Reborn as Kobe

Chapter 131: Mars hit the earth

This shutdown has caused incalculable damage to the alliance, and the impact is far-reaching.

In fact, the main reason for the suspension is economic benefits. Before this lockout, there had been three threats of lockout in NBA history, but in the end it did not cause substantial results.

The NBA first faced a lockout problem in 1964. The threat of the lockout forced labor and management to renegotiate. The NBA officially recognized the status of the players' union, and the players secured their benefits.

The NBA completed its merger with the ABA in 1976, when the NBA stipulated that players who did not graduate from college could not enter the NBA. On the one hand, the players union called on the players to march and demonstrate, on the other hand, they took the NBA to court. Later, the labor and management reached an agreement to cancel the ban without delaying the game.

Because the management could not bear the players' open mouth to the salary lions, in 1994 labor negotiations required the adoption of a rigid salary cap and restrictions on rookie contracts. After the 1994-1995 season, the NBA announced the closure of the stadium. The labor and management reached a new labor-management agreement after another verbal battle. Both sides took a step back. The hard salary cap was not adopted and the player contract was restricted. This time was the closest to a suspension, but it was resolved.

The cause of such a catastrophic consequence this time was unexpected by both employers and employees. There are many reasons, but the most fundamental thing is that monetary benefits have forced both sides of the game into a dilemma.

President Stern called the lockout "the end of the world", and Jordan's retirement, the damage to the league is really too great. In order to attract the attention of the audience, Stern thought of Kobe's new trump card, so the first game of the season, the Lakers, under the instruction of the president, was against the newly emerging Youth Army Rockets.

On February 5, 1999, the first game of the new season, the Lakers ushered in a challenge from the Rockets at home.

ESPN TV is responsible for the national broadcast of this game. Due to the previous financial turmoil, Kobe took the opportunity to acquire a lot of shares in cable TV stations, including ESPN. He wants to set up a good game in North America before Murdoch. Doc, Kobe never overestimates his bottom line.

This time the commentary is partnered by Kenny Smith and Magic Johnson. As for the Lakers's Chick Hearn, the old man has completely retired from illness.

The league's salary cap this season is 30 million U.S. dollars. The total salary of the Lakers has just exceeded the salary cap by less than one million U.S. dollars after losing Van Exel, Rick Fox, Campbell, Eddie Jones and other players. However, when the contract of Kobe and others expire next year, if the Lakers want to keep Kobe and remain competitive, they will definitely far exceed the salary stipulated by the league, and punishment is inevitable.

A team like the Lakers can make a profit no matter how much luxury tax is paid, so Old Buss doesn't care.

The Jazz and Spurs are so miserable that no star is willing to join. The veteran is getting late and dare not sign for high salary, so they can only train their own stars and take the route of saving money.

The Rockets will also face problems for the Lakers next year. Many players have expired. Kobe will inevitably spend a lot of money to keep people. Fortunately, Kobe has money and the Rockets’ new arena is about to be completed. As long as the Rockets’ performance can be stabilized. , There will be no loss.

Before the game started, experts commented that it was 50-50, and even many people were not optimistic about the Lakers because they had gone too many veterans.

Before the start of the opener, Nelson stood in the middle of the locker room and said loudly: "Before the game, I want to tell you two very important things. You must listen carefully."

Everyone looked at the old man and began to listen carefully.

"First, Coach Thibodeau has already talked to everyone about the Rockets’ weaknesses and defensive strategies. You must try to keep an eye on the opposing players, but anything can happen on the court. The Rockets’ lineup changes greatly, so mistakes are made. Don't be discouraged, the season is still very long after all, as long as you work hard."

Old Nelson's words are mainly to decompress the newcomers. In fact, he does not care about winning or losing in the first game of the regular season. He doesn't care about winning or losing. The important thing is to find out some details of the opponent.

"Second, everyone should cooperate more. You don't need to play fast. The Rockets are also a team with a similar style to ours. They are not afraid of fast break. Here I emphasize that winning or losing in this game is not important. It is you. We must show our own characteristics, and at the same time we must see our deficiencies in the game and strive to correct them.

Old Nelson's words let the players relax. After all, being the defending champion is a burden in itself.

Before the start of the game, the Lakers awarded the championship ring at home, which made the Lakers rookie and the Rockets next to them very envious. Of course, except for Joan Barry, who just traded to the Rockets, the players who left the Lakers last season will get the ring against the Lakers.

During the warm-up, Duncan and others who trained together in the summer came over to greet Kobe, Ray Allen and others. Although the two sides were very friendly, they competed with each other.

Players from both sides formally gathered on the field, and O'Neal and Duncan started to jump the ball.

The visiting Rockets start: Nash, Duncan, O'Neal, Carter, Pierce.

If there is a rebirth in this lineup, it will definitely be scared, and only the reconstructed Rockets can form such a terrifying lineup under a series of actions by Kobe.

The home team Humen starts: O'Neal, Kobe, Barkley, Ray Allen, Dirk Nowitzki.

As far as the star taste is concerned, the Lakers must have the advantage. After all, Carter and Pierce are still rookies at the moment, and they are not in the top three in the pick. The Lakers are already famous except Nowitzki. Although Ray Allen is the first two The season data is mediocre, and that's also because the Bucks coach failed to put him in the right place.

O'Neal, who was seriously overweight, undoubtedly lost the jump ball to Duncan threw the ball to Nash, and Nash dribbled the ball for a fast break. Before the three-point line, he passed the ball straight to it. Pierce, Pierce was successfully interfered by Nowitzki who was following up, and he forced a layup and missed. Barkley grabbed the rebound and handed it to Kobe.

Because of the existence of O'Neal and Barkley, Kobe did not blindly play fast. Duncan and O'Neal fought against O'Neal and Barkley in the interior. Kobe faced Carter's defense and passed the ball to Ray Allen. Ray Allengan took a three-pointer. The ball also popped out under Nash's desperate interference, and the rebound was lost. Duncan grabbed it, and he immediately passed it to Nash to launch a fast break.

Nash took the ball to the frontcourt and faced Kobe, who was still not in a good position, and made a long shot from beyond the three-point line.

Nash's play made Kobe react half a beat slower, only a slight interference, the ball flew into the basket neatly. 3: 0.

Kobe glanced at Nash approvingly, his change was too great. Although Nash's defense is relatively soft due to natural physical problems, the card position technique that has just defended Ray Allen is really beautiful, which shows that with the help of Rocket Lab, Nash has learned to use defensive skills to cover up his own shortcomings, especially It was just a rush shot, very demeanor of the future warrior Curry. In fact, Nash's shooting is very accurate. Although it is not as perverted as Kobe and the pupils in the future, it is not bad for a pitcher like Ray Allen. It is just that the original time and space are limited by physical reasons, and the selflessness is a bit too much, so it can't be. Make greater achievements.

The reason why Jordan and Kobe can be remembered by history is that they both have a "selfish" heart. This kind of character can make them persevere in the face of any difficult situation. Therefore, the legendary superstar of the league, except Bill Russell, is no one. Not "selfish".

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