"Qin Yue, it's so late, why don't you go to the flower shop to buy me flowers?" Xiang Yuwei held the bouquet and asked casually.

As a result, Qin Yue suddenly thought of something, and he was a little embarrassed.

"I didn't go to the florist to buy it. "

Then you're going...... Could it be that you stole it in the flower bed in the park?!" Xiang Yuwei was shocked, she couldn't imagine that Qin Yue would actually do such a thing without public morality.

"Isn't it just picking flowers, why are you so nervous?" Qin Yue looked indifferent.

Xiang Yuwei panicked instantly.

"No, Qin Yue! Because there are often flower thieves here to steal flowers, the security guard of the villa just installed a monitor the day before yesterday, saying that he would keep an eye on ...... twenty-four hours a day

" "How is that possible! For a few flowers, it takes so much effort—

" As soon as his words fell, he heard the shouts of the security guard running with an electric baton

! "Damn flower thief, finally let me catch it! Stop, don't run!!"

The security guard uncle chased after him, Qin Yue lifted his wheelchair and ran away!

The effect of his punch superman potion had not yet passed, and as soon as he ran nervously, the whole thing was like a scud, and he couldn't catch up at all!

He ran all the way, and he didn't know how long he ran, and finally got rid of the security guard. When he came back to his senses, he found that they actually ran to a mountain?

Xiang Yuwei sat in a wheelchair tremblingly, clutching the handrail, and the whole person was very frightened.

As soon as Qin Yue ran at that speed, she couldn't describe it, she only felt the wind whistling on both sides of her face, blowing her whole hair messy, like a crazy woman.

"Qin Yue, put me down quickly. I got motion sickness and wanted to vomit ......"

Qin Yue hurriedly put her down and let her slow down for a while, and finally recovered.

The mountains and forests at night, without the noise of cars, away from the complicated nightlife of big cities, breathe fresh air here, and the whole body and mind are completely released.

Listening to the chirping of crickets, Xiang Yuwei looked up at the night sky with some yearning.

"Qin Yue, looking at the starry sky here, it's so clear, you can see a lot of stars~!"

"Yes." Qin Yue also glanced at the night sky, but unfortunately they were in the mountains, blocked by the canopy, and they couldn't see the complete night sky.

Seeing Xiang Yuwei's heart-warming appearance, a thought emerged from Qin Yue's mind.

"If you want to see the starry sky, I'll take you to the top of the mountain! The top of the mountain is the clearest, and you can also see the night view of the entire green city!"

"It's great, but won't it be too troublesome, you still have to bring me with you......" She was a little worried that it would trouble Qin Yue.

Qin Yue glanced at the system, there was still an hour and a half left in his superman potion, and it was enough to accompany Yuwei to watch the night scene with this little time.

"It's okay, sit tight!"

Qin Yue directly carried Yu Wei's wheelchair on his shoulder, his strength was really too great, carrying Yu Wei was like carrying a bag of rice.

Xiang Yuwei was sitting in a wheelchair, she was frightened, she didn't expect that Qin Yue's strength was so great

! Is this a strong man!

Not a normal person anymore?

She was worried.

Finally arrived at the top of the mountain, the openness of the top of the mountain made her eyes shine, the whole vision is extremely far away, the prosperity of the green city at night, the picture of thousands of lights, is really beautiful.

"Qin Yue, it's so beautiful here~ I saw my home, and the school's bell tower!"

Qin Yue put her on the ground and looked at her and pointed to the light.

He sat down to rest for a while, then suddenly asked with a smile.

"Before you knew me, where was the Fulong snack bar that took you to?"

"The snack bar, it should be over there, right?" Xiang Yuwei decisively pointed out the location.

Qin Yue rubbed her hair dotingly: "Her Royal Highness the princess is so smart." Then I'll ask you another question, and I'll test you. "

You say!" she smiled proudly.

"Do you know, where was Dafu Square when we first met?"

"Dafu Plaza......" Xiang Yuwei's face suddenly turned cold.

"You don't, don't you remember?"

"No, no!" she hurriedly explained, "Dafu Plaza was demolished last year, and I was quite sad at the time." It is said that it was built into a park, and the buildings of the square were all torn down, and nothing remained.

Xiang Yuwei was a little depressed, she really hoped that the place where she and Qin Yue first met could be preserved.

Qin Yue grabbed slowly

She lifted her hand, covered her heart, and said, "Don't be sad. The scene of your encounter with me will always be remembered in my heart for the rest of my life.

Xiang Yuwei was caught off guard by his affectionate confession, and her whole heart was pounding.

"Ding! Xiang Yuwei's heart is moved, the heart rate is +1314!

" She avoided Qin Yue's gaze a little shyly, and said, "What~ It seems that you are the only one who remembers."

Qin Yue smiled: "Okay." Actually, you don't have to be sad, you can take a look at this first.

He clicked on his phone's photo album and opened a photo.

This photo is a photo taken by him after recovering his memory and going to the ruins of Daifuku Square.

When Xiang Yuwei saw it, she suddenly smiled: "So it's still there? I thought it had disappeared with the square."

"The fountain is still there, it's still the same, it's not the same at all. Although the square is gone, it is still there, and if we have children in the future, we can tell them interesting stories about our encounters, and we can take them there to take a group photo. The more Qin Yue said, the more outrageous it became.

Xiang Yuwei was ashamed and ashamed, covering her face, stretching out her fist, and beating his arm.

"What are you talking about, there's no serious~"

They sat here for a long time, looking up at the starry sky, and in the deep black curtain, there were dots of light flashing, converging into a galaxy.

Xiang Yuwei was suddenly fascinated and began to say something in a daze.

"Qin Yue, you said that the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, separated by a long galaxy, this can be regarded as a long-distance relationship, they can only see each other once a year, why has the relationship never decreased?"

"What's this...... Xiao Bisheng is newlywed, and he has to quarrel when he stays together every day, but it is better to be separated by a distance, and the feelings are strong.

"Well, if that's the case, I don't envy them. Xiang Yuwei suddenly smiled.

"Why?" Qin Yue asked.

Xiang Yuwei suddenly hugged his arm and leaned intimately on his shoulder.

"Because I have you by my side~ I don't want to have a long-distance relationship with Qin Yue, I want to pester you to death, and I am tired of being together every day!I envy them to death! Even if I am a cowherd and a weaver girl, there is no sweetness between the two of us~"

She leaned on him like a delicate little wild cat, Qin Yue really couldn't do anything about her.

He raised his hand and pinched her pink cheeks, and said with a smile: "Okay, cutie~ If you want to pester me, then I will accompany you to the end." If you want to pester me for the rest of your life, then I will be with you for the rest of your life. Until you get tired of it!

" She smiled with satisfaction: "People won't get tired of it~ Make plans for a lifetime!".

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