Jiang Ceramics saw that Lin Jue was busy there, she was very embarrassed, usually she did the work, suddenly was robbed of the work by her own man, idle, but a little unaccustomed.

She saw that the bucket in the kitchen was out of water, and took the bucket and wanted to go to the pressurized well in the courtyard to get water, but as soon as she picked up the bucket, Lin Jue silently came over and took the bucket away.

"Your waist is not good, let me do the heavy work of carrying water later." Lin Jue didn't give Jiang Porcelain the slightest chance to speak, picked up the bucket and left.

A few trips back and forth, filling the four or five buckets in the house.

Jiang Porcelain's work was robbed, and when she returned home for the first time, she had a leisurely feeling of having nothing to do, and she usually didn't take a nap, but she was a little sleepy at this time.

Just lay on the living room bench and took a nap, Yue Yue and Liang Liang slept on the straw mat on the ground next to them.

The weather in June in the south is already quite hot, the sun is high outside, and the windows send in cool breeze.

Lin Jue was sweating profusely after busy work, and came back from a shower, wearing only a white vest on his upper body, and holding a fan in his hand.

As soon as I stepped into the living room, I saw two milk babies sleeping on all fours, with intoxicated expressions, not to mention how cute.

Lin Jue crept in, trying not to make a noise to alarm them.

He saw that Jiang Porcelain had untied his long hair, his black hair fell naturally from the pillow, his snow-white goose egg face was dyed a faint pink, his slender eyelashes trembled, and he was a "sleeping beauty" who was alive.

Lin Jue sat next to him and was fascinated, he also fell in love with her at first sight because of Jiang Porcelain's good looks and good personality.

The female workers of the entire garment factory all look like wildflowers and weeds on the edge of the field, ordinary, and they can't remember their appearance, only ginger porcelain is beautiful, like a white hibiscus in the wildflowers.

Let people look at it and forget it.

At that time, he only had one thought, he must chase this beautiful girl into his hand.

After getting his wish, he returned to plainness, and the feeling of his previous heartbeat was gone, and even let such a beautiful wife suffer for him!

Lin Jue really regretted it, but fortunately he still had a chance to make up for all this.

His gaze followed Ginger Porcelain's face down and onto her hand.

In my memory, my wife's hands were white and slender, looking like green onions, but at this time, because of long-term rough work, she was covered with calluses, cracked hands, and many newly grown blisters.

Lin Jue squeezed her hand and looked at it in her palm, and her heart was sour.

It's really not easy for his wife, and when he makes money, let Jiang Ceramics quit his job in the construction team and stop working so hard.

This nap, Jiang Ceramics slept well, and when he woke up, he saw Lin Jue holding a fan to fan the two children.

There is no electric fan at home, even if it is hot to sleep in summer, it can only rely on the natural wind, Jiang Porcelain is still the first time to see Lin Jue so attentive, and he fanned the wind on the ground, really has the appearance of a good father.

Fanning, Lin Jue's hand snapped and fell, it turned out that he was so sleepy that he fell asleep by himself, Jiang Porcelain laughed, walked over, gently lifted his head with his hand, stuffed the pillow in, and let him pillow well.

Otherwise, when you wake up, your neck will be sore.

After the ginger porcelain was ready, he went to the construction site.

Lin Jue slept for a long time, and when he woke up, it was already sunset.

He moved his muscles and went to the yard to look at the small tea tree, a few branches had grown lush, and he watered some spring water for the small tea tree by the way, hoping that it would grow up quickly, and tomorrow it would be able to pick the leaves to boil tea eggs.

There is also a small field in the small courtyard, on which ginger porcelain grows some Chinese cabbage, radish, hollow vegetables, green onions, ginger, garlic and other seasonal vegetables and fruits.

For the purpose of experimenting, Lin Jue also watered this batch of vegetables with spring water.

The performance of Chinese cabbage is the most prominent, the click grows fast, originally it was just a small vegetable seedling, and after half an hour, it has grown to the thickness of a fist.

The hollow cabbage is also very oily, with many small shoots protruding from the bottom part.

Radish and green onion, ginger and garlic could not see any change in appearance, Lin Jue began to wonder, is this spring water not effective for all plants?

He plucked a ripe white radish, washed it and cut it with a kitchen knife, the color was normal, it was the appearance of ordinary white radish.

He plucked up the courage to take a bite, and his mouth did not have the spiciness of turnips, but the sweet watermelon flavor, which was simply eating fruit!

"Interesting, this spring water has mutated ordinary radishes into fruit radishes! Take it out and sell it, and there must be many rare people. Lin

Jue was very happy, and when he was ready to go out tomorrow to sell tea and eggs, he would pull out some radishes by the way to sell.

"Yue Yue, come over quickly! Dad cut some radishes for you to eat.

Lin Jue shouted in the kitchen, and when the two children heard that there was food, they immediately ran from the next room, tiptoeing on the stove and looking curiously.

"What's so delicious?" Yue Yue looked at him with ignorant apricot eyes.

Lin Jue brought the white radish cut into small pieces to them: "Taste it quickly, this is a sweet radish." "

Yue Yue looked, isn't the plate full of raw radish?

Although she didn't know what the taste of raw radishes was, ginger porcelain usually taught them that raw radishes cannot be eaten, and they are only delicious when cooked.

"Raw radishes, you can't eat raw radishes, spicy!" Yue Yue looked resistant, and her small face was wrinkled into a small ball.

Liang Liang as a boy is more tiger, bolder, see that his sister does not dare to eat, but he uses his small hand to pinch a piece and stuff it into his mouth, haw it and eat it so deliciously.

Yue Yue looked at his brother's every move with a shocked face, seeing that he ate so sweetly, he couldn't help but taste it.

A crispy and juicy, watermelon flavor, sweet and delicious, even sweeter than watermelon!

Yue Yue was stunned, it turned out that the white radish was so delicious!

Why hadn't she found out before?

The two children ate the big white radish in one bite.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Jue cooked dinner and waited for Jiang Porcelain to come back and eat together.

After the meal, it was almost eight o'clock, Jiang Ceramics took the children to the bathroom to take a bath, and when he came out, he heard Lin Jue tinkering in the kitchen.

She walked over curiously to see him boiling hot water in the cauldron, and there was a strong smell of herbs in the air.

Lin Jue, this is boiling herbs?

Could it be that he was not feeling well and sick?

Jiang Ceramics was a little worried, after all, he had tossed his body so unscrupulously in the previous two months, even if his body was young, there would always be a time when it would collapse.

She is now afraid that Lin Jue has been pretending to be fine, and if she is sick and not treated in time, it will definitely become more and more serious.

Jiang Porcelain's face was full of worry, but he didn't dare to ask Lin Jue directly.

She knew that their family's current economic situation was not good, and Lin Jue would definitely not agree to go to the hospital for examination in order to save money.

The most worrying thing for adults is that once they go to the hospital to check for something serious, they will have to spend a lot of money on treatment, which will make the already not wealthy family even worse.

In order to save money and not cause trouble to the family, many people will carry it abruptly, have a little pain on their bodies, find some herbs to eat indiscriminately, and as a result, they will miss the best time for treatment.

Jiang Ceramics is most afraid of accidents in her family, it doesn't matter if she has money or not, she has long seen it, her only wish is that the family is safe and safe, and be with Meimei.

She thought a lot, looked at Lin Jue's back and sighed, then gritted her teeth, turned around and went to her bedroom, turning over the wooden box hidden under the bed.

Opening the lid, inside was a jade bracelet, this was the dowry given to her by her mother when she was married, although it was not worth much, but pawning it would make up some medical expenses for Lin Jue.

Ginger porcelain wrapped it in a cloth bag, ready to go to the county tomorrow and sell the jade bracelet.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, Lin Jue pushed open the door and came in, and said with a smile: "Wife, I cooked you some herbal blister hands, you come and try it!" Jiang

Ceramics quickly turned her head, and she was extremely shocked in her heart at Shanglin Jue's sunny smile.

How could she never have imagined that the herbal water that Lin Jue had been burning there for half a day was actually prepared for her!?

But she was relieved again, fortunately it wasn't something wrong with Lin Jue's body, otherwise she didn't know how to live this day.

Jiang Ceramics followed Lin Jue to the living room and saw that he had filled some blue-black herbal water in a plastic basin, and he didn't know what herbs were used to boil it.

"Why did you suddenly think of soaking my hands?" She sat down on the bench.

The two children went to the bedroom to sleep after taking a bath at this time, and the whole living room was very quiet, only the chirping of crickets at night could be heard.

Lin Jue rarely had the opportunity to get along alone with his wife, and he was naturally very happy, since the two of them got married, they have rarely had emotional exchanges.

He hopes to get closer to his wife little by little, and he is also the happiest to see his wife happy.

Lin Jue put the herbal water on the stool, grabbed a pair of hands of ginger porcelain, and put it on the hot water to steam, he stared at the calloused hands, and said a little sadly: "Wife, I feel sorry for you." When

Jiang Ceramics heard this, his heart trembled as if he had been pricked by a needle, his heart beat faster, and his face blushed shyly.

"How do you say such a thing?" She was a little shy and wanted to pull her hand out of Lin Jue's big hand, but he squeezed it so tightly that she couldn't move at all.

Lin Jue's body temperature was transmitted to her hand through the heat of her palm, and the two had not been in such close contact for a long time.

The picture was a little ambiguous, and Jiang Ceramic's heart beat faster.

"Wife, you've worked hard these days. I know that I was not good before, I snubbed you, if you want to hit me and scold me, I will admit it. You are really tired at the construction site, and when I make money selling tea eggs, you can come out of the construction site and do some light work at home!

Lin Jue said the words he had been brewing for a day.

His eyes were extremely sincere, and the ginger porcelain was also strong and impressed.

She took a deep breath, nodded silently, and said with a smile: "Good." Thank you, husband.

Lin Jue also smiled, his wife smiled so good-looking, he really wanted to see his wife happy every day.

Seeing her smile sweetly, Lin Jue blurted out: "Wife, you are so beautiful." Smile more in the future, I love to see you laugh. Jiang

Ceramics' heart began to beat violently again, how could Lin Jue be so sultry, this kind of sweet words, he usually never said!

Her gaze followed Lin Jue's strong big hand upwards, and saw his angular face, straight nose, high eyebrows and deep eyes, it was a particularly manly, tough face.

Jiang Ceramics looked at him, and the more he looked at him, the more handsome he felt, giving people a sense of reliable and trustworthy security.

Looking back on the past few years, although Lin Jue was impulsive, lacked consideration, and made many mistakes, it also put their family in the current predicament.

But he chose to start a business in order to make more money and make a good life for his family.

If the purpose and idea are good, but the result fails, must it be spurned and insulted for the rest of your life?

Today, Lin Jue's performance in all aspects made Jiang Ceramics feel his determination and sincerity to change, and her resentment towards Lin Jue was also reduced a lot.

I wish he wasn't just three minutes hot, he really wanted to change.

If so, Jiang Ceramics feels that their future is still full of hope.

After a while, the temperature of the hot water dropped, and Lin Jue didn't feel hot, so he asked his wife to put her hand in the potion to soak.

This herbal water is filled with spring water in the space, adding fresh wormwood leaves and dandelion leaves he picks in the yard.

Wormwood activates blood stasis, unclogs meridians, dandelion clears heat and detoxification, anti-inflammatory and pain, these two medicines are common Chinese herbal medicines in the mountains, the elderly in the village have a little pain, will also find their own herbs to eat.

Although Lin Jue does not understand any Chinese medicine, he has been around adults since he was a child, and he also knows some common sense of life.

I don't know if this herbal water is useful for his wife's hands, so he can only try it indiscriminately.

Jiang Ceramics saw that Lin Jue was serving her so actively, and she couldn't refuse his enthusiasm, so as not to break his heart.

After putting the hand in the potion, the hand was warm and very comfortable, and after a few minutes, the surface of the skin suddenly itched a little, but it was not uncomfortable, like a small ant crawling on the skin.

This feeling is very magical, ginger porcelain soaked for half an hour, and when the potion cooled down, she took out her hand, and Lin Jue took a towel to wipe her clean for the first time.

Jiang Porcelain couldn't help but smile when he saw his meticulous movements: "I'm not a child, I can wipe my hands myself." Lin

Jue didn't think that wiping his wife's hands was a chore, but he enjoyed it!

"You're my precious wife, what's wrong with wiping your hands? For you to go up the knife mountain, down the sea of fire! Lin Jue said with a smile.

Jiang Ceramics gently pushed his shoulder with his hand, and said coquettishly: "I can say such sweet words, but there is no right thing!"

"Haha, see how the hands are doing?"

Lin Jue turned his wife's hand over and found that the place where there was calluses had begun to peel and replace it.

Not surprisingly, after soaking three or four times, the hands of ginger porcelain should be able to rejuvenate and grow white and tender new skin!

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