"Wife, don't worry. Even if you don't believe in my ability to do business, you have to believe in my cooking! Look at how popular the tea eggs and marinated chicken we launched, go to the county, it will definitely capture a lot of diners.

Lin Jue said with confidence.

Whether he has faith or not, then he must not show his cowardice in front of his wife.

Lest the wife be cranky and afraid.

Jiang Ceramics also knew Lin Jue's nature, and he was always confident and sunny in front of her.

Every time she listened to him say these words, her heart was also steady.

Can let go of his hands and feet, let him toss on his own.

Jiang Ceramics covered his mouth and smiled, nudged Lin Jue's arm, and said, "Okay, you can't talk too much." But, husband, what are you going to do next?

Lin Jue knew what his wife meant when she asked this.

He has also made a lot of ideas these days, and the supplier of ingredients can be temporarily entrusted to his uncle.

My uncle's chicken farm has also expanded a lot, although his new chicks are still a long time away from being ready for slaughter.

When Lin Jue's restaurant expands, there may not be a way to supply him with enough ingredients at that time.

But Lin Jue did not panic at all, there are other chicken farms in Jinlong Village.

In addition, more than half of the villagers have chickens in their homes, which are purchased from them, and it is completely fine.

Don't worry about food suppliers for the time being.

The first problem that needs to be solved next is the location of the store!

He planned to take Jiang Cera to Hua Town when he was free in the past few days.

You have to take a good walk around town and look for a suitable storefront for rent.

If they can find a store with the right location and price and rent it, then their plan to open a restaurant is a good start!

"Wife, when will we find time to go to the county the day after tomorrow."

Lin Jue discussed with Jiang Porcelain: "Go to the county town to see the storefront, and take the children to the zoo to play by the way." I casually promised them last time, and they've been urging me these days. When

Jiang Ceramics heard this, he naturally agreed.

The two of them are husband and wife, and now when they go out, they don't have to worry about the business at home.

Several aunts and Uncle Zhu can handle the business well.

Even if they leave, it won't matter.

How nice it is to go out and find the location of the store and take the children out to play.

Anyway, their family hasn't come out for a long time to relax.

Lin Jue also meant this, but he didn't just want to look at the store, he also planned to go to the car shop to buy a pickup truck for goods.

On the one hand, it is convenient to transport goods back and forth between Jinlong Village and Hua Town, on the other hand, he takes his wife and children, and it is easy to travel back and forth.

In the future, there will be no need to take the tractor in the village to enter the city.

Lin Jue counted the money in the safe and came out with 13,000 yuan.

When he returns to his hometown tomorrow, he will send by the way the relatives who have paid him back his debts.

Of the more than 10,000 yuan, 5,000 of which he owed to his uncle, and the other 8,000 yuan was owed by him to other relatives.

When he finished paying back the money, the thirty thousand yuan he owed to others would only be the last five thousand.

These five thousand were secretly stuffed to her by Jiang Porcelain's old mother, Yao Guifang.

She knew that he was going to run an Internet café and was very short of money, but she couldn't take money to Lin Jue on the surface, so she could only hand over this money to him through Jiang Ceramics' hand.

And he didn't dare to let Jiang Porcelain's father know.

After all, his parents are not happy for Jiang Ceramics to marry him, because of her marriage to him, both of them are very unhappy.

With the remaining five thousand yuan, Lin Jue planned to find an opportunity to meet with Jiang Ceramic's parents and return the money to them, and by the way, alleviate the conflict between the two families.

After counting the money, Lin Jue put the money back in the safe.

I slept in the same bed with my wife.

After a night without a word, Lin Jue got up early the next morning, first went to open the courtyard door and beckoned the aunts to come and work.

In addition, he also took out the bicycle that was stored in the utility room and wiped it clean with a damp cloth, ready to ride back to his hometown today!

Jiang Ceramics saw that he was wiping the car, and came over and asked, "Husband, why did you suddenly move the car out?" Don't you know how to ride a bike.

As soon as Lin Jue heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Wife, you still underestimate me." Something as simple as cycling, of course I will! Not only can I ride, I can also carry people.

Jiang Ceramics obviously didn't believe Lin Jue's words.

She clearly remembered that Lin Jue couldn't ride a bicycle before he got married, and he didn't have the money to buy a car, so he didn't have the opportunity to contact it at all!

Why did he suddenly change his body, he would all ride?

It's a rare thing.

Lin Jue saw the suspicion in his wife's eyes, and he simply dragged his wife outside, stepped into the car seat and told her.

"Wife, if you don't believe me, I'll ride it to you!"

Lin Jue immediately got on the bicycle and rode far away in one breath!

His movements are so sloppy that he doesn't look like a novice at all.

Jiang Porcelain stood in place and looked dumbfounded, Lin Jue didn't look like it was the first time to ride?

Could it be that he secretly went out to practice cars these days?

She didn't find out.

Lin Jue rode around and turned a corner, braked the car in front of Jiang Porcelain and said, "Wife, now you believe I will ride!" You can rest assured of my technology, and we will ride back to our hometown together.

Jiang Ceramics said with some hesitation: "That's not good, I have to bring two children." Can this car carry four people?

Lin Jue thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, I'll just transform the car later." He

pushed the bike into the yard and went to the utility room to find a few wooden planks made of wooden boards that could fit in the double child seat on the back seat of the bicycle.

Use a rope to securely fasten the plank to the back seat.

Jiang Porcelain looked at his design there the whole time, and he was stunned to see it, Lin Jue's hands-on ability was inevitably too powerful.

A few boards can be used to make a decent thing, so that once installed, the bike can carry four people in one go!

The four-seater bicycle is also unique in the entire Golden Dragon Village!

"Okay!" Lin Jue wiped his sweat and called the two children over and said, "Babies, come and see, try the new seat designed by Daddy!"

Lin Jue raised his hand to pick them up and sat on the left and right sides of the back seat of the bicycle.

Yue Yue swayed her little short legs curiously, she swayed quite much, and the result was nothing at all, which was enough to prove that this seat was quite stable!

"Cao Ceng, are you going to grandparents' house today?" Xiao Yueyue asked in the car.

Lin Jue raised his hand and rubbed the top of her hair and said, "Yes, baby." Aren't you happy to go to your grandparents' house?

Yue Yue shook her head seriously and said, "Happy! Grandma secretly stuffed me with red envelopes last time, and gave Wo and my brother a lot of candy to eat!

Lin Jue and Jiang Porcelain both laughed on the side.

This little milk baby really still wants to eat.

It's a snack!

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