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"Even the previous attack on the entire Golden Desert and the attack on City No. 5 was all planned for this purpose! Thinking about everything they did, it turned out to be for this goal. It is simply terrifying. These are all the strategies and arrangements of Lady Daifuni. , everything was done in every detail, and it was really done, which is still unbelievable even now. "

"Let's go! Get to the large transport ship that the adults have already protected within two minutes!"

"After that, we can escape into the universe! After doing all this, we can still survive, hahaha!"

One by one, Earth City soldiers burst out with heroic laughter. Compared with their previous disapproval of Earth City as a force, although most of them still had a bad impression of Earth City, after all, many have begun to change. .

One after another, the Earth Army tanks began to gallop crazily. No matter which area they were engaged in, in the small desert area of ​​​​this space port, the furthest point was only seven or eight kilometers away. If the horsepower was increased, it would be within two minutes. It is still possible to return within 12 days.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! ! ! There were the roars of chariots running wildly everywhere. As the battle progressed, there was no large-scale resistance force at the space port, so their retreat became very smooth.

Jia Yan was suspended in the sky. He knew that there were still several battleships in the space port that had not appeared, but were lying in ambush below the ground where he could not see the clues.

But there are other possibilities, that is, the underground warships are just reserves, and their attack is too sudden. Although the soldiers in the space port are on standby, it is not that simple to launch it quickly. It appeared before It must have been possible to do this only if it had captured several battleships underground and had made the other party operate extremely quickly.

It is not impossible that the remaining battleships will be unable to fight for a while!

But Jia Yan still didn't dare to be careless at all. The reason why they were able to do such an incredible thing today did not rely on Jia Yan's strength. It is a series of strategies by Daphne. If any warship appears, the Earth Army will have to account for most of it!

Many things are done only half the time, but at this moment, it is the most difficult time to relax!

Below the Earth Army, tanks began to gather one after another at the northwest corner of the space port, where two extremely large transport ships were docked, each about two kilometers in length.

In fact, it is generally impossible for two transport ships to land on the ground. They can't even be affiliated with the Gray and Yellow Star, but they are constantly running around transporting goods in the starry sky.

Show up here today. It was Daphne who continued to initiate some connections and convinced the owner of the transport ship that there was a large amount of cargo waiting for them to accept it in the space port of City No. 5, so they landed in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, not long after stopping here, such a big thing happened in the space port, and the crew members were even more confused in the following time.

A strong man rushed into the space port and did nothing. They rushed towards the two transport ships. Before they could take precautions, they were forced to stay in place by this strong man. After that, I saw countless earths turning into chariots, rushing towards this place.

"Quick! Only five newer ones are left among the bulky tanks, and the others are lost."

After receiving orders from Daifuni, the commanders quickly arranged organizational tasks.

The Earth Army of more than 100,000 people has not yet formed an effective organization. There is no good organizational discipline, so it seems messy at the moment. Fortunately, these temporary soldiers all have some qualities of warriors, and they know that every second counts at this moment. So they all do what they can do to the best of their ability, so as not to cause too much chaos!

But small-scale chaotic scenes are still inevitable!

Some of the tanks were crowded together for unknown reasons. There was an explosion, and there were even some casualties.

The soldiers in the space port seemed to have discovered the Earth Army's plan at this moment. They jumped out one by one and launched snipers and strong attacks on the teams in the Earth City that started to show signs of retreat.

The situation on both sides seemed to have changed one by one. The Earth Army became fearful of fighting because of the possibility of survival, while the Spaceport Army on the other side. It seemed that because they were beaten like this by an unknown indigenous force, all the members became angry and angry, so the fight became much more ferocious in this mood.

Jia Yan was watching the battle below from the sky. At this time, under the earth, within an area of ​​only seven or eight kilometers in radius, the flames of war were everywhere. You must know that it was a battle between more than 100,000 people. The scene was astonishing. It is extremely terrifying!

Lights of various colors continued to bloom in the sky, explosions were heard constantly, and the casualties and screams never stopped.

The two huge transport ships with a length of two kilometers have also become the attack targets of the spaceport soldiers at this time. Anyway, if these two transport ships are not attacked, they will be snatched away by the bandits of Earth City. It is better to destroy them now. , then Earth City will have nowhere to escape!

Suddenly, the crisis strikes again!

Jia Yan did not take action himself because he did not feel that the current situation did not need to be dealt with by himself!

His combat power is not for this situation. If these Earth troops cannot even control the situation of their imminent retreat, then there is no need to continue to exist.

If it really fails, Jia Yan will find a way to let Daifuni take a small spaceship. There are many ways to survive in the universe or find the earth.

What's more, his main focus now must be on the battleship that may appear.

"Hurry up one by one. After entering the transport ship, follow the orders of the respective team commanders and enter defensive positions!"

Each chariot was either allowed to enter the transport ship, or not, and the two transport ships began to expand at an extremely fast speed.

Most of the members of the Earth Army also crowded into the transport ship. And because Daphne had already obtained the internal structure diagram of the transport ship, she had urgently assigned most of the team's defense locations before!

Although giant-class transport ships are for commercial use, they are not without any combat capabilities. After all, such a huge transport ship is of great value. If it does not have certain offensive and defensive capabilities, it is likely to become a target for star thieves.

"Teams No. 5, No. 19, No. 87, and No. 192 have not boarded the ship yet! You will take the small spaceships No. 189 and No. 79 instead."

"Groups 61, 83, and 212, you go to the small spaceships of 421 and 73."


In the communicator, temporarily adjusted communication voices were continuously transmitted. At this time, the time had exceeded two minutes, but there were some tanks and individuals. Still haven't entered the transport ship.

From then on, regardless of the danger, Daifuni, who was protected by three heaven-level experts, flew into the air and watched the situation. Her head was running wildly, looking at the situation below, and constantly making orders to change her plan!

She is now trying her best to eliminate those Earth Army teams that have not reached the transport ship and are even still fighting. Transferred to other places, those places are during the war between the Earth Army. An intact commercial spacecraft that was unexpectedly seized!

Although it can no longer be a huge two-kilometer transport ship, there is still a one-kilometer transport ship and twelve other commercial spaceships according to various regulations!

Her red eyes showed a trace of pain at this moment. Controlling such a huge situation by one person, and the chaotic control of more than 100,000 living creatures, was also a huge burden for Daphne.

But she has reached this point, everything is still under her control, and she has sacrificed so much. Her efforts are about to bear fruit now. Even if she grits her teeth, she must keep working hard!

This delicate woman seems to be blooming with extremely strong brilliance at this moment. This is her most dazzling moment!

"Okay, we'll achieve our goal soon. Just hold on, hold on!" She bit her red lips. It made my mind, which had been in a trance due to excessive use of my brain, become a little clearer.

Not long after, another series of orders came from the mouth of this beautiful-looking woman!

"Daifuni did a great job." Jia Yan was suspended higher in the air, monitoring the entire battlefield, even though the order for a large-scale retreat had been issued. But there are still some Earth Army soldiers. Perhaps because of the enemy's obstruction, or perhaps because the chariot was damaged, it was still some distance away from the two huge transport ships.

However, even this part of the team members was noticed by Daphne. She tried her best. If she was held back by the enemy, she issued an order and assigned other team members to rescue them. If the chariot was damaged, a small group would go over to greet it.

But the casualties are still increasing!

Finally, in the entire space port, more than 100,000 troops filed in one by one, entering the two huge transport ships and the commercial spaceships!

An assigned creature stood in some shooting holes of the transport ship and launched attacks at the spaceport soldiers outside. At the same time, the transport ship's defense energy was also turned on!

"Bastard! We can't let them escape! Artillery fire! What? The artillery system has been completely destroyed by the opponent's masters?! Then use the individual artillery to blast me!"

The soldiers in the space port were like a tide. Although they did not reach the scale of 100,000 people, they were still more than 10,000 people. At this time, they seemed to be furious and turned toward the two huge transport ships and the ones that also started their engines and were trying to fly. The commercial spacecraft launched an attack!

"Okay, if you can't break through the starry sky, you can enter the spaceship."

When Jia Yan saw the last spaceship on the ground occupied by the Earth Army, he also closed the hatch and released defensive energy before saying this to the five or six peak sky-level experts on the side.


A strong man from the former Golden Desert who followed Jia Yan had a look of admiration at this moment. They never expected that Earth City would actually come to this point, or that the two top officials of Earth City would initially This was the calculation. They thought the two adults were just crazy, but they didn't expect that this was just their short-sightedness. Now that the war is over, not one of them has died due to the attack on the space port. At most, they only suffered some injuries. At this time, I have to admire the two adults' tactical arrangements and combat capabilities!

These strong men also evacuated.

The battleship below that Jia Yan had been paying attention to finally did not appear.

He felt that he had demonized those battleships. After all, the unopened battleships were just motionless dead objects. Just like before, he, a being who had just reached the starry sky level, could destroy more than ten of them. It's like a living target!

Is a space battleship that cannot move or has not completed takeoff still a space battleship? ! Not at all, let alone him, if he is a strong man at the peak of heaven level. Facing a two-hundred-meter-class battleship that has not turned on its defense energy, it is possible to defeat its defense.

Of course, those warships that took off from the sky relied on their real combat power. Jia Yan himself admired himself for being able to suppress them so that they could not reach the sky and destroy them one by one. This was simply not something that ordinary powerful creatures could do!

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

There were still explosions coming from the ground. Jia Yan's compound eyes were slightly startled, and then he realized. On the ground, a team of more than ten individual soldiers was fighting against a spaceport army that was ten times more numerous than them.

This is a group of abandoned Earth City soldiers!

Jia Yan thought for a while, then looked at the spacecraft that had slowly started to take off, and finally made a decision!

boom! ! ! ! ! ——————

A terrifying shock wave erupted in mid-air, and the giant mosquito's huge body rushed down towards the ground. His figure completely transformed into azure color at this moment, after fighting several battleships before. It made him look like this, so much so that he is still glowing with blue light!

"What to do?! Ross, all the troops have taken off!"

"Roz, let's surrender! We have been abandoned by the Earth Army!"

In the fighting team, a three-meter-tall monster that looked like a leader was hiding behind a damaged tank. He was still fighting, but several of his colleagues around him had given up. Although the Earth Army was still able to assist them through the shooting holes of the transport ships, they knew that they were abandoned as soon as any spacecraft began to take off!

We can only wait to die!

"Asshole! I'm from the original Ollux team, and I'm the most reliable old subordinate of Lord Assassin. If you want to surrender, then surrender, I won't surrender!" The leader-like monster shouted at this time Roar.

The attack from the opposite side has reached an extremely terrifying level. If most of the spaceport soldiers were not wary of shooting from the transport ship, they would have been attacked by now!

However, as the transport ship slowly took off, when they reached an altitude of thirty meters, they were in a blind spot, and the assisting defense above them was completely out of consideration.

"Charge! Kill them!" A spaceport soldier let out a thundering cry.

As a regular soldier. They were really aggrieved today. They were beaten like this by a small force. Now, how could they not vent their anger with a massacre!

The soldiers charging at the front are obviously of high level. Some of them have even reached the heaven level. The ones hiding behind the car body, even Ross, are only at the peak of the earth level. At this time, he The gray electromagnetic light emitted was easily dodged by that powerful soldier!


The rest of the Earth Army members showed desperate looks.

But when they thought about using a little energy, they used the weapons in their hands to give themselves a happy moment!

boom! ! ! ————

An extremely huge figure fell from the sky!

With his arrival, a violent brainwave force began to wreak havoc on the battlefield in an instant!

The dozens of heaven-level warriors who originally rushed in front of the damaged chariot were shocked when they saw the powerful creature coming from the sky, and then it was too late to avoid it!

At that moment, the big mosquito had a long puncture on its front foot!

Puff puff puff puff! ! ! ——————

Like skewering dumplings, each space port soldier was stabbed together by the sharp and blue-lighted front feet!

One front foot, which is sixty meters long, can cover a very wide area. Two front feet are twice as lethal!

The rest of the soldiers fell to the ground one after another under the influence of the brainwave power, and those who were strong enough were also affected for a moment!

Jia Yan's feet moved wildly, as if sweeping away garbage. One by one, ordinary spaceport soldiers were swept away by the big mosquito, which was not at the same level as them!

It was just two attacks, and if converted into time, it only took about a second. The battlefield where countless soldiers had gathered was cleared of a large open space in an instant!

Without the support of battleships and artillery fire, the spaceport soldiers had no way to deal with Jia Yan for a while!

"Assassin... Master Assassin!" The three-meter-tall creature hiding behind the damaged chariot was so excited that it became incoherent after seeing the arrogant figure of the big mosquito. He knew that Lord Assassin was definitely a cold-faced existence, but this existence took action today for the sake of ordinary warriors like them!

"Hold on!" Jia Yan made a slightly gentle voice, and then used one of his front legs to hold all ten monsters to his chest!

Whirring whirring! ! ! !

The big mosquitoes started flying again.

But among the countless spaceport soldiers below, although they held various types of powerful individual weapons in their hands, none of them dared to fire!

There is no other reason. It is because the mosquitoes are too strong! A starry sky level, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and they can’t do anything!

If you provoke him randomly, the opponent will return to attack again, and no one can stand it! So they looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and no one launched an attack.

The dozen or so large and small spaceships above have slowly taken off, and those that are lighter have already reached hundreds of meters in the sky. The two transport ships, which were as huge as two cities, reached a height of about 100 meters.

These commercial spaceships have a relatively slow starting speed, but their flight is relatively reliable, and their ability to accelerate in the later stages should not be underestimated.

"Thank you, sir!"

(Thanks to the 'Tian Yu, Tian Yue' book friend for another 10,000 coin reward, Bu Yue decided to continue to thank you tomorrow!!! As for the word count, let's keep it at 8,000. Of course, I also want to thank the book friends who voted for the monthly vote and subscribed, thank you! !!!) (To be continued.)

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