Reborn As The Billionaire National Husband, The Boss Of Populus Euphratica!

Chapter 259: The Hidden Intention Of \"One Man's Martial Arts\"

Looking at the two women brought by director Chen Desen, Wang Cong's eyes lit up and he politely extended his hand.

Especially when looking at Bai Xiaobing on the right, Wang Cong couldn't help but take a few more glances, showing an astonished look.

He hadn't seen such an otherworldly temperament for a long time, maybe the last one had a similar temperament.

Still the fairy Liu Yifei, she really has the kind of feeling that she can't eat the fireworks of the world and can only watch from a distance but not play with them.

Then several people took their seats again, and Chen Desen seemed to see the meaning in Wang Cong's eyes towards Bai Xiaobing.

So when I sat down, I asked Bai Xiaobing to sit next to Wang Cong and changed the position slightly, which was very discerning.

Director Chen Desen handed the script of "One Man's Martial Arts" to Wang Cong again.

"Chairman Wang, this is the script of my movie. The content of this movie is in this script.

Basically, they are all there. Chairman, please take a look and see if there are any problems or areas that need improvement.

Wang Cong nodded, and then turned to this martial arts movie again.

To be honest, the genre of martial arts movies is not that niche in China, and it has a relatively large market.

This theme really became well-known only around the 1970s.

The Kung Fu craze brought by Li Xiao 07 Dragon has made Chinese Kung Fu have a great influence all over the world.

Before Li Xiaolong, there was another benchmark figure in martial arts and kung fu films that must be mentioned, and that was Huang Feihong.

From the late 1940s to the mid-1950s, there was a wave of kung fu movies after Hong Kong filmmakers filmed "Once Upon a Time", which had strong Chinese national characteristics and emphasized practical martial arts.

The concept of kung fu movies began to take shape in people's minds. Wong Fei-hung, played by Kwan Tak-hing, has also become an enduring classic figure in the history of Kung Fu movies.

Because of people's love for this series, a total of 77 "Once Upon a Time" starring Guan Dexing were produced. This was also the unique existence of Chinese Kung Fu movies in that era.

Since then, the subject of Kung Fu movies has experienced vigorous development, and many excellent works have emerged.

But it is not as good as the tightening of policies and the lack of kung fu actors since the new century.

There have been fewer and fewer film and television dramas on this subject, especially in the past five or six years.

You can count the number of movies with this theme on the palm of your hand.

So this is why Wang Cong was very excited when he saw this movie "One Man's Martial Arts".

After looking at it carefully for a while, Wang Cong raised his head and spoke.

"Director Chen, I really like the script of your film, and I think you have injected some different elements into this martial arts and kung fu film."

"Especially regarding the background of this film and some of the spiritual content it conveys, I think it is very innovative. This kind of subject matter really makes my eyes shine." 1

When Chen Desen heard Wang Cong's praise for his movie, a smile appeared on his face.

He can be considered an old director, but he has not directed many films.

In other words, he has achieved very few results and has little influence in this circle.

And before the script of "One Man's Martial Arts" came out, Chen Desen was worried about whether anyone would be willing to invest.

After all, the genre of martial arts and kung fu movies is no longer popular, and this is also his first time directing this genre.

Confidence is not that strong, so after spending some time to come up with the script.

He tried to send the script of "One Man's Martial Arts" to some investors he had worked with before.

But I soon received a rejection reply. Although it was disappointing, it was also reasonable.

After all, those investors also want to make money, and they are unlikely to lose their money in one.

At present, there is no splash theme. This is no different from giving away money. It can be said to be a gamble with greater risks.

Later, Chen Desen still refused to give up, which means that he really put a lot of effort into this script.

I also checked a lot of information and even went to certain places to look for inspiration.

So he tried again and voted for Yuanda Film and Television. Although Yuanda Film and Television is now the leading film and television company in China,

A very popular existence, basically on an equal footing with those film and television companies that have been established for a long time.

Because of the two cooperation with CCTV, the popularity is even higher.

It is still relatively difficult to get a script that Yuanda Film and Television likes, but Chen Desen still has to try his luck.

After not receiving a reply for a week, Chen Desen was a little disappointed, thinking that his script had not been selected.

Unexpectedly, after another week, I received a reply, and Wang Cong agreed to come to see him.

This really made Chen Desen feel very surprised and surprised, so he was naturally very fond of this meeting.

We brought the actors who played the two female characters in this movie.

After hearing what Wang Cong said, Chen Desen thought for a moment and then spoke.

"This film is not an ordinary kung fu movie, nor is it a very traditional Hong Kong-style police film.

I cleverly placed the background of the film in today's Hong Kong Island to explore the spirit of martial arts practitioners through the lives of modern people.

Although the main axis of the film fails to break the traditional narrative style, it also fails to break the traditional narrative style in terms of story logic and characterization.

There are also some unsatisfactory things, but I think this is putting on new clothes and full of sincerity.

"One Man's Martial Arts" is based on a theme, a story, and limited scenes.

At the same time, it will also bring a refreshing feeling to the audience, and it can be called a relatively mature work. "

I think the biggest highlight of this movie is the fierce battle at the end - the stretchy bamboo pole episode.

The climax of the 500 film is on a busy night-lit highway, with semi-trailers and cars whizzing by. "

After Chen Desen finished speaking, he took a sip of water. Apparently he was quite satisfied with the idea of ​​his script.

When Wang Cong heard Chen Desen's answer, he nodded in approval.

"Director Chen, what surprises me even more is that the sheep's head that sells "martial arts" in "One Man's Martial Arts" is actually dog ​​meat that sells "forbidden martial arts."

(Kung Fu is the Killing Skill), just from its conception, it is way ahead of those silly action movies.

Moreover, the plot is complete, the rhythm is tight, and the emotional scenes are on point without any delay.

He was not distracted by any overblown political intentions, nor was his appetite spoiled by the lyrical drama of his mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

At the end, there is also a road battle that pays tribute to the fighting spirit of Hong Kong Kung Fu movies, which makes people's adrenaline levels soar. "

In the end, Feng Yuxiu and Xia Houwu rolled, entangled, sprinted, and attacked each other in the high-speed container truck, from the roof to the bottom of the truck.

Then to the tiny gap between the two cars, this kind of life-threatening excitement made of flesh and blood.

Even in today's world where Hollywood uses special effects to create visual spectacles.

It may be lagging behind and rigid, but the sensory experience it brings and the degree of admiration it brings to the audience are actually not that far behind. "

Chen Desen felt happy after hearing Wang Cong's evaluation of his movie "One Man's Martial Arts".

He didn't expect Wang Cong to have such a high understanding of his script, and he couldn't help but admire it!

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