At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, after coaxing the children to sleep, Jiang Ceramics quietly came out of the bedroom.

Lin Jue waited in the living room for a long time, he boiled the herbal water and poured it into the basin to cool, supporting his chin and waiting for his wife to finish boringly.

As soon as Jiang Porcelain came out, she saw Lin Jue squatting on the edge of the bench in a daze, and a big man with a humble expression made her feel a little cute.

"I've been waiting a long time, I'm sorry." She obediently came over and sat down.

When Lin Jue saw his wife, he suddenly came to the spirit, and the boredom and boredom on his face were swept away, and he quickly took her hand and helped her bubble her hand.

Jiang Porcelain's face was helpless, Lin Jue had to do so carefully every time, she was not used to it until now, this feeling of being cared for.

"You tell me the recipe for the herbal water, and I'll get it myself next time." Don't bother you, I know you're tired too. Jiang Porcelain suggested.

Lin Jue quickly shook his head, the main effect of this herbal water came from the spring water in the space, and the herbs used only played an auxiliary role, not the key.

Ginger porcelain wants to boil it by himself, and the herbal water made is naturally not as good as Lin Jue's effect.

In order not to expose the secrets of the space, of course, more importantly, in order to create the opportunity to be alone with his wife, of course, he has to do it himself.

"If you can help your wife soak your hands, that's enjoyment, how can you be tired!" Lin Jue smiled seriously.

Jiang Ceramics shook his head when he heard this, Lin Jue's ability to speak sweetly was really getting stronger and stronger.

She also couldn't understand how he could have a way to learn such sweet words when he usually came into contact with those rough men who were full of dirty words at the gambling table?

During the period of soaking hands, Lin Jue took the initiative to mention something to his wife.

"Wife, tomorrow you go to the construction site to find a foreman to settle the wages, I'll go with you." He said.

Jiang Ceramics asked with some doubt: "Aren't you going to sell tea eggs, will it delay your time." I can go to the construction site myself, don't bother you.

"That's not going to work! I know that the foreman of your construction team has a very bad temper, and if you leave without reporting in advance, the other party will inevitably make it difficult for you! These people just see that you are a woman's family and think that you are a bully. Lin Jue spoke his thoughts.

On the other hand, Lin Jue knew that the construction site accident in his previous life was the negligence of the construction team, which caused the bamboo shelf to collapse, resulting in the death of several female workers.

Although his wife promised to leave the construction site, this safety hazard was still there, and some of the people who died at that time were neighbors that Lin Jue knew.

They are all good people, and they can't die for no reason.

If you can help a little, help a little, save people's lives, and win the seventh-level floating slaughter!

Jiang Ceramics thought for a moment and nodded silently: "Okay, I'll listen to your arrangement." After

soaking his hands, Lin Jue helped her dry them, and at this time he found that the old skin on Jiang Porcelain's hands had already shed more than half.

The newly grown skin is white and red, and you can even see the capillaries under the skin, which is soft to the touch and very delicate.

He stared at his wife's hand and smiled, and said: "I heard that the ancient people described beauty, saying that the hands are like soft yi, the skin is like coagulation, the collar is like a grub, and the teeth are like a rhinoceros." But I feel that the beauty they describe is not as good as my wife!

Jiang Ceramics suddenly withdrew his hand from Lin Jue's hand, and said a little speechlessly: "What kind of muddy words, I'm just a rural woman in the countryside, not a beauty."

Lin Jue got up to pour the water and said with a hearty smile: "Who said that the village girl in the mountain is not good-looking?" In my eyes, you will always be a first-class beauty!

Jiang Ceramics sat in place and froze, she was confused by Lin Jue's naked words of praise.

This sweet word blew up so much that she couldn't find the north!

How could Lin Jue's skin be so thick?

Can say such shameful sentences without scruples!

"Well, I don't know where he learned this set of rhetoric, when he was studying before, the teacher would teach this kind of shameless thing?"

Jiang Ceramics didn't understand, but her heart was plopping fast, and she was now like a little girl, and she couldn't move to hit the deer!

Lin Jue's changes really made her unable to resist...

Early the next morning, because he didn't have to get up early to make tea eggs, Lin Jue slept until he woke up naturally.

When I woke up, I felt stuffy in my chest, some breathing was difficult, heavy, like pressing a big rock.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and the harsh light outside the window made him can't help but squint, unexpectedly finding his baby daughter Yue Yue lying on his chest on all fours, her little head leaning on his arms.

His elbow was also a little sore and numb, unable to move, and when he turned his head, he saw that it was the bright little head leaning on his arm, leaning on it and falling asleep.

"Ouch, when did these two little guys run into my room

Here it comes? Lin Jue was really crying and laughing.

His movement woke up Yue Yue, who was lying on him and falling asleep, and the little girl rubbed her eyes and said to him: "Cao Yue, you are awake!" Ma Ma has already made breakfast, so get up and eat! Yue

Yue woke up Liangliang, the two little guys got out of bed, Lin Jue changed his clothes and washed, came out of the house, and found that a rich breakfast was placed on the dining table in the living room, and a net cover was also covered to prevent flies.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was half past nine, and it turned out that he had slept so late.

The two children were sent by Jiang Ceramics to wake him up, not only did not wake him up, but also fell asleep in bed with him.

Lin Jue quickly sat down to eat breakfast, biting the omelette made by his wife, drinking sweet potato porridge, and the taste was not bad.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from Jiang Porcelain in the yard, Lin Jue thought that there were rats in the house, and immediately went over to look and found Jiang Porcelain standing in front of the small tea tree, pointing to the tea tree that was close to one person tall with a shocked face.

"Husband, this tea tree grows so fast, I remember a few days ago, it was still short, and the branches were full of dead yellow old leaves, how could it grow taller than me in the blink of an eye!?" Ginger porcelain is a little unbelievable.

The half-dead little tea tree in my memory is completely different from the current tree full of life and full of emerald green leaves!

Lin Jue swallowed the food in his mouth and walked over to look.

This little sapling grew much taller than yesterday, and he did not stroke its leaves today, resulting in the lush growth of this tree, which was much more exaggerated than yesterday.

In order not to make Jiang Ceramics suspicious, he could only say: "Wife, it must be that you are too busy to remember wrong, this tree was like this a few days ago." It's spring, the grass grows vigorously, and it's normal! "

Jiang Ceramics thought about it, yes, she was too busy before to care about the plants and vegetables grown at home, so she was idle today, only to find the abnormality of this tree....

"Maybe I misremembered." She nodded and left.

Lin Jue was barely fooled when he saw it, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he had better find a way to transplant this small tea tree to a hidden place to plant, so as not to be discovered by his wife again and become suspicious!

After breakfast, Lin Jue went to the construction site with his wife.

Before walking a few steps, it was very unfortunate that I met my uncle Wang Youde who had just come down from the chicken farm on the mountain.

When the other party saw Lin Jue, he took the initiative to run over to say hello.

"Xiao Jue, it's great, ginger porcelain is also there! I just have great news for you! Wang Youde trotted over and walked breathlessly.

Lin Jue was quite confused, I don't know what good news my uncle has to tell him?

Wang Youde wiped his sweat and said with joy on his face: "Yesterday, a friend from my county happened to come over and chat, and I talked to him about you. He knows that you have no job and urgently needs money, saying that the canneries in the county need employees, and the salary can be six hundred yuan a month!

The uncle's expression was very excited, after all, in this era, six hundred a month is indeed a very high salary.

Compared to his previous work in a steel mill, it was too good to say.

What's more, the work of the cannery is all assembly line, not hard work, and relatively much easier.

If you behave well, rely on relationships to go through the back door, maybe you can become a workshop director and do a management job, then the salary can be doubled!

Lin Jue saw that his uncle was so enthusiastic, and he couldn't bear to refuse him.

He owed him 10,000 yuan before, and his uncle not only did not collect debts all day and night, but also actively recommended him to work.

At this point, Lin Jue was still very grateful to him, always rejecting his kindness, and always felt a little overwhelmed in his heart.

Wang Youde saw Lin Jue's tangled expression and did not speak, and he began to persuade anxiously: "Great nephew, you won't still think about selling tea eggs, right?" Where is business so easy to do! If you are not careful, you will lose your family! You now have a wife and children to take care of, and you can't take this risk anymore! Wang

Youde still hopes that Lin Jue can be honest and find a serious job, and don't think that business can make money.

He was afraid that Lin Jue would continue to toss like this, and the 10,000 yuan he lent Lin Jue did not know when it would be paid off.

Try to introduce him to a good job, have a stable source of income, at the very least, his 10,000 yuan can be slowly returned in installments, there is some hope!

What if Lin Jue fails to do business and owes a debt, simply abandons his wife and son, rolls up and runs away?!

Then he really can't get this money back!

Jiang Ceramics saw that Lin Jue did not speak, knowing that he could not bear to refuse his uncle, so she wanted to talk about Lin Jue's current situation, so as not to make his uncle care too much.

"Uncle, you don't have to worry about his work. He went to sell tea and eggs yesterday, and he made more than a hundred-" Ginger porcelain hadn't finished speaking.

Wang Youde immediately waved his hand, shook his head and said, "Impossible!" Little ginger, you don't need to say such things to deceive your uncle. How can selling tea eggs make so much money? If I can really make money, what chicken farm else can I open?

As soon as Wang Youde finished speaking, a young woman ran over to the intersection of the road and ran to Lin Jue with joy.

"Ouch hey! Young man, big sister has finally found you! The tea eggs I bought from you yesterday are so delicious, I waited for you at home in the morning, but I didn't wait for anyone! Are there still tea eggs to buy today? The eldest sister still wants to buy a few more! "

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