Late at night, in the emergency room of the People's Hospital.

Several health care workers are resuscitating a dying cancer patient.

"Director, the patient's blood pressure and heart rate are dropping rapidly!" "

Immediately prepare a defibrillator and give the patient a cardiotonic dose."


looked at several nurses scrambling.

Lin Jue lay on the cold hospital bed, his body gradually lost consciousness, but his consciousness became extremely awake.

Three years ago, a routine physical examination at work found out that he had early-stage lung cancer.

The doctor said that fortunately, it was detected early, as long as the surgical resection and adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the condition can be easily controlled.

But he refused treatment, insisted on returning to work, and continued to work as a chef in a hotel.

The cook's job required prolonged inhalation of harmful fumes, and during these three years, his condition deteriorated rapidly, and cancer cells spread from his lungs to his brain.

The pain in his body made him take painkillers every day to stay awake.

After quitting his job, he spent his days in a small rental house, counting down the date of his death.

Waiting for the day he dies, to be reunited with his wife and children....


patient's mouth is moving, as if he wants to speak?" A

nurse lay next to Lin Jue's mouth and heard a sound like a gossamer coming from his throat.

"After I die, please take my ashes... Buried with my wife and children..." Lin

Jue finished speaking, completely closing his eyes.

His soul gradually floated into a dark space.

In front of you is a memory scene like a film movie.

From his fall to the ground in a remote mountain village in the south of his motherland, to his nineteen-year-old job in the county town and meeting ginger porcelain, who was working as a tailor in a garment factory at the time.

The spirited boy Lang soon won the favor of the girl.

Jiang Porcelain's naturally beautiful appearance and gentle Gu family's personality also made Lin Jue's heart moved.

They have known each other for less than a month, and despite the opposition of their families, they quickly flash marriage.

Shortly after marriage, Ginger porcelain became pregnant.

In order to make more money to support his family, Lin Jue gave up the job of unloading steel in the steel factory, borrowed money from relatives and friends around him, and scraped together 30,000 yuan

! Rented a store in the county town, bought five computers, and opened the first Internet café in the Chinese town at that time!

Lin Jue has a junior high school education, knows a few words, and usually likes to buy some newspapers to read.

I know that in some big cities at that time, Internet cafes were very popular.

The first person to seize the opportunity of the times, that is, the pig on the vent


Lin Jue began to toss with good expectations, in order to cater to the consumer groups in the county, the Internet fee dropped again and again, and finally dropped to ten yuan an hour.

But even so, there are only seven or eight guests a day, most of whom do not understand computer operation, and some even just come in to have hot tea and watch a lively one.

The source of customers is sparse and it is impossible to make ends meet.

After three months of struggle, his first venture went bankrupt.

After selling the equipment cheaply, there was still some money left, and the friends around him said that they would pool money together to start a business and rent a fish pond in the village to raise fish.

A few people pooled tens of thousands and handed them over to a trusted person in charge to manage.

Unexpectedly, that Wang Ba Lingzi got the money, and fled with his wife and children that night

! The family disappeared, and he didn't know where to collect debts!

Life gave him a severe beating.

At a young age, two failed ventures left him destitute.

The family is so poor that they can't open the pot, and relatives and friends come to collect debts every day, and they are miserable.

Lin Jue was depressed, decadent, and lived a life of drunken dreams and death.

Jiang Ceramics alone not only has to take care of two young children, but also struggles to support the family.

In order to earn money to pay off debts, she worked as a small job in the construction team in the village during the day, helping people build houses, and at night stepped on a sewing machine to make clothes, often until two or three o'clock in the morning.

On the day of her accident, as usual, she went to work on the construction site, and the bamboo scaffolding used for workers to climb on the outside of the house suddenly collapsed, crushing several female workers who were mixing cement underneath.

She received a violent blow on the head, fell unconscious on the spot, and when she was taken to the village health center, she could no longer hold on....

He remembered that day, it rained heavily, he went to the health center to bring Jiang Porcelain's body home, and the two children, Yue Yue and Liang Liang, followed behind him, crying all the way to call their mother.

Their mother will never come back, his wife will never come back....

Jiang Ceramics' death was like an incomparably cold knife, piercing straight into his heart.

And this knife, which can never be pulled out, is destined to accompany him for the rest of his life.

Since then, Lin Jue has completely awakened.

Why should he let his lover pay for his failure and his decadence

! No matter how hard and tired life is, we must face it bravely, be down-to-earth, earn money by money, and there will always be a day when the debt will be paid off!

He started working two jobs and three jobs, slowly paying off debts and improving the living conditions of his family.

Just when he thought that everything was starting to go well, a year later, bad luck pushed him into the abyss again.

An epidemic of dengue fever began in the village, and two children were unfortunately infected.

During that time, Lin Jue worked all day and night in the county to make money, and the two children were handed over to their grandparents to take care of, and the second elder thought that they were just a common cold and fever, and did not pay attention.

As a result, within a few days, the condition worsened.

When Lin Jue returned, all he saw were two cold corpses...

After burying them with Jiang Porcelain, Lin Jue left the small mountain village.

Wandering around, he learned some cooking skills from chefs and began to work in restaurants in various cities.

But every late night, when he was alone in the room, he cried uncontrollably when he remembered the past.

He thought about suicide many times, but the body's instinct to survive would still pull him in the end.

He hated his powerlessness and his cowardice, and

spent every moment of these twenty years in torment.

After being diagnosed with lung cancer, he chose to give up treatment and began to allow his condition to deteriorate, even treating every day he suffered from the disease as a punishment for himself.

It wasn't until he died that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally able to be relieved, finally able to see his wife and children earlier.

"Jiang Porcelain, Yue Yue, Liangliang, I will be able to reunite with you soon..." Tears

flowed from the corners of Lin Jue's eyes, and he sighed and finished speaking.

The picture in the marquee lantern gradually dimmed, and a strong suction force struck from the light curtain, forming a huge vortex that engulfed his body.

I don't know how long it took, his chaotic consciousness became clear again, and a pleasant and childish voice sounded in his ears.

"You shoot one, I shoot one, a rooster crows.

"You shoot two, I shoot two, two little rabbits learn to draw..."

Yue Yue and Liang Liang sat on the straw mat on the ground, practicing clapping songs in a similar way.

Lin Jue covered his head that was drowsy from a hangover, and tried to open his eyes and saw the old furnishings in the house, as well as the calendar hanging on the wall, and on the side were black-and-white wedding photos of him and his wife.

His body exuded a strong smell of alcohol and anger, his hands and feet were heavy, and his head was dizzy.

"Am I dreaming, I'm not already dead..." Lin

Jue turned her head and saw Yue Yue with two slender twisted braids, grape-sized apricot eyes, and her younger brother Liangliang sitting next to her.

They were exactly the same as Lin Jue remembered, the children he had in mind.

"Yue Yue, Liangliang, is it really you?" Lin Jue

trembled his lips, his heart beat like a drum, and he rolled off the bed with excitement, fell to the floor, and made a "bang", a very heavy muffled sound.


pain in his body clearly reminded him that this was not a dream!

Everything was real, and he was reborn in June 1999.

This time, Jiang Porcelain has not yet had an accident, his baby children have just turned two years old, God gave him a second chance, he must change the fate of himself and his family

! "Hahaha, I was reborn, Laozi was reborn..." "

Yue Yue, Liangliang, come quickly! Let Dad kiss one!" Lin Jue

cried and laughed with excitement, and raised his hand to hold his two children in his arms.

The children put their small hands against Lin Jue's big face and shouted milkily.

"Don't kiss him, his mouth stinks!" "

Ma Ma come and see, Zhu Chong broke his head and is talking nonsense!" The

two children broke away from his arms and ran out of the door with a fart.

Jiang Porcelain, dressed in white-washed house clothes, was making breakfast in the kitchen when he heard the cries of two children in the bedroom.

She thought that Lin Jue drank and vomited again, vomited herself, and was about to go over to clean up.

At this time, he staggered out of the house and collided head-on with Jiang Porcelain.

Lin Jue shook his eyes and saw Jiang Porcelain with long hair tied up on his chest, and his pretty goose egg face was a well-proportioned and gentle facial features, and a gentle and water-like temperamental beauty, not at all like a village girl in the countryside.

He blinked his eyes and said dumbly: "Wife, do you pinch me, does it hurt

?" Jiang Ceramics was amused by these words, big morning, is this person drinking and drinking stupid?

What crazy things do you say!"

"Still dreaming? Look what you toss yourself into, don't hurry up to make food, don't scare the children." Ginger porcelain gently persuaded.

Lin Jue immediately looked at himself, his clothes were wrapped in a layer of ash, like he had just returned from a battle, his hair was messy like a chicken nest, and his beard was long, all of them had grown into a beard, similar to a beggar on the street.

"I'll go clean up right away!" Lin Jue slipped a cigarette and ran to the toilet.

Jiang Ceramics sighed in amazement: "Are you actually so obedient today? Since

two months ago, Lin Jue's belongings were cheated away, he was addicted to gambling and drinking all day, went home late every day, didn't look for a job, was too lazy to do housework, even too lazy to bathe, and the smell on his body was like a garbage heap.

Jiang Ceramics knew that he was bitter in his heart and couldn't hold back the blow, and as a wife, he could only tolerate him and hope that he would get better.

These days, Lin Jue is at home, except for eating when hungry and sleepy to sleep, he does nothing, and Jiang Porcelain is used to it, and even ready to make money to feed him all his life.

As long as he lived and was safe, she didn't dare to expect anything else.

What's wrong with him today?

It's a little different from usual.

After taking a bath and shaving, Lin Jue skillfully shaved his long hair that had been kept for two months with a blade, and directly became a big bald head, looking refreshed and particularly clean.


he exclaimed, the blade accidentally scraped his chin, and a deep wound flowed bright red blood, just dripping onto the stone pendant he hung on his chest, emitting a blinding white light.

The white light flashed, and in an instant, it pulled him into a mysterious space.

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