Jiang Ceramics was startled when he heard Lin Jue's words, and he said that this was tea bubble fruit, how could it be completely different from what she had eaten in the past!

Not only is the shape much larger, but even the taste is countless times more delicious!

Ordinary tea bubble fruit has a loose taste and insufficient moisture, if the quality is not good, it tastes like cotton, the taste is weak, not sweet or fragrant.

These brought back by Lin Jue are more delicious than most fruits, and there are no pits, and the flesh is solid, which is very satisfying to eat!

"Husband, where did you pick this tea bubble fruit?" Ginger porcelain was a little curious.

Lin Jue did not intend to deceive his wife, and said directly: "The small tea tree picked on the mountain, transplanted last time, grew a lot of fruit." The natural environment in the mountains is good, and in less than a day, it has grown so big!

"The little tea tree is also growing too fast!" Jiang Ceramics remembered that two days ago, when she saw it, there was no fruit on the tea tree.

It seems that their family's field is really a blessed land, and plants can grow so fast.

Lin Jue nodded, seeing that his wife and daughter love to eat tea bubble fruit, and he also wants to dig a few more wild tea trees in the mountains when he has time.

Ordinary tea bubble fruit has a strong seasonality, generally around the Qingming Festival, during the spring rainy season, easy to grow.

From appearance to full maturity, it takes about ten days.

This fruit is the same as the prickly fruit, even if the mountain people are lucky to bump into it, at most they will pick some back to their families to eat.

Very few will be sold on the market, and the growers will not bother to cultivate this fruit.

As a result, this wild fruit is almost invisible in the market.

If he can cultivate it, grow it on a large scale, and ensure the yield and quality stability, it is definitely a very potential fruit!

He kept this idea in his heart, and when the time was ripe, he gradually began to realize it.

At night, Lin Jue knitted fans in the living room.

There was no television or other entertainment at night in the countryside, so he had nothing to do, so he made some grass as a fan.

This kind of gadget he grew up with, and his grandparents used to be old and couldn't do heavy work, so they cut some grass to make small things.

There are also various dustpans, baskets, bamboo mats, bamboo plaques, etc. woven by bamboo, and earn a little money by doing some craft work.

Lin Jue followed the adults, and he learned this craft as soon as he came and went.

While the hottest time of summer has not yet arrived, hurry up and make a fan for each of the family, and when he has time, he will go to the county to buy a few electric fans back, it will be even cooler!

Liang Liang was bored lying on Lin Jue's lap to watch him make things, but Yue Yue suddenly trotted over, got into his arms and said.

"Snow White, yesterday's story of Snow White hasn't been told yet! The princess fled into the forest, and then what? Isn't she hungry in the forest, there is no food, no drink, how pitiful!

She blinked her big shining eyes, and her little meat hand grabbed Lin Jue's arm, coquettishly, asking him to tell the story.

With this sticky "little kitten" pestering him, he couldn't make up this fan, so he had to carry two little milk babies into the bedroom.

"Daddy continue to tell you the story of Snow White!" Lin Jue coaxed the children to sleep, "Last time I talked about the princess being driven out of the palace by the vicious queen, the queen sent a hunter to dig the princess's heart, and the hunter sympathized with the princess, so he released the princess..." With Lin Jue's

soothing voice, the children gradually became sleepy and narrowed their eyes.

Half an hour later, Lin Jue confirmed that the little babies had fallen asleep, and he quietly got down from the bed of ginger porcelain.

The ginger porcelain's room is clean and tidy, and there is a faint aroma on the bed, which is a good smell on the wife.

She usually doesn't spray perfume or anything, and she washes ordinary soap, but there is always a seemingly nonexistent fragrance on her body, which makes him like it very much.

Standing in his wife's bedroom, he inevitably had some imagination.

Lin Jue recalled the picture of infinite warmth when they first got married, and he really missed it.

At this time, there were still black and white wedding photos of the two of them hanging on the wall of the bedroom, and Lin Jue took the wedding photos off and looked at them carefully.

He was wearing a clean and neat white shirt, which he remembered, which he had rented from a photo studio at the time.

That day, he also went to the barbershop and got a shiny back, which was probably the most elegant hairstyle in his life.

On the wedding day, there was no banquet at home, but a simple meal at home.

Because Jiang Ceramics chose to marry him, his relationship with his parents was very stiff.

She and her mother's family have not had much contact so far, and Lin Jue's side is an ordinary peasant family, in order to save money, even the money for the banquet has been saved.

Of all the bride price, only the South China brand sewing machine that he spent two months' wages selling.

Married at a young age, poor with nothing, all supported by a warm blood and a strong body.

Looking back now, he also finds it strange.

Obviously, his family is not rich, just an ordinary peasant family in a ravine.

He himself looks mediocre, and his personality is not a stable and reliable type, relying on brute force to work in a steel factory to make money.

For a person like him who "didn't show up", how did Jiang Ceramics go blind and look at him in the first place?

According to Jiang Porcelain's own situation, as well as the strength of her mother's family in the county, she can completely marry a civil servant who eats iron rice bowls in the county, so why must she suffer with him?

Lin Jue was soberly aware of this, so he felt more and more sorry for his wife.

The only thing he can do now is to make more money, slowly change the family's economic situation, and make life a little better.

It also makes the hard work paid by ginger porcelain in the past not to be disappointed!

Let her be able to raise her head in front of her mother's family!

He thought cranky for a while, hung the wedding photo back on the wall, and left the room, where the living room was eerily quiet and the familiar clicking of the sewing machine stopped.

He turned his head and found that the ginger porcelain was actually sleepy and fell asleep on the edge of the sewing machine, and his petite body was curled up in the corner, looking slightly thin.

Her long black hair naturally fell behind her head, and the tight top also fit her back at this time, highlighting her slender waist perfectly.

Lin Jue tiptoed to his wife, saw her face calm, and slept intoxicatedly.

He shook his head and sighed, his wife is still so stubborn, obviously very tired, but she does not rest, and she still sits in front of this sewing machine to hold on.

How sleepy it is to sleep so dead on your tummy!

"If you fall asleep in this position, you will definitely feel numb in your arms when you wake up. Let's take her into the house and sleep!

Lin Jue muttered, and immediately raised his hand to pick up his wife!

Her body is soft and breathless, and she feels very good in her hand, very light.

In the position of a princess hug, he carefully rested her head against his chest, trying not to disturb her sleep.

I have to say that my wife's height of one meter six five, ninety pounds, but holding it in her hand is as light as forty or fifty pounds, Lin Jue can even easily hold her and run a thousand meters!

However, the few steps from the living room to the bedroom were less than five meters, but he walked very slowly.

Listening to his wife's even breathing on him and smelling his wife's hair fragrance, he simply enjoyed it so much that he walked for a while before carrying her into the bedroom.

Carefully place on the bed and lie down with the two children.

He raised his hand to ruffle the messy hair on her face to the side, and through the dim light, Lin Jue saw her clean and white face.

Faint, like a hibiscus flower, not the kind of beautiful and incomprehensible woman, but very gentle, down-to-earth, and homely.

Lin Jue looked at it for a long time, lowered his head and kissed Jiang Porcelain's forehead, and then reluctantly got up and went back to his room to sleep.

The next day, before five o'clock, he woke up.

It wasn't that the neighbor's big rooster was crowing in advance, but he heard someone knocking outside his yard door.

Although the sound is not strong, it is easily confused with the rustle of leaves blown by the wind.

But for Lin Jue, who has been drinking Lingquan water for a long time and his physique has been greatly improved, his ear power is much stronger than in the past.

He was convinced that someone was knocking on his door.

"Now at this hour, the sun has not yet risen, who is idle and comes knocking on my door? Could it be that Aunt Liu is making trouble again? She just ran over to apologize last night, won't she have another nervous attack today?

Lin Jue was confused, but the knocking on the door did not stop, and he had to get dressed and get up and take a flashlight to check the situation.

Sure enough, when I walked near the courtyard gate, there was indeed a person standing outside, but it was not Liu Cuihua, but another strange eldest sister.

The eldest sister was very happy to see him, and a smile immediately appeared on her face: "Young man, I'm sorry to disturb in the morning!" It turns out that your family really lives here, fortunately, the eldest sister did not find the wrong place! The

other party's voice sounded a little familiar, and Lin Jue opened the courtyard door with a frown.

This eldest sister is quite young, looking at her thirty years old, looking at her appearance, Lin Jue is a little impressed.

She seems to be one of the eldest sisters who came to line up to buy tea eggs at that time.

"Big sister, what did you come to me this morning?" Lin Jue slept well and was woken up, and his heart was inevitably a little unhappy.

But this eldest sister doesn't look malicious, so it's better to ask her intentions first.

It's also embarrassing to drive her away directly.

The eldest sister was also very generous, did not twist and pinch, and said directly: "I didn't buy tea eggs last time in line." This time, the eldest sister just got up early in the morning, ready to dig some spring shoots in the mountains, and came to you by the way!

Lin Jue smiled, this eldest sister really came to buy tea eggs!

So early to come, he has not yet started the pot to burn the fire, and the eldest sister is too persistent, thinking of a tea egg and walking all the way.

Lin Jue thought that the other party was his customer, and he could even cultivate a long-term old customer in the future, bringing him a lot of money.

If he ruthlessly drove his eldest sister away this time, she would definitely not come next time, and she would even say bad things about him behind his back.

Give his tea eggs a bad reputation.

Anyway, it's five o'clock now, and it's indeed time for him to get up and make tea and eggs, so he simply welcomes the other party into the house first.

Don't lose your hospitality.

"Big sister, I haven't started boiling this tea egg yet! If you don't dislike it, go into the house and sit down. Wait a while, it'll be out! Lin Jue said with a smile.

She was also not polite, and followed Lin Jue into the house with a smile.

Lin Jue took out the wooden table at home, placed it in the middle of the courtyard, and put a few more stools for people to sit on.

He has a hunch that today's business will be very hot, and when customers come to the door, there is not even a chair for people to sit on, it will be too cold!

The eldest sister sat obediently in the courtyard, Lin Jue grabbed a handful of tea leaves at random, poured some hot water from the thermos pot, and gave it to her.

The eldest sister came from the west of the village, she was a little thirsty, and took a sip of tea, but she was pleasantly surprised.

"Young man, this tea is so delicious! Take a sip of your brain. The eldest sister praised fiercely.

No wonder his tea eggs are so delicious, it turns out that the tea used to entertain strangers is top-notch, this young man, too conscientious!

Be a conscientious seller!

"Haha, big sister, you sit down first. I went to the kitchen to get busy!

Lin Jue didn't make small talk with her, and quickly went to the kitchen and began to cook the first pot of tea eggs.

Yesterday I ordered a thousand eggs with my uncle, and he weighed that today would definitely be enough to buy for customers, and there would definitely be no embarrassment like yesterday.

He simply boiled a hundred eggs directly in the first pot, and the whole large iron pot was stuffed!

Sprinkle a large handful of tea leaves into it, so that the soup will be rich enough, and the tea eggs will be fragrant enough when boiled!

Jiang Porcelain fell asleep on the bed, smelled the aroma of tea eggs and woke up, knowing that Lin Jue had started busy early in the morning.

She was also embarrassed to continue sleeping, and immediately got up to help him.

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