Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 19 The ‘Earth-made’ spaceship takes off!

The speculation about Auro made Jia Yan feel a shadow in his heart.

However, this does not seem to have a direct impact on his current life. No matter where on earth today, no relevant information has been found about Oro, the Osto man!

However, Jia Yan did not relax his vigilance at this time. The possibility that such a terrifying scientist could still be alive on the earth at this time was definitely an extremely terrifying thing for him. Jia Yan at this time could not Maybe ignore it!

Amidst the extremely busy affairs, several powerful Earth City experts were dispatched one after another!

They conducted some inspections in some suspicious places on the earth, even in the sea.

However, when news came one after another, Jia Yan felt a little relieved and found that there was no trace of this Osto man anywhere on the earth!

"So is this guy still alive? No! He must still be alive. Such an almost monster existence cannot possibly die!"

After Jia Yan confirmed some information, he became even more fearful of this powerful scientist.

It's just that today's earth cannot change its policy because of this character who may or may not still exist. Therefore, Jia Yan can only continue to carry out the huge change process of the earth according to his own ideas while being more vigilant. !

As soon as four months have passed, the earth has undergone an incredible change!

The metal monsters that have been raging for ten years have caused a depression on the surface of the earth. In just four months, there has been a fundamental change. Not only has there been an incredible change in the lives of people on earth, but also in the emergence of those huge building complexes and the start of construction of factories covering a wide area.

These changes unfold in a geometric form.

Some humans even recorded the changes in these four months. The records clearly show that the entire earth can be seen intuitively. From the previous apocalyptic scene with no clothes on, it has suddenly grown into a state that has basically returned to normal. The era of order actually happened in just four months!

What's more, because the 'Giant Mosquito Earth Alliance' has issued regulations for normal life, people on Earth have been able to gradually resume their previous lives. In the opinion of many people, if we do not immediately comprehensively restore the previous laws and regulations, as well as the way of life ten years ago, because if the changes are too fast, then human society will not be able to withstand such a huge change and may become chaotic. Even crash!

Of course, there are precedents for these things, but these precedents do not appear here on earth, but on alien planets!

Here on earth, it seems that there is no fundamental change because of Jia Yan's worries.

Even as soon as the four month date arrives…

Boom boom boom boom…………

All over the earth, in human settlements, under the incredible gaze of all the people on earth!

The huge metal behemoths breathing flames finally began to fly on this day!

These metal monsters, from the roofs of the factories, are launched crazily into the sky through the thrust of the launchers!

This is the result of four months of hard work by the people on earth!

It is also the result of the joint efforts of the giant mosquito family and the people on earth!

There are more than three hundred aircraft of various sizes, soaring into the vast space!

For people on earth, this is an incredible miracle, and it is something they are extremely proud of, because everything that the earth shows today is the result of their efforts, and it is this generation of people on earth that has achieved greater success. The display of hope!

The re-established TV media one by one began to explain all this with tears to the few families who own TV media, as well as various factories and institutions!

This is an authentic 'Made on Earth' spaceship. Every part has been made by countless people on Earth!

Everyone’s eyes are filled with tears! After all, everyone, even some of today's senior officials, must have experienced a day of hard work a few months ago.

So they were all extremely excited.

"Look, that's the spacecraft from Factory 420 where we worked! The electron separators on it were made by the workshop where I worked! I didn't expect that they could actually be used and that they could allow such a huge spacecraft to fly into the sky! "

"What are you talking about? It's just a twenty-meter spaceship that can carry a payload of only five tons. The spacecraft that took off from our 201 factory is a fifty-meter spaceship with a payload of three tons. Ten tons, can you compare?!"

Earthlings on the ground are extremely excited about the organizations they have worked for before. You must know that those are spaceships! Things that were extremely rare on Earth before, but now each of them has participated in it and made such a terrifying batch of reusable spaceships!

"It's great. Three hundred and fifty spaceships, with the efforts of more than a thousand factories all over the earth, were finally successfully launched today!"

In the deep space of the universe, a huge dark creature looked quietly below. The light spots were like fire-breathing monsters, rising one by one into space.

The scene is like thousands of dragons soaring and countless flames. Perhaps in the eyes of other aliens, they are just extremely crude primary aircraft, but what they carry is the crystallization of the sweat and efforts of all intelligent creatures on the planet. A spirit!

There is no way to count the blood, tears and stories involved in more than 300 spaceships.

A fire-breathing spaceship reaching a height of 100 meters flew and came to the big mosquito.

This is a place about a thousand kilometers away from the surface of the earth.

Among the three hundred and fifty spaceships of various sizes, there are a total of twenty simple spaceships with a length of 100 meters, a total of 100 ones with a length of 50 meters, and the rest are small ones with a length of 20 meters.

The technology they use is extremely simple. If compared to aliens, not to mention the elite space battleship-level products, even compared to the most basic cargo-carrying spacecraft, it would be too crude!

But even so, they are already the limit of what can be achieved on earth today!

To make these spaceships, most of the rare metals on the earth are used, especially because of the metal monsters and the finished special metals made by those metal monsters. Otherwise, it would be impossible to manufacture them!

Moreover, even if the models of these spaceships cannot be compared with the existing alien spaceships, they are perfect imitations of an ancient alien 'spaceship', so in terms of performance, they are not so backward!

At least compared to previous Earth rockets, its performance is absolutely explosive!

"Sir, the remote control system has started normally, and the cargo on the spacecraft is also normal. This launch is perfect."

The Noodle Man's faint voice came from the communicator, but now there was still a hint of excitement in the voice.

"Very good, let's unite these spaceships into formation and start dividing the work."

Jia Yan looked at the 100-meter spaceship next to him. He could recognize that most of the surface of this spaceship was still the shell metal of metal monsters. After all, compared to these mining machines, the Earth City scientists he brought It is impossible for them to be as good as metal monsters in the purification of metals, and they have special skills.

Thanks to the contributions of the metal monsters, the designs of these spacecraft can be bolder and their performance has been improved.

Hearing Big Mosquito's command, the noodle man over there responded. More than three hundred spaceships first gathered around Big Mosquito, like a huge fleet waiting for inspection by the head of state!

This was the first time for Jia Yan to see such a huge flying fleet. Although he had seen more advanced space battleships before, now that he saw this primitive spaceship fleet that he had created, he finally had a smile in his heart. meaning……

He grabbed most of the potential on the earth in one breath. Although he can still continue to explore the next things, it is no longer something that can be done in a moment.

Therefore, we must maximize the use of this fleet in our hands now and make larger-scale preparations for the next eight months!

Everything is to prepare for the resistance of the coming Osto people's "exploration ship"!

When the mosquito inspection was completed, Noodle Man, who had been in a spaceship for a long time, operated all the spaceships and flew away towards the moon not far away...

"The first step will be to mine certain unique metals on the moon. At the same time, we will train local spacecraft pilots on Earth!"

"The second step is to prepare the spaceship for modification and make a series of arrangements towards the 'place' where we are prepared to deal with the enemy!"

"There is a third step, a fourth be honest, time is still too tight, too tight, too tight!"

After thinking about this, Big Mosquito still felt a sense of oppression in his heart, constantly attacking him.

On Earth, there is no way to retreat from the great joy that all factory spaceships are fully launched!

In particular, Big Mosquito opened a corner of a spacecraft as a specialized photographic equipment and a channel for high-power information transmission to deliver messages to the newly formed media on Earth, so that all spacecraft information can be completely transmitted to Earth aspect. The impact caused by the launch of this kind of spacecraft is simply an even greater improvement!

There is no one who doesn’t watch these news, especially when the pictures show the hulls of the ships that they have paid for, every person on earth has tears in their eyes. After all, they have worked hard, and now these spaceships have taken off normally, and none of them have When something goes wrong, this kind of pride cannot be understood by anyone who has not experienced it personally!

Before the people on earth could recover from these joys, another even more shocking news about these spacecraft appeared!

The Giant Mosquito Earth Alliance actually posted a notice to recruit future spaceship pilots! ?

This is simply a huge surprise!

The people on earth boast that their knowledge and quality are far inferior to those of the giant mosquito aliens. They also think that the construction of so many spaceships, even if the giant mosquito clan is short of manpower, must have allowed those with high intelligence to carry out the work. Flight operations. But they never expected that these spaceships would actually be open to recruitment for people on earth, and they would have to select pilots!

Everyone on Earth couldn't believe it, but instinctively, they swarmed towards the registration point. You know, that was the pilot of the spaceship!

It is foreseeable that with the help of the giant mosquito clan, the earth will successfully enter space in the future, this mysterious and vast land full of temptations. Therefore, not only that everyone on earth is full of yearning for that mysterious place, but for the sake of the future, everyone will definitely want to become a driver!

Of course, what they don't know is that it's not that Big Mosquito doesn't want to use the intelligent brain to replace humans to drive the spacecraft, but there are too many uncertainties in the intelligent brain.

These are things that aliens have verified through their bloody past. Jia Yan has also wondered before about the intelligence of alien brains. It is really incredibly powerful, but it is rare to see the intelligence controlling battleships or even warships. As for the commercial spaceships, after getting to know them, I realized that there were so many so-called 'incidents' that had happened before, which finally caused the spacecraft operated by the brain to disappear, as well as some unique industries.

Naturally, Jia Yan would not allow such hidden dangers to arise, not to mention the development of intelligence brains, which his own scientists could not master, so he still chose to select drivers among the people on earth, and there would even be a battle in the future. Of course, the spacecraft pilot's plan can only be carried out after the time is right.

"I want to sign up! How can it be possible for people on Earth to fly into the universe without me as a witness at such a historical moment?"

"Nonsense, it must be me as a driver! You must know that in the previous factory test, I was first in the group!"

"When it comes to grades, who of you can compare with me? I was a top student ten years ago, number one in the province." This was a male who spoke, but his speech was unanimously despised by everyone. Everyone knew that, The knowledge we had ten years ago is completely different from the knowledge we have in factories today!

In addition to the enthusiastic registration of ordinary people, some unique people also had ideas that were ready to take action at this time.

"Prince, as the prince of the Big E royal family, you cannot put yourself in danger. God knows if those pilots will be safe. Besides, the giant mosquito family will have to fight the so-called 'aliens' in the future. , if you participate in it, it will definitely be extremely dangerous."

In a relatively prosperous residence on Earth today, a stout middle-aged man pleaded with another young man who seemed to be in his twenties.

Although the young man was only in his twenties and should not have received an education in an era when metal monsters were raging, his appearance was gentle and elegant, and he seemed to have received an excellent education.

"There is no need to persuade me. I have made up my mind. I have even learned most of the Chinese language. This is an important breakthrough for our royal family to establish a good relationship with the giant mosquito clan. Besides, I am still so young. Do you want me to become A member of the royal family who has only a false name and no role, just waiting to die? No! Even if I die, I will become a spaceship pilot! This is an important opportunity to bloom the brilliance of our royal family!"

Speaking of this, this member of the royal family drank up the red wine in his hand!

You know, this was an era when the metal monsters had just finished raging. He was actually able to drink red wine, which shows that his life experience was extraordinary.

In other places, the news about the 'spaceship pilot' is spreading like a plague.

At the headquarters of the Giant Mosquito Earth Alliance, the heads of countries are extremely excited at this time!

They know that the final strategy of each country may lie in this!

You know, the resources of the earth, after some manipulation by the giant mosquitoes, are definitely a lot less than before. The reason why people on earth can live so well now is because of the advanced technology of the giant mosquito family, which has cultivated many kinds of excellent species. food etc.

But the future of the earth is definitely in the universe!

How could any country miss this opportunity?

"The Giant Mosquito Clan does not accept informal appointments, nor does it accept any preferential treatment! Quick! Inform the country and gather all educated young people. Although there is no academic qualification restriction for registration, having quality is always an advantage. It is not yet Knowing the specific requirements, if we can do our best to get the most seats in the driver's seat, it is not impossible for our country to revitalize and even shine brighter than before!"

"China has made big moves, and we must hurry up! We must know that it is the universe, with infinite space and unlimited resources, all waiting for our arrival. We must not be slow!"

Perhaps Jia Yan himself did not think of it. Regarding the announcement of recruiting spaceship pilots, please find Shuyuan www. actually caused such a big stir.

In fact, it's because his perspective is too high. If he can change his mentality back to his previous role as an earthling, he will know the benefits and future prospects contained in it.

But of course the more the recruitment fights, the better. Jia Yan is only worried about not having enough qualified Earth pilots, not that there will not be enough spaceships!

Because you have to know that he controls the resources and platform of an entire galaxy!

This kind of thing often has the hardest start at the beginning. It has integrated all the intelligent creatures on the entire earth, and built a primitive spaceship fleet at an extremely terrifying speed. It has such terrifying potential. How can Maybe it won’t develop in a big way in the future? !

We need technology and technology, and we need population and population. The future development will definitely be an earth-shattering leap forward!

Under the leadership of Big Mosquito, the people of Earth finally walked out of the starry sky! ! ! !

However, some of these applicants may not be what the big mosquitoes want to see.

Not only those who have criminal records, but also two people who are not so popular with him are also among the registrations this time!

"Haha, senior addict, I have already signed up, and the testing instrument actually reacted to my power. There was a red alarm, but I haven't used half of my power yet."

"Oh? It seems that you still have a chance. I will try it tomorrow too. I hope they will not impose age restrictions. However, are there any benefits for us to become drivers? Just to be in this giant mosquito's system Are you here to work for him? You must know that he is not that friendly to us, and if he is discovered, it will be extremely dangerous."

In a dark place, two sneaky figures had a meeting!

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