Reborn As The Billionaire National Husband, The Boss Of Populus Euphratica!

Chapter 50: Sequoia Capital Enters The Game, The First Pot Of Gold! (5, Please Vote For Flower Evalu

Jian Hongcheng was dumbfounded!

He really didn't expect that this young man would be so arrogant.

One billion yuan, 10% of the shares.

In other words, he believes that the current valuation of the entire Sohu Weibo is more than one billion US dollars.

more importantly.

What Wang Cong is talking about is the first round of financing.

To know.

Any listed company must go through several rounds of financing before going public.

in other words.

If the first round of financing is so exaggerated, doesn’t it mean that the valuation will be higher in subsequent rounds of financing?

Jian Hongcheng looked at Wang Cong and was silent for a long time.

After a while, he suddenly laughed: "Mr. Wang, you have a big appetite!"

Jian Hongcheng is not a fool after all.

To be able to become a senior partner of Sequoia Capital Asia, he is naturally outstanding.

not to mention.

Wang Cong has made it very clear.

He has no intention of selling his shares at all.

Sohu Weibo only accepts financing and listing.


The share given is still low.

The first round of financing was as high as 1 billion yuan, more than 100 million US dollars.

That is to say.

Now Wang Cong’s valuation of Sohu Weibo has exceeded one billion US dollars.

This guy has a really big appetite!

After hearing Jian Hongcheng's words, Wang Cong shrugged and said calmly: "Mr. Jian, you have to understand that it's not that I have a big appetite, but that Sohu Weibo is worthy of your investment. Believe me, after a while, you will feel that I The estimate given was too conservative.”

He definitely meant it from his heart.

If Wang Cong remembers correctly, when Sina Weibo was first listed, its valuation was US$8 billion.

Converted into RMB, it is nearly 70 billion.

Even if Weibo's eventual listing in the United States has only modest results, its market value will still exceed US$5 billion.

This is Wang Cong’s real confidence.

Of course.

Wang Cong also deliberately cheated Sequoia Capital.

He himself does not intend to hold Weibo shares forever.

After all, although the market value is worth several billion dollars, since it is going to be listed, the shares will definitely be diluted by continuous financing, and in the end, only about 20% will be left.

In that case, even if the market value is 10 billion, it is not much money.

For Wang Cong, this is just a springboard.

Looking at the confident Wang Cong, Jian Hongcheng didn't speak for a long time.

He really hesitated.

After all, the price offered by Wang Cong is very different from what Sequoia Capital had previously estimated.

But to be fair, as Wang Cong said, it is shocking that Sohu Weibo, which has only been online for a month, can have 100 million users.

To know.

In the world of the Internet, users mean everything.

to be honest.

As long as you have enough users, no matter whether the website is losing money or making money, people will invest in you like crazy.

Like now.

No one knows better than Jian Hongcheng how attractive Sohu Weibo is in the investment circle.

It is estimated that many managers of venture capital companies are already inquiring about Wang Cong and are preparing to meet and chat with him.

If he really gave up this opportunity, maybe Wang Cong would meet with investors from Goldman Sachs or even JPMorgan Chase tomorrow.

Think of this.

Jian Hongcheng said slowly: "Mr. Wang, I don't have the power to make the decision on this matter. Can you give me three days?"


Unexpectedly, Wang Cong smiled, nodded and agreed: "No problem."

He didn't take it to heart at all.

Whether it is Sequoia Capital or other venture capital funds that come to us today, the answer is the same.

In Wang Cong's view, he is now like a fisherman waiting for a price.

Jiang Taigong is fishing, and those who wish will take the bait.

No matter who it is, he doesn't mind cooperating with them as long as they are willing to pay.

Let Weibo be listed within a year, this is Wang Cong's idea.


He is already considering that if he can sell his shares for 2 billion US dollars, he will abandon Weibo without hesitation.

After all, if he really had two billion US dollars, he would have obtained the first pot of gold and could create more wealth.

But let's be honest.

Wang Cong could tell that Jian Hongcheng was actually very excited about his proposal.

After all, for Sequoia Capital, if it can really promote the eventual listing of Sohu Weibo, the benefits will definitely be high.

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