Hayama is generally more expensive than wholesaled rice in stores, but its rice aroma is particularly strong.

After Lin Jue left his hometown before being reborn, he wandered around, and occasionally when he remembered it, he missed the aroma of rice grown at home in the countryside!

Being able to eat such a bite of white rice makes me feel that my whole life has been cured!

"Old man, how do you sell this early rice?" Lin Jue asked.

"One pound a piece, no negotiation!" The old man is also an old quack, and he said that knives are not allowed as soon as he came up.

Lin Jue thought about it, ordinary rice is about eight cents a pound, and his early rice costs one yuan, but it is not expensive.

Most crop people, working hard for half a year is just to get this bit of food, let him earn an extra cent or two For Lin Jue, it is nothing more than earning one or two tea eggs, but for this old man, this is money to support the family.

"Okay." Lin Jue also did not negotiate with him, and said directly, "Old man, you weigh me twenty pounds!"

"Okay, boy!"

The old man was very happy, seeing that Lin Jue also looked good, and when he weighed the rice, he secretly added half a kilogram to him.

After packing, Lin Jue put everything in the back basket.

As they were leaving the market, the children passed a small shop and saw colorful snacks inside.

Yue Yue immediately stretched out her little hand and grabbed Lin Jue's trouser leg, and said coquettishly: "Tang Yue, I want to eat sugar candy!" "

Dumpling, then I'll eat crisp noodles!" Liang Liang also raised his little hand and said.

Lin Jue sighed with a smile, he already knew that he would take another way home around the road, and now the children saw the snacks, if they didn't buy them, they would definitely make a fuss.

"Okay, daddy will buy it for you!"

Lin Jue took their little hand to the side of the shop, and there were indeed a lot of snacks in the store.

Now the domestic food industry has gradually begun to develop, where can Lin Jue see "Alps", "Langweixian", "Little Raccoon Crisp Noodles" and so on when he was a child.

Children's snacks are made by the family themselves, such as rice candy and peanut crisp.

"Boss, bring me some alpine sugar, crisp noodles, and another box of wahaha AD calcium milk, children like it!" Lin Jue ordered a few casually.

Finding that there were still several packs of "Fenhuang Xuemei" in the corner, he suddenly remembered that in the past, when Jiang Porcelain stepped on the sewing machine in the middle of the night to make clothes, he often held a package of Xuemei in his hand.

Taking one when you are sleepy can refresh your mind.

Lin Jue didn't think about it, and also bought two packs for his wife, she often eats this, she should like it, right?

I went to the market, bought a little too much, spent a total of thirty-five yuan, and there were one hundred and fifty-four yuan left in my pocket.

Lin Jue counted it, wrapped it in a plastic bag, and returned home happily with his two children.

There was no one at home, and the ginger porcelain had already gone to the construction site.

Lin Jue put the purchased ingredients away, went to the small field to pluck two Chinese cabbages, chopped one with a kitchen knife, mixed some rice bran and threw it into the chicken nest to feed the chickens.

Some of the remaining vegetable leaves were given to the pregnant rabbit, and the big cabbage they ate deliciously, and the two old hens cooed excitedly while eating!

Lin Jue glanced at the time after busy work, it was just nine o'clock, and it was still far from making lunch, so he simply looked for something to do.

His gaze fell on Yue Yueliang, who was eating snacks next to him, since children like to eat snacks, why don't you make them something sweet and delicious?

"My family bought so much early rice, just to make them a candy!"

Lin Jue thought of it, thinking that he had been a chef for twenty years, and these simple desserts naturally couldn't bother him.

He also enjoys cooking and cooking.

Seeing the happy expressions of his customers when they eat food, he can't be more happy, and he won't bother at all.

Not to mention making food for your own children!

"Yue Yue, Liangliang, Dad will make you rice candy to eat, okay?" Lin Jue shouted at the children.

The two children immediately stood up and shouted in unison: "Okay!

They followed Lin Jue into the kitchen, and the children were also very interested in cooking, and their little heads poked their heads behind Lin Jue, and they always wanted to intervene to help, and they were very curious.

Lin Jue first took out the twenty catties of early rice, filled almost four catties and washed them with clean water, ready to put them on the steamer to steam.

To make rice candy, the first step is to make "yin rice"!

The so-called yin rice is cooked rice that is steamed with ordinary rice and dried in the shade.

Only when the prepared yin rice is fried in hot oil will it turn into fluffy rice flowers.

He washes the rice and then soaks it in water for a while, the soaked rice is easy to steam, but it can't be soaked for too long, the rice has too much moisture for too long, and it is easy to stick when steaming.

After an hour, he steamed the rice, took them out while they were hot, spread them out and dried them, and the whole process of drying took at least half a day.

Taking advantage of this time, he began to make char siu pork!

The authentic char siu pork is made of pork plum meat, that is, the meat of the pig's shoulder blades, which is fat but not greasy, and tastes very good after making char siu.

He couldn't buy plum meat at the pork stall, so he had to replace it with pork belly.

Three catties of pork, a family of four naturally can't eat all the meals in one meal, he only cut a part of the relatively lean meat, and came out to make it.

The remaining fatty part is used to fry lard.

Start the pot and heat the fire, first throw the fat meat into a large pot to fry lard, the fire does not need to be too large, just throw two pieces of wood under the bottom and let it burn slowly.

The lard was frying in a large iron pan, and the aroma soon came out.

"The black pork raised in the countryside is fragrant, and it is not at all comparable to the big white pig of the farm!"

Lin Jue sighed, as a chef, he is very sensitive to the aroma of food.

After he left Jinlong Village before, he naturally ate dishes stir-fried with lard, but he couldn't eat the taste of his hometown.

At the end of the day, there are different breeds of pigs that fry lard!

In addition, pigs raised in the countryside are fed after their own families have boiled vegetables and wild vegetables, no clenbuterol, no antibiotics, hormones, and the taste is naturally different.

After many years, he smelled the lard aroma of this fried black pork again, and he was inevitably a little moved.

As a wanderer who has been wandering for many years, the "taste of hometown" is very soothing for him.

The two children were tiptoe on the edge of the stove looking at the fried lard, and when they smelled this fragrance, their saliva almost flowed on the floor.

Lin Jue smiled and held their brains and let them stay away from the cauldron.

"Dad is frying lard, you two don't get too close, be careful of being splashed with oil." He instructed.

Xiao Yueyue asked him curiously at this time: "Cao Yue, can you eat lard?" It's so fragrant! More fragrant than meat!

"Haha, lard is stir-fried and can't be eaten directly." If you want to eat it, I'll get some lard residue and toss pepper and salt for you to taste later. But you can't eat too much, it will be hot! Lin Jue said with a smile.

"Okay, the nest is going to eat lard dregs!"

Yue Yue danced in circles, the happiness of children is so simple, a little food, you can be happy for most of the day!

Let the lard fry slowly first, and Lin Jue began to prepare the ingredients to make char siu sauce.

No one in the village market sells ready-made char siu sauce, plus there are too many additives in the products mass-produced by the factory for children, and Lin Jue is not very relieved.

It's safest and healthiest to do it yourself!

There is no refrigerator at home, and things cannot be kept fresh, so he makes less, almost enough to eat a meal of char siu pork.

The ingredients used are also very simple, onions, spring onions, white shallots, garlic chopped, put in a stone mortar mashed into a mash, and then enlarge the pot with oil and stir-fry until fragrant.

During this period, mix the sauce with water, add dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, brown sugar, red yeast powder, stir well, then pour into the pot, mix with other things, and finally add water starch to make the sauce thick.

The prepared char siu sauce, Lin Jue directly put it in the pork belly, massage and knead the pork belly to make the sauce fully flavorful, and then marinate for an hour or two.

After two hours, you can start frying in the pan!

The whole process took a lot of time, but Lin Jue has a special sense of accomplishment, and if you want to make delicious food, you need to be attentive!

Of course, what is even happier is the happy smile on the face of the wife and children when they eat a hot meal!

This is the most fulfilling moment of Lin Jue's life!

At half past eleven in the afternoon, Jiang Ceramics went home with his neighbor's aunt Su Chunmei.

When she arrived near her home, she smelled the aroma of char siu pork, and Su Chunmei glanced at it and found that the fragrance came from Lin Jue's house, and she was a little surprised.

"Little ginger girl, your family's Lin Jue has really changed his sex! That's amazing! Look at this meat aroma, my man can't make this taste! "

Su Chunmei is a sincere person, good is good and bad is bad, there is no exaggeration at all.

Jiang Ceramics heard this, although he was very happy in his heart, but on the surface he still had to take care of the face of his old neighbor, and was a little more modest: "My family Lin Jue is not a serious cook, not as powerful as you say..."

Su Chunmei quickly shook her head, she knew the cooking skills of the man in her family, just fooled and confused casually.

Anyway, most people in the countryside don't pay much attention to it, they boil like pig food, and they don't eat it yet.

But Lin Jue's cooking skills, she looks different, more than twenty families nearby, none of them can make this taste!

Jiang Ceramics saw that Su Chunmei had been lingering at the door, and simply smiled and said: "Aunt Su, how about you come in and sit in the house?" How tired it is to stand outside. When

Su Chunmei heard this, she also poked her mind.

She was thinking about how to find an excuse to go into her house and see Lin Jue cooking.

"Hey, then Auntie is embarrassed to bother!" Su Chunmei followed Jiang Porcelain into the house.

At this time, the two children were playing in the yard, and when they saw their mother returning, they quickly rushed back to the house and shouted at Lin Jue: "Cao Ceng, Ma Ma is back!"

Lin Jue immediately came out of the house when he heard the sound, and said to Jiang Porcelain with a smile: "Wife, you are back!" I'm done, wash your hands and eat!" "

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