraded Edisha correctly this time. What happened last time was that it was burned down, but nothing happened this time.

Seeing Addisa as happy as a child and jumping up and down, Jia Yan also showed a smile.

"Adisha, don't get too excited, otherwise there will be another problem in the Brain Building."

"Ah? Why is there something wrong with the Intelligent Brain Building? Edisha doesn't know."

Editha jumped up and down, as if confused.

It no longer remembers that it burned down its brain because of the same piece of news, because that memory was erased by Jia Yan.

"..., forget it, just be happy. In short, your master and I will be a powerful Territory Lord in the future. We don't have to be so timid in the future. This time we are also going to go to the one who once hunted us down. Let’s take a look among the forces and make them pay a certain price, do you understand?”

"It turned out that I was looking for someone to cause trouble, hahaha, Edisha understands."

Edisha laughed strangely, and Jia Yan discovered that after this little guy got the new-speed smart brain hardware, his processing speed became faster, and his reaction and association abilities also became stronger.

To put it bluntly, under its original intelligence and human nature, it has become closer and closer to living things. Of course, it also has advantages among living things, and that lies in its memory and calculation capabilities.

After accepting that Jia Yan is a domain lord, Adisha's character and temper seem to have returned to their former unscrupulousness, driving an Adisha star and running rampant in the ten-dimensional space.

Of course, in this ten-dimensional subspace, there is nothing for it to show off, only endless black.

"Huh? There is a female creature of the first level of the galaxy at the door. Do you want to meet me? Does it look good?"

Within a force called the 'Influence Force', a Territory Lord existed, with faint ripples rippling around his body. He then looked at the subordinates who came to report below. He was extremely suspicious, but he knew that the visitor was a female creature. At that moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well, sir, this female creature is very beautiful."

"Okay, let her in."

A Galaxy-level female creature, this makes even a Territory Lord a little interested. The only Galaxy-level creature in the universe that can be worthy of Territory Lord-level existence, but there are very few Galaxy-level females. There are many It is rare for a Territory Lord to encounter a Galaxy-level female a few times in his life.

So given the opportunity, even if the other party didn't necessarily come here for this, he still wouldn't mind meeting this female girl.

After leading the galaxy-level creatures into the land of the dominant star, the domain lord creature's eyes froze for a moment.

It's really stunning. Although it is different from the domain lord's appearance and race, it is an insect-like creature, but from a biological point of view, it is an almost perfect race. The entire wing feathers are full of It is full of brilliance, like a dazzling and beautiful creature, the type that countless males can't help but fall in love with.

The eyes of this Domain Lord creature, which he hadn't cared about at first, lit up, and he quickly sat up straighter from his prostrate posture.

"My lady friend, I wonder why you came to my power? I think if there is anything that needs my help, I will be happy to help."

The name of this Territory Lord is "Yin", which shows that his Yin power is his one-man speech.

That's why he dared to say that he could decide whether to help or not with this female creature's request.

As for the colorful creature who came, after entering, he silently looked at the male domain lord who made bold words, with a hint of sarcasm in his mood.

This guy showed his lust from the beginning, and he was so similar to her previous lover Shan Lu. It was a pity that she would no longer fall in love with such a being.

She fell in love with a relatively cold creature, the most handsome one she had ever seen, and probably the most profound one.

This is how female creatures are. After falling in love with someone, they regard that person as the best in the world.

"I came to your force to investigate. A few years ago, one of your forces had a conflict with a strong person with sub-space talent. I wonder if you can reveal it?"

The female creature said calmly.

After the leader of the leading domain heard about the 'subspace gifted creature', his expression condensed and he showed a hint of sinister emotion.

He took a good look at the female creature and finally snorted slightly.

"Is this subspace gifted creature? Haha, before asking, I would like to ask, what is your name? It would be a bit too rude for a visitor to not even state his name."

"..., my name is Kun, you must be the Lord of the Yin Territory, there is no need to introduce this kind of introduction, I just came to ask a question."

It turns out that the visitor is Concubine Kun.

She came here to escape the information about Jia Yan, and her purpose was not to deal with Jia Yan or anything, but to find Jia Yan's 'roots', especially about his wife.

"Miss Kun? Very good, Miss Kun, I wonder what you mean by asking about that sub-space gifted creature? Since you know what happened between this sub-space gifted creature and me, you should also It's only clear that I have no sworn relationship with him. And... if you ask me about things, what can you give me in return? You have to understand that I am a domain lord, and you are a junior powerhouse in the galaxy, but it is completely Different beings, if you talk to me like this, you have already violated the rules of the strong in the universe."

The leader of the leading domain said calmly, and then scanned Concubine Kun's body up and down with his eyes, trying to see if this female insect creature had any easy targets...

For the strong men in the universe, different races are really not a big problem, because if they only stick to the same race, I am afraid that the strong men will have no partners. After all, it is very small for two strong men and women to appear in the same race. A matter of probability.

What's more, in the later stages of development, everyone's aesthetics have changed. They no longer only look at the appearance of external creatures. Although most creatures still prefer races similar to themselves, and their aesthetics also identify with existences similar to themselves. But they are very liberal in this regard. For example, the Lord of the Mountain Green Territory can like girls from all races, and he doesn't even like the females of his own race.

The Concubine Kun in front of her was a very beautiful being, both in terms of strength and appearance, so when the leader of the Territory Yin took one look at her, he felt hot all over his body.

Concubine Kun naturally understood his gaze immediately, because she had already enjoyed too many similar gazes in the starry sky. Even the original Lord of the Mountain Green Territory fell in love with her because of her appearance.

"Haha, can't I treat you with this attitude? Territory Lord Yin, or should I say, Senior Yin? You may not know who I am. If you did, you might not speak to me like this."

"Huh?" After hearing this, the leader of the leading domain suddenly narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean by saying this? Could it be are still a big influence..."

The leader of the leading domain looked away and was startled.

That's right, it's possible for such a beautiful female creature to be accepted by a powerful domain lord.

In this black hole area, he can lead the Territory Lord as strong as possible, but it is far from being rampant in all directions. At most, he can only occupy a small area at the edge of the black hole area and plead with the strong Territory Lord in the black hole area. Power, don't come to trouble yourself.

So if the other party was the wife and concubine of a powerful domain lord, then he really didn't dare to think too much about it. Even looking at the other party's body, he felt that it was very dangerous.

Although the creatures in the universe take loyalty less seriously than the people on Earth, at least when the two parties are still in a partnership, they must not touch their partner, otherwise they will form a deadly feud.

"Haha, senior Yin Territory Lord, are you afraid? Well, I won't tell you more. You can investigate my information after I leave. I believe that if you investigate, you will feel that giving me the information is The right thing to do.”

Concubine Kun said calmly.

What she was talking about was not just the concubine of the Lord of the Mountain Green Territory.

Concubine Kun dared to leave Shanlu to look for Jia Yan. First of all, she believed in Jia Yan's talent in subspace and could take her to escape after accepting her. Another point was that Concubine Kun's family was not a small family, but had It is a big family where two senior domain lords sit. Unfortunately, she is the granddaughter of two senior male and female domain lords. Although she is not the only granddaughter, the relationship is not bad. Even for the sake of face, these two senior domain lords Territory Lords will all stand up for her.

Maybe the Mountain Green Territory Lord might not think too highly of the two of them, but at least he would be concerned.

But this ordinary Territory Lord creature in front of me, oh... is probably as powerful as the original Zerg Queen. A Territory Lord of this strength is just an ordinary Territory Lord here. At least he didn't have the courage to face the anger of the three senior domain lords, so he didn't dare to show any disrespect to Concubine Kun unless he was prepared to live a life of escape and wandering.

"You are..." The leader's face changed, and he looked at the female creature in front of him. Although he was very reluctant to believe the other party's threatening words, he took a closer look at her appearance. It was so perfect, and he immediately half believed it. .

After all, a perfect creature usually has a good family behind her. Coupled with the other party's determined attitude, it shows that she is really confident. Find bookstore

Maybe even before she came to his force, she had a backup plan in place. If she couldn't get out, the backup plan she left behind would become a weapon that could destroy the force.

For the sake of a female, he would risk his own power and even lose his life. He would not do such a thing. For the Territory Lord, although the female creatures of the first level of the galaxy are rare, they are definitely not what they are looking for. If not, just go to the outside of the black hole area and find some forces that don't have a domain lord to take control of, and capture the female elementary creatures of the galaxy at will.

So he wouldn't be so stupid.

"Huh... Well, Miss Kun, I will tell you what information you want as much as possible. As long as it is not a threat to me and my power, I can answer you. But please remember, you Once you leave, I will immediately investigate your information. If I find out that you are deceiving me, the consequences will not be something you can bear..."

"I want to know all the information about this subspace gifted creature, what he looks like, and then it is best to have his video records, sound records, plus the direction of his coming and going, etc. Of course, if you are closer, I need all the information about him that I found out during the investigation, okay?!"

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