Su Chunmei looked at Jiang Porcelain's firm eyes and nodded silently.

The idea of ordinary people is still to have a stable job, and the money from being a chef may not be much, but the victory is stability.

Although doing business makes a lot of money, it is also risky, and once it loses, half of the family property may be put in.

Jiang Ceraming knew that doing business was risky, and she was willing to support Lin Jue to do it, which was enough to show that she was still full of trust in Lin Jue.

"Hey, okay then. If you say it all, Auntie won't talk much. Su Chunmei nodded and left quickly.

As soon as Jiang Ceramics turned around and went back to the house, Lin Jue suddenly appeared from the side, startling her.

He stood there dumbfounded, did not speak, just looked at Jiang Porcelain with a strange look, which made Jiang Porcelain feel a little strange.

"What are you doing standing there? Can I help you? Jiang Ceramics asked suspiciously.

Lin Jue shook his head: "It's okay..." "

Then I'll go into the house." Ginger porcelain said.

"Well..." Lin Jue nodded, watching Jiang Porcelain walk past him, and staring at her back, with an indescribable taste in his heart.

The conversation between Su Chunmei and her, he stood behind the door and heard it clearly.

I originally wanted to come out of the yard to fetch water, but when I heard it, I couldn't help but listen.

His wife said that she was willing to support his cause, which made Lin Jue extremely moved.

His previous failures dragged down the entire family, and even he lost confidence in himself.

I thought that my wife would definitely not agree to him to start a business, but I never thought that she was willing to stand behind him and be the one who silently supported him....

Lin Jue inhaled, he could meet Jiang Porcelain in his life, it was really his three lives lucky.

"Alas... Thank you, wife. Lin Jue sighed towards the back of Jiang Porcelain.

After lunch, Lin Jue washed the dishes, went to the field to pluck a large white radish, cut it and put it on a plate, and brought it to them to eat.

In the living room, Jiang Porcelain was braiding Xiao Yueyue's hair.

This little girl's soft hair is left to her chest, and the girl loves beauty, and she has to pestering her mother to braided her hair every day.

Lin Jue looked at Jiang Porcelain's dexterous hands, her hair was bent under her hand, and in less than a moment, a twisted braid was ready.

"Alas." Lin Jue sighed, it's a pity that his old father doesn't know how to braid, otherwise he really wants to try it, what does it feel like to braiding his daughter's hair?

Seeing that they had almost made it, Lin Jue said out loud: "Wife, I cut some delicious food for you!" Try it out!

Lin Jue brought the white radish over, and the ginger porcelain looked up, this thing was snow-white and snow-white, looking at the juice was very rich, and it smelled sweet, could it be "cold potato"?

Are there cold potatoes on sale this season now?

"You bought this at the market in the morning?" Ginger Porcelain asked.

She casually picked up a piece and took a bite, the taste is not bad, sweet and sweet, raw and thirsty, but this taste, it doesn't look like a cold potato, but like a watermelon?

Lin Jue looked at the bewilderment on Jiang Porcelain's face, and couldn't help but smile: "Wife, this is not a cold potato, this is a radish grown in our field!"

"You said... This is a turnip? Jiang Porcelain frowned slightly, she clearly remembered that the ones she planted before were all ordinary radish seeds bought from rural cooperatives.

White radish grows out, how is this taste?

It's really weird.

Lin Jue thought for a while and told her a set of rhetoric he had made up in advance: "Wife, maybe the owner of the seed store took the wrong seeds, or this batch of seeds just mutated into a new variety." In the morning, I took this batch of radishes to sell, three yuan a pound, and some people rushed to ask for it!

"So powerful!" Jiang Porcelain was stunned.

A pound of three dollars of radishes are wanted, is this kind of radish so valuable?

Lin Jue saw that Jiang Ceramics did not become suspicious, so he continued to say his thoughts: "Wife, these radishes are very popular, do you have any seeds left, I want to multiply, sell them, you can make a lot of money!" Jiang

Ceramics was also right when she heard this, there were still a lot of seeds left from the rural cooperative, since Lin Jue needed them, she would give them all to him.

She turned to look in the drawer and found a few packets of vegetable seeds wrapped in straw paper, she didn't have time to farm, and many of the seeds couldn't be bought.

Some are still put for a year and a half, and I don't know if they will germinate.

Lin Jue was very happy and put these seeds in his pocket.

He was going to go to the mountain again tomorrow when he had time to clear the land, and their family had a field on the mountain, and Jinlong Village was divided according to heads.

The number of people in a family is divided according to the number of people, and the fields are divided every eight years, and after Yue Yue and Liangliang were born and joined the hukou, their family had four people.

Last year, just in time for the eight-year field division activity, one head can divide two parts of land, and four people is eight points of land, close to one acre.

Although the area of this land is not small, Lin Jue used to dislike farming and not making money, and would rather work than farm.

Ginger porcelain has to take care of children and work, and there is no time to travel all the way to the mountains to clear the wasteland and farm.

So the land has been deserted since it was given to them.

Also because the geographical location is relatively remote, few nearby villagers go there, but this just gives Lin Jue a hidden and safe place to farm as he wants!

He can also justifiably explain to his wife that the vegetables he sells are all grown from his own land, not conjured by magic, and do not appear out of thin air!

Relatively speaking, it is not easy to be suspected by others, and he has the secret of the "talisman".

After the seeds arrived, Lin Jue returned to the kitchen, and he remembered the cooked rice that had just been spread on the bamboo plaque.

In order to speed up the drying speed, he rested the bamboo plaque on the stove and let the residual temperature in the stove dry the rice quickly.

After baking for at least two hours, the rice is almost dry.

He took some, boiled the oil, waited for the oil to boil, and then quickly sprinkled the yin rice into the hot oil, and after a few seconds, the rice quickly burst open, turning into a snow-white fluffy float, and this state could be scooped up.

The yin rice burst very quickly, Lin Jue fried one after another, in order not to waste the oil in the pot, he simply fried all four catties of yin rice.

Rice flowers bursting out of half a large iron pot!

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