The two brothers discussed for a day and a night, but they still planned to sneak into Lin Jue's house and directly steal the secret recipe!

For those like them, the ingredients will be prepared in advance and placed in the kitchen for later.

And Lin Jue's hillbilly marinated chicken tastes different from others, and must have used special "spices"!

As long as they can sneak into Lin Jue's kitchen and figure out what the spices Lin Jue uses, they will definitely be able to replicate the deliciousness of marinated chicken!

Thinking of the huge benefits they can get after obtaining the secret recipe, taking this risk is nothing at all.

Li Shumin was still very hesitant to see Li Shuchao's expression, and he quickly continued to persuade: "Brother! Don't hesitate to make a decision. As long as we can get the secret recipe, the two of us will sell the shop in the village and run away. Find a place where no one knows us and start over!

Lin Jue's hillbilly marinated chicken can be sold for one pound and twenty yuan, even if we reduce the price to fifteen yuan a pound, there is a fairly high net profit. It's no problem to earn hundreds of thousands a year. When the time comes, you will be able to go to the city and marry a beautiful daughter-in-law! "

Li Shumin's vision is very beautiful, he knows a very good truth, doing anything this year is risky.

If they don't do it because of the risk, they won't have a chance to get the benefits they want!

Love to fight to win!

They come out to do business, they all understand this truth.

Li Shuchao listened to his brother's words, of course, he also understood that this fragrant food was very fragrant, and once he could get the secret recipe, the benefits that would come with it would be beyond their imagination.

But the risk here is too great, if the two of them sneak into Lin Jue's house and are finally caught, not only will they be discredited, but they will not be able to continue doing business in Jinlong Village.

And there is also the risk of entering the detention center and even leaving a record of the case!

Even these illiterate countrymen know that once there is a record, it will affect three generations.

In the future, his son and grandson will not be able to take the civil service exam.

When you go out, you will even be spurned!

Li Shuchao's thinking is relatively conservative, and he still does not want to take this risk.

Li Shumin looked at his brother grinding and chirping, but he didn't dare to make up his mind.

After thinking about it, he did think about it.

Let the two of them, who have never climbed over the wall to steal something, suddenly go to the burglary, not to mention the safe return, just to open a door lock, they will not ah.

Li Shumin scratched his head in annoyance, and at this time, a brilliant idea suddenly emerged from his mind!

He quickly raised his hand and patted his brother's shoulder, and said excitedly: "Brother! I know, we can go to Li Datou to help!"

When Li Shuchao heard his brother's words, his heart suddenly clicked, and his bored thoughts cleared in an instant.

Of course, he knows this person Li Datou.

The other party is a well-known pickpocket and thief who has done a lot of dirty things about burglary.

A few years ago, he stole gold pixiu from the house of a rich man in town, was caught red-handed, and squatted in prison for several years.

Recently, he was released from prison and returned to Jinlong Village.

At present, it is said that the golden basin has washed his hands and is not mixed on the road.

But Li Shumin knows that these people are used to "making quick money", and it is quite difficult for them to be honest people after they come out and never commit it again.

As long as they can say that Li Datou joins the gang, then this matter is basically stable!

Li Shuchao finally showed a smile, his brother's suggestion was indeed good.

In addition, between Li Datou and their two brothers, they are still distant relatives.

With this relationship in it, the other party will definitely agree!

"Good! Let's go to Big Head Li's house now and discuss this with him!"

Li Shuchao took his brother and quickly rushed to Li Datou's house nearby.

Li Datou is a bachelor in his thirties, no wife and no children, a lonely man, who grew up as a punk since he was a child, slowly honed his skills, and gradually became a "famous" figure in the circle of thieves.

He was bold and skillful, and he took in many "apprentices" before going to prison.

He will not accept ordinary orders, he has never done the work he can see, if there is no money to earn, he will definitely not do it.

The golden basin to wash hands is just a saying to fool the police, and I don't know how many businesses have been done behind the scenes!

At this time, Li Datou was counting the dirty goods stolen from the last trip to a certain house, and was preparing to send them to the black market early in the morning to sell.

Who knew that at this moment, there was a sharp knock outside the door!

It's raining heavily outside, who runs him here in the middle of the night?

You must know that he is notorious in the village, and the neighbors nearby avoid him, let alone visit the door, even if they meet him on the road, they will not say hello to him!

"This big night, could it be that my apprentice came looking for me?"

Li Datou quickly put away all the dirty goods, quietly walked to the door, and asked, "Who is outside?" What's the matter!

"The big head is me! I am Li Shuchao, and I have sent you a job to make money!

When Li Datou heard this, he frowned.

The Li family brothers he naturally knew, and the other party was a distant relative of him, but there was usually no intersection.

They are serious businessmen, and people like him who have been in prison have no chance of contact at all.

The other party suddenly came to the door and said to send him "money-making work", which aroused Li Datou's curiosity.

He quickly opened the door and let the two of them in.

After sitting down, Li Datou asked one step ahead of them: "What do you mean by making money?"

Li Shumin looked at his brother, and then said: "Big head, you know, what kind of work can you do, it won't be the two of us who come to you to do business together, right?"

When Li Datou heard this, he laughed twice and said, "I said that I had washed my hands in the golden basin and stopped doing this." Now honestly farming and vegetables, where is the courage to commit crimes.

Li Shumin listened to his nonsense there, and he quickly stopped him with a smile and said, "Can you still grow vegetables with this virtue?" Stop fooling us!

Li Shuchao silently turned the topic back and said, "Big head, the two of us are serious. I want you to steal something for us. When the matter is done, I will give you three thousand!

Li Datou saw the other party's serious eyes, and it didn't look like he was coming to trick him.

Three thousand dollars for him to steal something, which is of course a pretty good deal.

And it is still a net profit, there is no need to risk being caught, take dirty goods and find various channels to sell them.

It's just that the more tempting a thing looks, the more likely it is that it may have its potential risks, and Li Datou cannot easily agree to the requests of these two people.

In his line of work, you have to be careful.

He thought for a moment and said to the other party: "Let's talk about what you want to steal first." The people you want to engage are also people from our village? "

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