Zhu Guangming has also been a chef for twenty or thirty years.

When he was young, he worked as a chef apprentice in a restaurant in the county town, from doing miscellaneous work in the back kitchen to learning from the master, and studied for four or five years before coming out on his own.

He is also an experienced old chef, who has cooked and eaten marinated dishes, not to mention 10,000 dishes, 9,000 dishes must be there!

The aroma of this stewed chicken made by Lin Jue was something he had never heard of or seen!

He remembered that he once went to a big hotel in Guangzhou with a friend and had a very extravagant meal, and there was a stewed chicken at that time, and after he tasted it once, he really missed it.

Now, standing at the kitchen door of Lin Jue's house, smelling the steaming aroma emanating from the cauldron, he once again recalled the taste of the superb braised meat in his memory.

Zhu Guangming had been motionless at the kitchen door, and he didn't go in, just standing there dumbfounded.

No sound, no movement, stiff as a stone.

Jiang Ceramics stood not far behind him, looking at him in bewilderment.

Call him, he doesn't move, let him come to the living room for tea and rest, he won't come!

Jiang Ceramics didn't understand at all, what did Zhu Guangming suddenly come to her house to do this big night?

At first, he was imposing, and his whole face stinked as if someone else owed him a million, but as soon as he came in and stood at the kitchen door, his expression became very subtle again.

If you really want to describe it in one sentence, it should be a state of excitement to the point of being a little overwhelmed.

Lin Jue concentrated on the fire, not knowing that there was still a person standing at the door.

After a while, the two chickens were marinated for an hour, and he withdrew the firewood from the stove and let the chickens in the pot continue to soak in the brine for a while!

In this way, the chicken can be fully flavored and achieve a near-perfect effect.

He stood up, moved his lower muscles, turned his head, and suddenly saw a middle-aged man standing at the kitchen door!

The body was motionless, like a statue, which really startled him!

Until he fixed his eyes and found that it was actually the next-door neighbor, Zhu Guangming?

Why did the other party suddenly come to his house?

"Uncle Zhu, why are you free to come to my house?" Lin Jue walked over and said.

Zhu Guangming returned his gaze, stared at Lin Jue's face, and smiled awkwardly.

He remembered that he was at home just now, and he was so angry with his son that he was on fire in his stomach, so he ran to Lin Jue's house and wanted to talk to him.

As a result, the quarrel could not be achieved, but he himself was deeply attracted by this stewed chicken made by Lin Jue!

Although this marinated chicken, only smell its aroma, not its meat.

But with this taste alone, Zhu Guangming was already ashamed of himself!

He had to admit that Lin Jue's cooking skills were indeed much better than him!

In other words, the other party's cooking level is completely incomparable with a rural chef like him!

It's a difference of one day and one earth!

Zhu Guangming sighed and said to Lin Jue with a smile: "Xiao Jue, why haven't you heard that you have been a cook before?" And the cooking is so good, it's really hidden!

When Lin Jue heard this, he also understood what Uncle Zhu meant.

It turned out that the other party was attracted by the aroma of his marinated chicken.

Zhu Guangming is an old chef, and people who have been cooks will have a "persistence" on food, and Lin Jue fully understands this mentality.

"Haha, I did do it for a few years. However, compared to Uncle Zhu's craftsmanship, it is still too far behind! Lin Jue smiled and said a few words modestly.

When Zhu Guangming heard this, he quickly took Lin Jue's hand and said, "Don't say such things, your cooking skills are obviously much better than mine!" Just this braised chicken, I'm sure that the entire Chinese town braised meat shop can't make this taste of you! Zhu

Guangming was a little emotional, he really appreciated Lin Jue's cooking.

At a young age in his twenties, cooking skills can reach such a high level!

It's really against the sky!

Uncle Zhu simply praised Lin Jue to the sky.

Lin Jue saw that the other party was also a professional chef, or a neighbor next door, and they were acquaintances with each other, so he welcomed him into the living room to entertain.

The two sat opposite each other on the bench and talked about the experience of cooking, which was also endless, and there was a feeling of seeing each other late.

As soon as the conversation started, I couldn't stop talking!

Fifteen minutes later.

Zhu Guangming finally couldn't help but praise: "Gee." You kid really is a strange person! I know more than anyone who has been a chef for thirty years! Sure enough, it was a young talent.

Zhu Guangming praised one after another, and his heart was shocked.

He had been Lin Jue's neighbor for several years, and he always thought that this kid was a lofty and unrealistic young man.

A good person, tossing his own family into poverty, and then unable to bear the responsibility of being a husband and a father.

Drink and gamble all day, eat and be lazy, make people not ghosts and ghosts!

But now it seems that Lin Jue is definitely not an "unrealistic" person.

Quite the opposite, he was a very smart "businessman"!

He is also a professional chef with a solid cooking craft!

There is no doubt about this.

Zhu Guangming trusted the judgment he saw with his own eyes.

Lin Jue was chatting with Uncle Zhu, but he forgot the time, he glanced at the wall clock and weighed the marinated chicken in the cauldron, which was almost ready to be baked.

At this time, it was half past seven in the evening, they had not even eaten dinner, and if they waited, the children would be hungry and crying.

"Uncle Zhu, you sit first, I'll go and take out the marinated chicken in the pot!" Lin Jue got up and went to the kitchen.

Zhu Guangming followed closely: "Xiaojue, I'll help you!" "

He was very proactive and refused to miss this great opportunity to meet his long-awaited stewed chicken and the final product!

Lin Jue lifted the lid of the pot, and the strong aroma of brine instantly gushed out!

The whole kitchen was steaming hot.

Zhu Guangming gave him a hand on the side and took a large plate to take a look.

He found that the brine in the cauldron was actually a dark black purple red!

This color is like the skin of an eggplant, purple and black, purple and black, especially weird!

What made him feel even more incredible was that the marinated chicken was actually purple!

The skin of the whole chicken is standard grape purple, the color is really very strange, not affecting appetite, but the color of the marinated meat he has seen in the past, the difference is indeed too big.

Lin Jue took out the two chickens and brought them to the table and put them down.

This strangely colored marinated chicken quickly attracted onlookers from children.

Jiang Ceramics also stood on the side curiously, watching Lin Jue use a clean kitchen knife to decompose the chicken piece by piece.

Two chickens must be inexhaustible in a meal, Lin Jue kept one of the larger chickens, wrapped it in a plastic bag, and put it in the refrigerator to freeze!

When you are ready to go back to your hometown tomorrow, bring it with you for your parents to taste!

The cut braised chicken was also dyed a faint purple inside, and even the skeleton of the chicken was covered with a layer of purple and black.

From the color point of view, it is indeed difficult to move the chopsticks to taste.

But just smelling the aroma is appetizing.

Jiang Porcelain held chopsticks in his hand, tried to pick up a piece, looked at it and said: "This color, it's really quite special, but it's a bit like a black chicken... I just don't know what it tastes like? "

She's timid, and she doesn't dare to be the first to taste it.

The two little milk babies were also standing at the table, staring at the meat, but they did not dare to take it.

Only Zhu Guangming plucked up the courage to pick up a piece, first observed the color, and then put it under the tip of his nose and sniffed.

The aroma is really watery, even if this braised meat is "poisonous", if you can eat a bite of such meat in your lifetime, life is not in vain!

He took a deep breath and directly stuffed the whole piece of meat into his mouth and chewed!

As soon as the teeth bite open, the smell of various spices explodes in the mouth!

The meat is tender and not woody, with the unique fragrance of local chicken, and this strong spice flavor combines with this chicken just right!

The more you chew, the more fragrant it gets, and it's just addictive!

Uncle Zhu's serious expression gradually soothed, and he turned to a smile full of joy on his face, which turned out to be a food that can bring people a sense of "happiness"!

He was so excited that his eyes were a little moist.

When he came back to his senses, Zhu Guangming looked at Lin Jue and sighed, silently put down his chopsticks, and said, "This dish is the best marinated chicken I have ever eaten." After eating the dishes you cooked, I realized that there are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky. I have been a chef for thirty years, but I am still completely unqualified to call me a chef..."

Zhu Guangming was very sad.

After eating Lin Jue's dish, his self-confidence was deeply hit!

It turned out that his son Zhu Xiaobao was right at all.

The dishes made by Lin Jue were really countless times more delicious than those he made!

Zhu Guangming couldn't raise his head at all in front of Lin Jue, facing such a young genius chef, his little pride was shattered into slag.

He left Lin Jue's house dejectedly, but on the way, he met his wife Su Chunmei.

Aunt Su saw him leave in an imposing manner and ran to Lin Jue's house, afraid that he would be impulsive and fight with the other party.

I secretly wanted to go to Lin Jue's house to see the situation, but as a result, I saw Zhu Guangming returning home with a dejected face, with an expression of "doubting life".

Su Chunmei leaned over worriedly and asked, "Old man, are you all right?"

Zhu Guangming sat on the bench and said, "Wife, I won't be a cook in the future."

"What did you say?!" Su Chunmei was terrified.

Why did he go to Lin Jue's house and come back, and the whole person was crazy?

He also said that he would not be a cook in the future, so what should this family do?

What does he earn money on to support his family?

Zhu Guangming waved his hand and went back to the room to lie down: "Don't ask." I'm tired, let's rest first..." Su

Chunmei saw him close the door, and the whole person was at a loss.

She didn't know what happened, but she knew it must be related to Lin Jue.

Aunt Su hurriedly came out of the house and ran to Lin Jue's door to knock.

She must find out, what did Lin Jue do to her husband?

How did it come and go, less than twenty minutes, a good person, become like this?

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