After a warm breakfast, Ginger Porcelain was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, and Lin Jue went to the yard to pull out the ripe white radishes and simply flush the water to clean the soil on the skin.

A total of seven or eight large white radishes were plucked, one of which was at least four or five pounds, heavy, and not small.

There were still two radishes left in the field, which he left for his family to eat.

The Chinese cabbage that was watered with spring water yesterday is also close to ripe at this time, and when it is fully ripe and ready to be picked, Lin Jue also plans to get a little out and sell it.

Anyway, my own family can't eat so much, as soon as the spring water is watered, the growth rate of the plant is fast, and when these are finished, new seeds are planted, and they can be harvested again in less than a few days, and there is no need to worry about not having enough vegetables.

Ginger porcelain has been busy going to the construction site these days, and she has not been idle all day long, and she has not had time to pay attention to the situation of the small field, and has not yet discovered the changes that have occurred in these vegetables.

But as long as Lin Jue grows vegetables in the small field in the yard, one day, ginger porcelain will find that these vegetables grow abnormally.

"It seems that after selling these vegetables, I have to grow them in another place to reduce the possibility of being discovered by others."

He thought about it, kept the problem in his heart, and solved it when he had time.

Soon, he had everything ready and was about to go out.

Yue Yue and Liang Liang were playing throwing stones in the yard, and when they saw Lin Jue leaving, they were carrying a pressure cooker on their backs, and they ran over curiously and asked.

"Where are you going? Take the nests with you. Yue Yue said with her little hand raised.

Liang Liang jumped next to him and shouted: "Yes! I'm going to play too!

Lin Jue was crying and laughing, he was going out to sell something, and these two children were following to cause him trouble.

"Dad is going to sell something, you two follow, Dad still takes care of you." Stay home and don't run around. Lin Jue persuaded patiently.

Yue Yue pouted, her big watery eyes looked at him pitifully, her little meat hand grabbed Lin Jue's pant leg, and said milkily: "Let's take the nests with you!" It's too boring at home..." Liang

Liang saw his sister coquettish, he also learned to take the initiative to pounce on Lin Jue, his little arm hugged his thigh and dangled: "Take us with you, we won't add to the chaos, we will be obedient!" The

two children lied to him one left and one right, and Lin Jue said who could withstand this!

The are really cute, he can't wait to hold one in one hand and kiss it, of course he can't bear to refuse their request.

"Ahem." Lin Jue cleared his throat and said, "Go and ask your mother, if she agrees, I will take you there." He

kicked the ball to Ginger Porcelain and let Ginger Porcelain make the decision.

The two children ran into the kitchen to find their mother.

As soon as Jiang Porcelain heard that they wanted to sell tea eggs with Lin Jue, she subconsciously refused, but she turned her head to look out the window, Lin Jue was standing at the gate of the small courtyard with a back basket, tall and strong figure, looking particularly reliable and secure.

Or, let the children go with him?

It's also a matter of seeing the world and learning something.

Jiang Ceramics believed that Lin Jue could take care of them.

"You can go with him-"

As soon as Jiang Ceramics spoke, the two children rushed out excitedly.

"Well, I'm not done yet." She lay on her stomach at the window and shouted out the window, "Be careful all the way, pay attention to safety!"

Lin Jue responded from afar: "Don't worry, wife!" I definitely take care of both of them!

After Lin Jue finished speaking, he left the house with his things on his back.

At six o'clock sharp, the sun rose over the side of the mountain, and the sun was already quite hot.

Summer in the south always comes early, and the temperature in June can rise above thirty degrees, Lin Jue is afraid of sunburn for the two children, and intimately prepared a straw hat for each person to wear.

There are more than 500 households in Jinlong Village, one loess house is close together, and the alleys are twisted and turned, and the father and son walk in it.

"Sell tea eggs ~ hot tea eggs ~ can be fragrant and fragrant!"

"Freshly baked tea eggs ~ authentic wild camellia boiled tea eggs! Come and buy Yay!

Lin Jue stood at the mouth of the alley and shouted, his voice was loud and he was not afraid at all.

He took the child to sit down on the big bluestone next to him, put down his things, turned on the pressure cooker, and let the aroma of tea waft.

At this time, a family of five in a nearby family was eating breakfast.

The little fat dun heard the shouting, and smelled the fragrance wafting over, and couldn't help but drool!

He shouted pitifully at his mother, "Mom! I want tea eggs!

The young woman slapped him on the back of the head and scolded: "What to eat, is the food at home not delicious?" Always worry about the outside!

The little fat dun cried all of a sudden, and said while wiping his tears: "But the tea eggs are too fragrant, and the nest wants to eat them!" Whoa

Looking at this chaotic scene, the young woman was a little at a loss.

Her man was sitting on the side at this time, snapped his chopsticks on the table, and said: "Wife, this tea egg is indeed quite fragrant, how about buying a few to taste?" If you have money, it will be deducted from my pocket money. When

the woman heard this, she frowned a little helplessly, even her husband said this, what else could she do?

Of course I bought it!

"Okay, I'll ask for the price." The woman got up and went out, and the little fat dun followed closely behind her mother.

Lin Jue sat at the mouth of the alley for a while, and was about to leave to go to another place to shout, when a young woman not far away called out to him.

"Little brother, are you selling tea eggs?" The woman asked.

Lin Jue was particularly happy when he saw the first business coming to the door, and immediately opened the lid of the pressure cooker and showed her the tea eggs inside: "Yes, this is a homemade tea egg, just cooked!" Big sister, how many do you want to buy?

The woman fixed her eyes on the tea soup in the pot was turquoise, and the young shoots of tea leaves were floating on the surface of the water, and the egg shell inside was actually tender green, which was particularly magical, and it was the first time she had seen tea eggs of this color.

"Little brother, how much is your tea egg?" The woman had already pulled out her wallet and was about to pay.

Lin Jue stretched out a finger: "A tea egg costs a dollar!" "

So expensive!?" The woman couldn't believe her ears, and the action of taking the money stopped instantly.

I'm afraid this young man is not robbing money!

A dollar can buy half a catty of eggs, but he can only buy one egg, and the price is too outrageous!

The woman had the intention of leaving, originally she wanted to buy a tea egg for the family to taste, but now it seems that this tea egg cannot be bought.

When the little fat dun saw that her mother was leaving, she quickly hugged her thigh and shouted: "Mom, I want to eat tea eggs!"

"What to eat, just think about eating all day, see that you are fat into a pig!" The woman looked like she hated iron but not steel.

Her son is really humiliating, he doesn't know how to converge in front of outsiders, and her old face is about to be lost!

Lin Jue smiled and said: "Big sister, if you are worried that this tea egg is not delicious, you can take one to taste, it is free, and it will not charge you money!" When

the woman heard that she didn't accept money, she naturally didn't shirk, and really took a tea egg and peeled it to taste.

As soon as she entered her mouth, the whole fresh tea fragrance overflowed her mouth, which suddenly made her salivary glands secrete wildly!

The egg white is delicate and full of elastic taste, comfortably massaging the tip of her tongue, the yolk inside is more fragrant, not only the egg smell is particularly strong, bite open to find that the inside is actually a loose egg!

The woman finished the eggs in two or three bites, and the little fat dun watched his mother eat so quickly that he didn't have time to say that he wanted it too.

"The taste of this tea egg is indeed very good." The woman nodded slightly, it was the best tea egg she had ever tasted.

Just such a tea egg, this young man's price of one dollar is not much at all.

Her face was a little flushed, and after eating this egg, she seemed to have a warm feeling in her body, which was particularly comfortable.

A few seconds later, she took out her wallet without hesitation, pulled out a five-yuan bill and handed it to Lin Jue and said, "Young man, you get five eggs for your eldest sister." No, get me ten eggs! Lin

Jue collected ten yuan from his eldest sister and took a plastic bag to hold a few larger eggs for her, this is his first business, he must be kind to customers!

The eldest sister was satisfied when she got the tea egg, and her gaze fell on the big white radish that Lin Jue put in the back basket.

This white radish is fat and fat, looks particularly well-proportioned, and looks very pleasing.

"Little brother, do you sell this turnip?" She asked.

"Of course sell! Big sister, how much do you want, this radish is three dollars a pound!

"So expensive! Little brother, are you really here to grab money? She was stunned.

In addition to the appearance of this white radish, it is no different from those radishes on the market that are one dollar a pound.

I'm afraid that this young man didn't understand the market situation and ran out to sell it blindly, right?

Lin Jue saw the questioning on her eldest sister's face, but she was not angry, but cut a piece of radish with a knife and handed it to her, saying: "Big sister, the radish grown by my family is a new variety, the taste is sweet, and it can be eaten raw!" "

How can turnips be eaten raw, nonsense!" She shook her head, not daring to take the radish in Lin Jue's hand and taste it.

When the two were in a stalemate, Yue Yue raised her hand to take the radish in Lin Jue's hand, stuffed it directly into her mouth, and chewed it with a sigh.

"So sweet and delicious!" She smiled particularly healingly.

The woman looked stupid on the side, this little baby really ate the raw radish, she also said it was sweet!

Children can't act, if this radish is really very unpalatable, she will definitely vomit it, how can she still swallow it?

The woman frowned and thought for a while, and said to Lin Jue: "Little brother, how about you cut a piece for the eldest sister to taste?" "Good

!" Lin Jue immediately cut a small piece for her.

The woman sniffed and didn't smell anything strange, so she took a small bite, and the mouth did not have the unpalatable spicy smell she imagined, but a sweet watermelon smell!

This white radish can really be eaten raw!

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