When Lin Jue went out to kill chickens with a kitchen knife, Su Chunmei was gossipy, quickly walked to Jiang Porcelain and squatted, whispering to her.

"Little Jiang girl, you and Lin Jue last night... Are you okay? Jiang

Ceramics felt a shiver in her heart when she heard this, and she saw Aunt Su's meaningful expression suspiciously, and suddenly realized what the other party was asking.

Jiang Ceramics' face turned red and red, and he quickly shook his head and said, "Aunt Su, don't think too much, I and Lin Jue were really nothing last night." Besides, he was drunk and slept to death.

When Su Chunmei heard this, she immediately looked disappointed.

It's a pity that nothing happened to this great opportunity!

Women's families are sometimes more gossipy, and they like to ask some things that are not there.

Jiang Ceramics was not offended, after all, she herself did feel a little troubled by this matter.

It stands to reason that Lin Jue is getting better now, and he doesn't go out to mess with that group of drinking and meat friends, he is family-oriented and hardworking and will make money!

Almost a perfect husband and father character!

Even if Jiang Ceramics is a particularly picky woman, it is difficult to find a little defect from Lin Jue now.

Not to mention, Jiang Ceramics has always been a gentle and friendly person, and her original slightly closed and indifferent heart has already been gradually warmed by Lin Jue's positive and gentle overtures these days.

In the past, the two of them slept in separate rooms, which was also a helpless move.

The current Jiang Porcelain actually hopes to further cultivate feelings with Lin Jue.

But she is a person who is naturally introverted and passive, and it is too difficult for her to take the initiative to attack!

Jiang Ceramics was very distressed, she knew that Su Chunmei was very concerned about the situation of the two of them, and she couldn't find anyone to talk to her troubles now, so she simply died as a living horse doctor and asked Aunt Su for advice.

"Actually... Aunt Su, let me tell you something, don't laugh at me." She asked tentatively.

Su Chunmei smelled the gossip, and immediately said with a smile: "Little Jiang girl, don't worry, Auntie promises not to say it!"

Jiang Porcelain lowered his head and hesitated for a moment, then spit out a sentence: "Lin Jue and I have been sleeping in separate rooms for a long time... Until now, I haven't had a chance to be together..." Su

Chunmei looked at Jiang Porcelain with a shy face, not looking like she was lying at all.

She actually said that she and Lin Jue slept in separate rooms!

These two couples usually look very affectionate, and Lin Jue still "shows affection" with Jiang Porcelain under the public!

It doesn't look like a broken relationship at all!

Could it be that there is a problem with Lin Jue's ability in "that aspect"?

It stands to reason that the tea eggs he sells can treat kidney deficiency, and he must not be able to get this disease himself!

Or did one of them cheat and look for a mistress?

The more Su Chunmei thought about it, the more frightened she became, and quickly asked Jiang Porcelain: "The relationship between you two is broken?" How do you still make trouble to sleep in separate rooms.

Jiang Ceramics looked at Aunt Su with a worried expression, afraid that she would misunderstand, and quickly explained: "It was divided before, and now we have a harmonious relationship." I also want to return to normal, but I just don't know how to open this mouth..." Su

Chunmei finally understood.

Jiang Porcelain, this is planning to let her give her an idea!

How simple this thing is, these two couples have each other in each other's hearts, and they almost poked that layer of window paper!

Su Chunmei smiled and said to Jiang Porcelain: "Little Jiang girl, this matter is simple!" If you don't know how to speak, go straight ahead! According to your posture and figure, Lin Jue, this young man must be irresistible! Jiang

Ceramics listened with a puzzled face.

Why can't she understand a word of Aunt Su's words?

Su Chunmei saw that she was not "enlightened", and quickly leaned down to her ear and whispered a few words to her.

The more Jiang Ceramics listened, the redder his face became, and the tricks that Aunt Su gave her were too "bold"!

She didn't dare to use it at all!

It's better to simply explain it to Lin Jue, come directly!

After Su Chunmei finished speaking, she confidently patted her chest and assured: "Little Jiang girl, don't worry about using my method, I dare to be sure with you, if you can take that step, the relationship between the two of you will definitely be sweet and very happy in the future!" Jiang

Porcelain's brain was dizzy, and he didn't hear what Aunt Su said later.

Throughout the morning, she looked like she was distraught.

Lin Jue is full of energy today, he slept well last night, and he is full of enthusiasm when he works today!

Yesterday, he asked his uncle to send forty local chickens from the chicken farm, and considering that the marinated chicken was robbed by the customers yesterday, he had to buy more!

Lest there be not enough for them to buy today.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was still early and there were not many customers outside, Lin Jue planned to finish the fence that was said yesterday first.

He went to the utility room to get a wood-chopping knife, went directly to a bamboo forest behind the house, and chopped a lot of hairy bamboo back!

These hairy bamboos are all naturally grown, ownerless bamboos.

He dragged the bamboo back, broke them into slender strips, divided them into long and even pieces, tied them three crossed into triangles, and then connected the top with hemp rope.

This makes a fence that can move freely!

Lin Jue placed the fence in the yard, and then beckoned the customers to line up well, so that the order of the entire scene was very orderly!

When Zhu Guangming came out of the house and saw this scene, he couldn't help but extend his thumb to Lin Jue and praise: "Sure enough, you young people have flexible brains and many ideas!" This simple bamboo can make these patterns!

Lin Jue is also very satisfied with his work.

Maintaining good order can save them a lot of effort!

Soon, all the employees went their separate ways and started their day...

At this time, the village market also begins the most lively morning market of the day.

The stalls of the two stewed meat shops that originally existed in Jinlong Village were close together.

The owners of both stores are surnamed Li and are brothers.

Their friendship is very good, even the price of marinated meat is rising in one piece, and no one competes with the other!

Anyway, there are only two stewed meat shops in the village, and the villagers either go to this or come here, and everyone can make money together after discussion, there is no need to make you dead and alive.

In the past, the morning market was the busiest time for business in their store.

But since yesterday, the number of customers who come to their store to buy braised meat has become very small, at least three-fifths less!

This morning it was even less, usually there were about twenty customers, but from half past five to now, their two stores combined have only sold three orders!

Three singles!

That's a pitiful amount!

The money earned can't even pay the electricity bill!

Li Shuchao was so panicked in his heart that he quickly ran to his brother Li Shumin's shop next door to discuss countermeasures with him!

The two sat on the bench, each with livid faces.

Li Shuchao spoke first: "Brother, I heard my eldest sister who buys braised chicken say in the morning that a new braised meat shop has opened in the east of the village!" It only took one day to steal the business of the two of us! "

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