Jiang Ceramics' confession shocked Lin Juehu's body, he is a big man, and he is like a little girl at this time, so excited that he doesn't want to!

My heart was plopping and my face was red with nervousness.

When he provoked his wife, all kinds of commotion could be said, and as a result, when it was his turn to become the target of the accused, his whole person was also panicked.

Jiang Ceramics said the most difficult sentence, and a big stone suddenly unloaded in her heart, and she continued to tell Lin Jue some of the words in her heart.

"Husband, you know I'm a person who doesn't express his emotions very well. You may think that I am a little old-fashioned, bored, and incomprehensible. But I have always silently taken you and the children to heart! You are the people I have worked hard to protect all my life..."

said Jiang Porcelain, the corners of his eyes were a little moist with excitement, and his voice choked.

Lin Jue quickly took his wife in his arms, raised his hand and gently patted her delicate back to calm her emotions.

He whispered softly in her ear, "Wife, I know." Like you, I love this home and want to protect it..." When

the two hugged each other affectionately, the little babies played in the yard, saw their parents hugging each other, and also curiously stepped forward.

Xiao Yueyue said excitedly: "Tang Yue is hugging again, Yue Yue also wants to hug!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she stretched out her little meat hand, snapped, and held it to Lin Jue's lap.

Liang Liang saw that her sister did this, and also learned to hug Jiang Porcelain's thigh.

A family of four hugged together, the picture was funny and warm.

Lin Jue's embrace was very warm, Jiang Porcelain hugged his waist, and he was reluctant to let go, and his strong and strong body gave her a full sense of security.

Let her feel that the man next to her can be relied on and can be entrusted with everything.

After a while, Yue Yue yawned boredly, stretched out her little hand and grabbed Lin Jue's little finger and said, "Yue Yue, Yue Yue is sleepy, Yue Yue wants to break Jue Jue." Let's tell the nest a new fairy tale!

"I want to listen to the story too. I'm going to sleep with Dumpling tonight! Liang Liang also pestered him and said.

Lin Jue glanced at Jiang Porcelain, and after getting his wife's consent, he had a baby in his left hand and a baby in his right hand, and carried the two of them into the bedroom.

Placing them on the bed and lying down, he turned on the electric mosquito lamp in the room, lest the children be stung by the mosquitoes of this summer.

"What story will I tell you tonight?" I want to think about it, tell you the story of the ugly duckling. A long, long time ago, in an ancient and mysterious forest, a mother duck was hatching eggs, and found that she had hatched a very ugly duck

..." The story was told slowly, and the children gradually closed their eyes.

After seeing them sleep peacefully, Lin Jue also felt sleepy, he really couldn't resist the drowsiness, his eyes were dark, and he slept.

By this time, the night was deep and the lights of every house in the village had been extinguished.

It was dark around Lin Jue's house, only the lamp in his living room was still on.

Ginger porcelain gently stepped on the sewing machine, afraid of affecting the sleep of the family, so every time, he stepped carefully.

She's making clothes, but not for customers.

Last time I went to Huacheng, in the dazzling clothing stores in the commercial street, she saw all kinds of trendy clothes, and Yue Yue and Liangliang picked a lot of children's clothes that were beautiful and suitable for them.

But in order to save money, ginger porcelain couldn't buy them all.

She silently wrote down the styles of those clothes, and when she came back, she made her own designs, measured the sizes for the children, bought various colors of fabric, and prepared to make clothes for the children herself.

In addition to the children, of course, she also designed a few sets for Lin Jue, but it was only at the draft level, and she would measure him when she was free.

In the living room, the sound of the sewing machine clicked.

Jiang porcelain used to make clothes for customers, and when he changed three times in the middle of the night, he always felt very tired, and he gritted his teeth before he could barely stick to it.

But now making clothes for the children, her heart has always been full of joy.

Thinking of the happy smiles on their faces after wearing the clothes they designed, Jiang Ceramics also felt very satisfied.

For the first time, she felt that making clothes was not only a job, but also a sense of meaning.

Before she knew it, she was busy until two o'clock in the morning before going back to sleep.

When Lin Jue got up the next day, he found that on the sewing machine of ginger porcelain, there were two newly made children's clothes, both of which were trendy, the style I saw last time in a children's clothing store.

"My wife didn't stay up late to make clothes for the children last night, right? These clothes look so complicated, just patterning and cutting, it takes a lot of time. Didn't she sleep all night..." Although

the clothes were beautiful, Lin Jue felt very sorry for his wife.

He quietly pushed open the bedroom door of Jiang Porcelain, glanced inward, and heard her even breathing, and seemed to be still asleep.

"My wife was tired all night and finally fell asleep. Let her sleep a little longer! I won't wake her up today.

He closed the door very lightly and went to the kitchen to start his day's work.

Su Chunmei and Liu Cuihua also reported on time, since yesterday when they saw Lin Jue in just one day, they sold two thousand tea eggs and earned two thousand yuan, the two of them also admired Lin Jue.

With the experience of the first day, the aunts get to work, it is much more profitable!

Lin Jue told his uncle yesterday and asked him to send another two thousand eggs, and he was unambiguous, and he delivered it home that afternoon!

If it weren't for the timely delivery of the uncle, I am afraid they would not be able to open today!

Lin Jue got up early today, boiled four hundred eggs in two large iron pots, put them in the insulation bucket, and then carried the insulation bucket to the courtyard.

It was just six o'clock, and the courtyard was already crowded with people.

Some eldest sisters have come several times, and they have long been familiar with Lin Jue.

When they saw that the person who came up to collect the money today was not the "young girl", but the boss himself, they were somewhat curious.

While lining up, the eldest sister asked gossipyly: "Little boss, why wasn't that good-looking little girl yesterday?"

Lin Jue listened to the eldest sister's question, and was still wondering, when did he hire a "little girl" here?

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly had an epiphany, it turned out that the person this eldest sister said was his wife Jiang Porcelain!

Lin Jue replied with a smile: "She is my wife." Last night she stayed up late and slept a little late, so I'll let her sleep a little longer today!

After listening to a "second understand" expression, the eldest sister smiled quite lewdly and said: "I understand, I understand, little boss, you are square in blood and strong, and your body is also strong." My wife is so beautiful that I can't help it. "

Ahem..." Lin Jue coughed twice in embarrassment, this eldest sister thought too crookedly, things were not at all what she thought!

After the eldest sister finished speaking, she continued: "The little boss still feels very sorry for his wife, in the countryside of our village, good men like you are rare."

"Exactly! Young and promising, handsome and reliable, not only makes money, but also treats his wife and children. Yesterday I saw that the dress that the little girl was wearing, without forty or fifty yuan, could not buy it!

"The man in my family has never bought me a dress since he got married." Don't say that I feel sorry for me, when I got home, I refused to wash even a bowl except for eating and sleeping!

"This boss's character is indeed good, and it is really a blessing to be his wife." For the rest of your life, you will be blessed! The

eldest sister in the back line also participated in the discussion.

A group of women get together, and once someone starts a conversation, they can't stop.

Lin Jue listened to their discussion indifferently, these beautiful words, he listened to in his ears, but did not touch much.

He doesn't feel how great he is, he feels sorry for his wife, and he is good to his wife, just because he thinks ginger porcelain is worth it.

How good his wife is, only he knows.

He gave willingly and treated her well without expecting anything in return, all because he loved this woman.

So it's all worth it.

"Haha. I'm not as good as you say. Lin Jue interjected and said with a smile, "My wife is also very hard, compared to her hard work, her dedication, what I do now is nothing at all."

When Lin Jue said this, Jiang Ceramics just woke up, opened the bedroom door, and was about to come out.

She heard coldly his conversation with his eldest sisters.

Originally confused, he hadn't fully woken up, but when he heard this, his heart clicked and beat violently!

She remembered that Lin Jue took a box of chocolates to confess to her last night, and her face immediately burned red again.

It's red, like a little tomato.

"He really is, saying these things to his eldest sisters. How embarrassed I will be to go out and deal with them in the future..." Although

Jiang Ceramics said this, his face was filled with a faint smile.

Being able to hear Lin Jue say, understand her, be considerate of her, and feel sorry for her, her heart is also warm.

What she had done for this family before, now it seems that it is all worth it.

Seeing Lin Jue getting better and better, she is really full of hope for him and the future of their family!

Ginger porcelain quickly washed up and came out to help, and after a morning, they sold a lot of tea eggs.

During the lunch break, Lin Jue took advantage of the bright sun outside, ready to first put the star anise picked yesterday, pass it hot water, and then put it on the roof to dry!

Jiang Porcelain and Aunt Su, when they were cooking in the kitchen, Lin Jue came in with a large back basket of star anise.

They looked down curiously and saw that the back basket was actually full of dark purple polygonal "small fruits".

I don't know what it is, but the shape is quite peculiar.

Su Chunmei asked first: "Xiao Jue, these fruits won't be star anise, right?" "

Aunt Su's family is also a cook, and she basically knows all kinds of common spices.

The shape of these brought by Lin Jue is exactly the same as the octagonal one, but the difference in color and size is not a star and a half!

She wondered, had she been mistaken?

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