"Haha, it's a pity to burn! If Auntie doesn't mind, give me this tree, and I'll dig it back and plant it. Lin Jue suggested.

Su Chunmei didn't take it seriously, but it was just a dying tree, and it was not worth much, Lin Jue took it if he wanted to, and it was regarded as a gift in return.

"Xiao Jue, if you want to take it away, I'll find you a hoe to dig!"

"Hey, thank you, Auntie!"

Lin Jue took a dustpan, dug out the laurel tree with roots and soil with a hoe, moved it back to his home, and planted it on the pot first.

When you are free tomorrow afternoon, you will transplant it to the fields on the mountain.

As a chef, he also has a special affection for these common spice trees, and the fields now have star anise, peppercorns, and fragrant leaves.

A few more cloves, cinnamon trees, grass fruits, nutmeg, etc., common marinade spices are all together!

In the future, when customers are tired of eating tea and eggs, he can also make some marinated meat to sell, which must be very popular!

Back home, although there were not many customers in the afternoon, there were always some curious diners who came to admire them, and they learned from other villagers how good Lin Jue's tea eggs were, and wanted to try them.

There are not many guests, but there are always scattered places.

Lin Jue boiled two pots of tea eggs to keep warm, entertained customers outside with his wife, and sold all the last two hundred eggs in the family in one afternoon.

Around half-past six, they closed their stalls.

After a busy day, it was really happy and fulfilling.

Ginger porcelain counted a box full of money, a thousand yuan!

It was all small bills, thick and large, and she sorted them with rubber bands, tied them up, and organized the money in an orderly manner.

Of course, Jiang Ceramics was very happy in her heart, she didn't expect to make so much money in business, and in just one day, she could earn the fruits of other people's hard work for two or three months!

It's like a dream!

She is now a little unable to come to her senses, counting the money over and over again, the numbers are exactly the same, and her heart is gradually steady, knowing that everything is true.

She's not dreaming!

"Husband, is this money really what we earned today?" Jiang Porcelain's expression was dumbfounded, looking at the stack of paper money lined up on the table, and he couldn't believe it.

Lin Jue glanced at his wife, saw her count over and over again, and couldn't help but smile, walked over and stroked her hair affectionately and said.

"Wife, of course it's true! All this money is what we earn today, and not only today, we can make more money in the future! Jiang

Ceramics raised her head to look at him when she heard Lin Jue's words, for some reason, when she should obviously be happy, she couldn't help but want to cry.

Following Lin Jue, all the way to the present, she never felt that her life was more difficult than others, and she never complained to others.

Even if she is urged by her creditors and feels uncomfortable, she will only hide in her room alone and cry.

They will not show their sadness in front of the children and make them worry and be afraid.

But at this time, when Jiang Porcelain really knew that Lin Jue could make money and had the ability to change this family with them, a wave of hope surged in her heart!

She knew that her decision to believe Lin Jue was the right one.

He can really do it and make everything better.

Jiang Ceramics lowered his head and covered his face, suddenly crying with excitement.

Lin Jue was startled by her actions, why did his wife suddenly cry, could it be that he said something bad and made her angry?

Seeing Jiang Porcelain crying, Lin Jue, a big man, looked a little at a loss.

He didn't know what to say to comfort her, so he could only silently raise his hand and pat Jiang Porcelain's back to let her head rest on his chest.

Lin Jue's silent companionship gave Jiang Ceramics a real sense of security.

She simply raised her hand and hugged Lin Jue's waist, sobbing on his chest, tears gradually soaking his clothes.

Seeing his wife crying so much in front of him for the first time, Lin Jue also had mixed tastes, and there was an indescribable taste in his heart.

In my wife's heart, there are too many unknown heartaches and pains.

Lin Jue used to think that his wife was very strong, always a calm, rational and gentle person in case of accidents.

Silently doing what should be done, silently taking care of the family.

He never complained, nor did he cry and make trouble, beat and scold like other rural women outside, who did not look favorably at her husband.

She has always been peaceful, so peaceful that Lin Jue mistakenly thought that she was a person with "no emotions".

Looking back now, how ridiculous and pathetic his previous thoughts must have been.

If a woman seems strong on the surface, it must be life that forces her to be strong.

Life has taught her that complaints and negative emotions do not change any reality, and she will suppress them deep within herself.

But these repressed emotions will not disappear, and in the long run, people will become more and more numb and indifferent, losing their true temperament!

Lin Jue took a deep breath and said with a long sigh: "Wife, the past things have passed, and I can't travel back and change everything I have done." But from now on, I will slowly make up for it! In the future, our days will definitely get better and better! Will you believe me?

Jiang Ceramics listened to Lin Jue's words into her heart, she raised her hand to gently wipe the tears from her face, lay on his chest, and said firmly.

"I believe in you." A smile rose on her face, "I believe in you now, and in the future, I will always believe in you."

Lin Jue also smiled, raised his hand to stroke the top of Jiang Porcelain's hair, and said, "Wife, I am so lucky to meet you in this life." Let's keep going. The

strength of Jiang Porcelain's arms tightened a little tighter, she nodded slightly, and said in an undetectable voice: "Okay..." At

night, Lin Jue went to bed very early after taking a bath.

Everyone was busy all day, their bodies were a little tired, and the ginger porcelain didn't even step on the sewing machine, and after helping the children take a bath, he carried them to the bedroom to sleep.

When they fell asleep, she herself fell asleep.

A dreamless night and a good night's sleep.

Around half past five, Lin Jue woke up on time.

Today, no eldest sister came to urge him to buy tea and eggs, and he slept for half an extra hour.

I got up early and went to the door of my yard and wrote a notice saying "Closed for Business" on the iron gate with black charcoal.

In order to make it understandable to illiterate people in the village, he also drew a stick figure caricature intimately, which was easy to understand and clear at a glance.

By the way, he also explained the situation to Aunt Liu, the neighbor across the door, and asked her not to rush over early in the morning to help sell things.

After taking care of all this, he went back to prepare breakfast for his family.

Jiang Ceramics and the children woke up one after another, and around six o'clock, the sun rose and the sky was already bright.

Lin Jue fed the children sweet potato porridge to eat, and Jiang Ceramics was busy braiding Yue Yue's hair, and also preparing clothes and shoes for them to go out.

Today, the family is neat, and they have to go to the county to make purchases!

There has been no new thing to go out together for a long time, and the corners of Jiang Porcelain's mouth have always been upward since he got up, and he looks in a good mood.

While eating, Yue Yue shook her little short legs and said, "Mama, are you going to the city to play today?"

"Yes, is Yue Yue happy?" Jiang Ceramics said with a smile.

"Of course happy! I haven't been to the city to play for a long time, and the nest wants to buy sugar gourds for the nest! And beautiful little skirts!

Yue Yue couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart, her little butt moved restlessly on the bench, and she wasn't even honest about eating.

Lin Jue quickly pressed her little head and said, "Yue Yue eat well, after eating, we will go to the county seat, and Dad will buy you a lot of sugar gourds!" The

little girl's big eyes flashed with little stars instantly, nodded repeatedly, and continued to eat obediently.

Lin Jue finally breathed a sigh of relief, Yue Yue's naughty and lively nature was really like when he was a child, and then looked at his younger brother on the side, he was honest and calm, and he didn't like to talk very much, so he lost the nature of ginger porcelain.

Sure enough, the daughter is like a father, and the son is like a mother!

The girl's lively and cheerful nature is cute, but if she is too naughty and funny, it is easy to cause trouble, and it can only be said that it is a happy trouble.

After the meal, the family rushed to the entrance of the village.

Lin Jue made an agreement with the tractor master in the village in advance yesterday, and reserved a few places for them today.

When they got there, the driver's master was already waiting for someone to arrive one after another.

Lin Jue took the children to the car body, and the other people in the car were basically migrant workers who rushed to the county to work.

Some of them also bought tea eggs from Lin Jue, and as soon as they met each other, they immediately nodded their heads in a friendly manner.

"Boss, are your family planning to go to the county seat?" A man asked.

The tractor master had a lot of small horses in the car, they all sat in the car, and a tractor could carry a dozen or twenty passengers.

Lin Jue saw that the other party was very kind, so he casually said to him: "Yes!" I take my wife and children to the county to buy things!

"That's good! Recently, a large supermarket has been opened in the county, which seems to be called something, everyone is happy! There are many shops and imported food! I've always wanted to take my wife shopping, even if I don't buy anything, just look at it, it's worth it! The

man said with his eyebrows flying, and Lin Jue also became a little interested in Renrenle Supermarket.

He remembered that in Guangdong back then, the most famous supermarkets were, China Resources Vanguard, Everyone Happy, Xinyijia!

It can be said that everyone knows that many supermarket chains have expanded in the province.

Ginger porcelain and the children have never been to a big supermarket, so it's good to take them to meet the world this time!

The tractor started suddenly, and the diesel engine drove on the potholed mountain road with black smoke.

Lin Jue held his daughter and sat on the little horse, his butt hurt!

This mountain road is really not easy to walk, Jinlong Village is remote and poor, ordinary villagers, if they want to go to other villages or to the county seat, can only take ox carts or tractors.

It took a bumpy ride to reach your destination.

Lin Jue couldn't help but sigh at the poverty and backwardness of their village, if he had achievements in the future, he would definitely have to pave a smooth cement road for the people in the village!

Making the vehicle easy to drive is also a way to benefit future generations and give back to the small mountain village that gave birth to him and raised him!

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