Starting to eat, Qin Yue sandwiched the meatballs and prepared to feed them to Yuwei.

"Yuwei, this hand-beaten beef balls are very delicious, I'll feed you a taste~" He smiled and began to feed.

Xiang Yuwei waited with a smile, but Tang Xiaofu suddenly came over, her mouth was super wide, and she wanted to grab the meatballs with a horizontal knife!

"Brother Qin, Tang Tang also wants to eat meatballs, feed one to Tang Tang~"

She was particularly disgusting.

It turned out that after waiting for a long time, there were no meatballs in her mouth.

When she opened her eyes, Xiang Yuwei didn't know when, she actually changed her seat and sat next to Qin Yue.


Yuwei pretended not to see her, and picked up a fish ball and fed it to Qin Yue.

"This hand-beaten fish ball tastes different from other fish balls, Qin Yue, you can taste me

~" "Ah~" Qin Yue swallowed it in one gulp.

They fed each other like this, and slowly finished feeding each other.

Tang Xiaofu watched the old man for a long time, and he was stuffed with dog food alone, so where could he still take care of eating.

After a while, a few new customers suddenly came in the store, Tang Xiaofu inadvertently glanced at it, and was suddenly startled.

"Senior sister, the person who just came in, isn't that the school grass of your school? This is too coincidental, why did they come to the amusement park?" Tang Xiaofu whispered.

Xiang Yuwei was not very interested in what school grass, but Qin Yue turned his head and glanced at them, and the man and woman were sitting at the two tables between them.

The woman has a good figure, dressed up in fancy clothes, and has a lot of makeup, so she doesn't look like a person who is easy to deal with.

The man's back is facing him, and he can only see a back, which is characterized by the fact that he is dressed with a bit of an old-fashioned teenager's sense of déjà vu, with hair that is neither long nor short, but it looks like an artist.

"That long-haired man, is that the school grass you said?" Qin Yue smiled with Tang Xiaofu, "I can't tell if he is handsome or not, but his aesthetics for women are still a little worse."

Tang Xiaofu covered her mouth and smiled: "Tell you secretly, I know that woman." It was a girl in the music department, and it is said that she used to do everything she could to chase the school grass and buy her party a month's breakfast! Not only that, but she also took out a loan and bought him a LV men's bag, more than 10,000 yuan!

""It's kind of interesting.

"Not really. I think that girl just doesn't have the life of a rich woman, and she insists on pretending to be a rich woman's face!

It made Qin Yue more and more interested in this school grass.

This boy's methods are not ordinary clever, and he can actually play a very good girl around.

He is even willing to take out a loan to buy luxury bags for him

, and he looks like a cowherd with an estimated price, as long as whoever gives him more money can become his girlfriend.

It's a really good business.

They finished eating and were about to leave, and as soon as they got up, someone blocked their way.

It was they who had just come to the point of discussion, and were now running over in a hurry, ready to settle accounts.

The girl came up and pointed at Tang Xiaofu and began to speak in a weird manner.

"It turned out to be you, surnamed Tang. I thought it was who, sneaking around, chewing the root of my tongue behind my back~

" Tang Xiaofu didn't show weakness: "What's the matter, you want to fight? Let's find a place where no one is there and duel alone!"

"I, you ......" She was so stunned that she couldn't speak, and her neck was red with anger.

Xiaocao pulled her and said expressionlessly: "Okay, what are you arguing about, I'm not here to quarrel with you." When

the girl heard this, her face changed, and she quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Xiangren, I was wrong." Let's go. "

They walked away.

Qin Yue saw the development of this matter, and became more and more curious about this so-called school grass, this man, his means are indeed clever, and he tamed a girl so groveling, is this a PUA master?"

"Yuwei, we should also go." Go play mini-games. Your favorite throwing doll. "

Okay, let's go~"

The three of them arrived at the game area.

Fortunately, there are very few people, there is no need to queue up at all, and there are all kinds of dolls on the shelves of the small shop where the dolls are thrown, which dazzles Yuwei.

"Look at which one you want, and I'll help you get it down.

Xiang Yuwei looked around seriously, and said with a blank eye: "I want it all, what should I do?"

Uncle Boss smiled on the side.

"Young man, your girlfriend's appetite is a bit big. I suggest you buy a few more sandbags and get a little discount.

Qin Yue hadn't spoken yet.

Another voice popped up from the side.

"Boss, give us a hundred sandbags!" Everyone

turned their heads to see that it was actually a talented school grass and a girl.

Tang Xiaofu was a little impatient: "Zhou Xiaoxiao, why are you again! The ghost is not gone

, you!" "Can't I come, this store is opened by you, and no one else can play?"


Qin Yue grabbed her.

"Okay, since we're all here to play games, let's concentrate on playing games. Qin Yue beckoned to the boss, "Boss, bring us a hundred sandbags too."

"Okay, boy, have fun!" the boss laughed stupidly, looking at this-for-tat battle, he was going to make a lot of money today.

Song Xiangren holds a sandbag.

Zhou Xiaoxiao chewed the root of her tongue with him on the side.

"Xiang Ren, those people are really not good things, they dare to slander us like this, we must not let them go. "

Then what do you want?" Song Xiangren looked at it and didn't care.

"Your skills in throwing sandbags have always been very good, and when they throw them, you will deliberately interfere with them and make them miss!"

"Doesn't that make me seem very small?" Song Xiangren was a little unhappy.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was tired of coquettishness on him: "Please, Xiang Ren~ People just want to be angry." When it's over, I'll buy you a gift to compensate, okay?"

Song Xiangren thought for a while and nodded reluctantly: "Okay then." "

Qin Yue's side, Xiang Yuwei was still thinking about which doll to want.

"Qin Yue, I thought about it seriously, let's ask for the giant panda in the middle first.

Qin Yue looked over and nodded.

His arm was charged and he threw the first punching bag hard.

The first time I threw it, I couldn't grasp it, and I used a little more force, and the sandbag actually smashed directly above the giant panda a long way above, and steadily hit a giraffe! The giraffe

immediately snapped and fell.

The boss was dumbfounded, this young man's arm strength is amazing! It

seems that their store has met a master this time, and he hit it the first time, and he is afraid that he will not go bankrupt today.

"I'm sorry, I had a bit of a lot of strength, and I threw it too far. I will hit it by all means next time.

Qin Yue took out the second sandbag.

This time, he switched positions and aimed with a flat toss.

After the sandbag flew out, he was about to run into the giant panda, but suddenly,

a sandbag flew from the side and hit Qin Yue's sandbag.

Hit it off track!

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