Reborn As The Billionaire National Husband, The Boss Of Populus Euphratica!

Chapter 16 The Father Of The Internet (6, Please Vote For Flowers)

The next morning, Wang Cong appeared in front of Sohu's headquarters.

With the brand name of the Crown Prince of Yuanda Group, although Zhang Chaoyang did not know Wang Jianlin, he did not turn Wang Cong away when people came to visit him.


The most important reason is that Zhang Chaoyang is very curious about why Wang Cong, a young man, came to his door.

Speaking of Zhang Chaoyang.

Many young people actually don't understand.

The public's impression of him is probably that famous picture.

At a certain meeting, Ma Huateng and Ma Xiaoyun were either listening carefully or taking notes carefully.

Only Zhang Chaoyang was dozing there with his eyes closed.

someone said.

This photo of the founder of the company heralds the fate of three Internet companies.

Although the subsequent development of the three companies is indeed a bit fatalistic, in Wang Cong's view, Zhang Chaoyang is actually more legendary than Ma Huateng and Ma Xiaoyun.

Zhang Chaoyang's parents were both veteran college students in the 1950s and 1960s. His father was the vice president of a hospital and his mother was a pediatrician. Therefore, the conditions at home were very favorable for him since he was a child.

Unlike many young people today, Zhang Chaoyang’s idol when he was a child was not a celebrity, but a scientist. He especially liked Cao Nanwei, who entered the Institute of High Energy Physics of the National Academy of Sciences through self-taught work, so he set a goal for himself in the bottom of his heart. Do physics.

In order to realize his physics dream, Zhang Chaoyang studied very hard and was not idle after school. He often took pliers or wire and knocked on this and that.

Hard work paid off, and when he was seventeen, he was admitted to the Department of Physics of Qinghua University.

After graduating from college, he ranked 39th in the country and received the Lee Tsung-Dao Scholarship to study in the United States, where he studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In the United States, Zhang Chaoyang's life was very exciting. He danced Zhang's dance, formed a band to be Elvis Presley, and even imitated Bruce Willis for a period of time in a commercial shoot.

Miraculously, even though he spent a lot of time having fun, his physics homework never fell behind.

At the end of 1993, Zhang Chaoyang obtained a PhD in physics from MIT and engaged in postdoctoral research.

If he hadn't encountered the Internet later, he might still be active in the physics academic community.

Wang Cong once specifically studied Zhang Chaoyang’s entrepreneurial history.

In his opinion, if Zhang Chaoyang had not had this experience of studying abroad, he might not have been able to succeed in starting a business.

the reason is simple.

Because only by going out can you see what the world is really like.

Your vision and structure will never improve if you stay at home.

Of course.

Starting a business is not easy, especially on the Internet, which requires a lot of money.

In order to find angel round financing, Zhang Chaoyang traveled between the two countries.

However, at that time, venture capitalists in the United States did not believe in Yanhuang entrepreneurs at all. He traveled around New York and Boston, and was kicked out of the office by investors several times.

After continuous efforts, he finally won the recognition of Professor Negroponte, director of the MIT Media Laboratory, and Professor Edward Robert of the Sloan School of Business, and received the first venture capital investment in his life.

After the investment was received, Zhang Chaoyang began to think about whether to be a technology provider or an information provider. He even considered whether to make firewall software or do web design for local companies, but in the end he decided to make a company like Yahoo An equally powerful website should "make the Internet an indispensable part of people's lives."

With the help of the Internet, Zhang Chaoyang achieved success. In 1998, his company's advertising revenue had reached 600,000 US dollars.

Moreover, the company was renamed Sohu.

After finding a profit model, Sohu is developing rapidly and making rapid progress.

For a time, Zhang Chaoyang's name was very popular in the sky of the domestic Internet. He became the spokesperson, leader, and even mentor of the Internet.

That year, the American "Times" magazine named him one of the fifty global digital heroes in its annual Person of the Year selection.

At that time, Ma Xiaoyun had just experienced his second failed entrepreneurial venture. Ma Huateng was inspired to found Penguin Company after listening to Zhang Chaoyang's speech. Li Yanhong was still typing code in a small corner of Silicon Valley, and Liu Qiangdong was Founded in Zhongguancun.

In the following years, Zhang Chaoyang became extremely prosperous and even became the richest man.

After surviving the difficult entrepreneurial period, Zhang Chaoyang gained the fame, status and wealth that a successful man should have, and his intestines began to grow.

From that time on, Zhang Chaoyang, who used to frequently appear in news business pages, began to appear frequently in various entertainment reports.

Singers, new film and television stars, young girls born in the 1990s, etc. are all associated with his name.

Zhang Chaoyang transformed the life of a forty-year-old into the life of a rich second-generation son at the age of twenty. This is something that many people dare to think about but dare not do. It turns out that if you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

Just when Zhang Chaoyang let himself go on the road of love, life was not so easy for several Internet tycoons who would surpass him in the future. At that time, Ma Xiaoyun was still looking for a way to start a business, and Ma Huateng once wanted to sell Penguin at a low price. Zhang Chaoyang was rejected.

But no one expected that the Internet era was changing rapidly. Zhang Chaoyang, who was in this big wave, enjoyed life too early and failed to plan the content of the second half of the Internet. Sohu missed several major trends such as e-commerce, search, and social networking. Companies such as Baidu, Penguin and Alibaba responded to the trend, while Sohu, the Internet leader, was only a bystander, and even began to falter in this big wave and gradually slowed down.

Just this year.

Baidu established the Pearl R&D Center, and Alibaba launched Taobao.

Sohu has set its sights entirely on the Olympic Games. They plan to become the number one portal website through the most authoritative, fast, comprehensive and professional coverage of the Yanjing Olympic Games!

Wang Cong knew that Sohu had succeeded.

They have won the highest user preference rate and the highest user satisfaction rate in the portal.


In the following years, Zhang Chaoyang did not realize that smartphones had become a popular trend.

His focus is still on how to develop computer clients, and he has not made decent mobile news APPs, social APPs and other products in time.

What’s more interesting is that many of his old employees made a lot of big moves after leaving Sohu. For example, Gu Yongqiang founded Youku after leaving Sohu, Gong Yu founded iQiyi, and Li Shan founded , Chen Zhouzhou founded Renren, and Huang Jixin founded Zhihu.

So much so that people later called Sohu the Huangpu Military Academy of the Yanhuang Internet.

This is Zhang Chaoyang.

And now.

Wang Cong sat opposite him, looked at the 44-year-old Zhang Chaoyang and said: "Director Zhang, how long do you think Sohu can survive?"

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

this moment.

Zhang Chaoyang thought the rich second generation in front of him was crazy!

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