Seeing Yang Huan enliven up the atmosphere of the entire dormitory, Qin Yue took the opportunity to say one of his proposals.

"Actually, I convened everyone to the meeting, and I also wanted to ask everyone, do you want to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the competition, let's form an independent game studio together!"

Qin Yue's words were like a thunderclap on the ground, which blew up everyone's enthusiasm in an instant.

"Xiao Yue, you can't have been planning for a long time, have you? "

Based on the technical experience of a few of us, wouldn't it be too early to start a studio?" said

Zheng Kai and the head of the dormitory.

Qin Yue opened the laptop, and Xiang Yuwei and Lin Xiaoguo were connected to the screen, ready for everyone to seriously discuss this issue together.

"Hello everyone, I heard Qin Yue say, are you in a meeting?" Yu Wei greeted.

Qin Yue briefly repeated the topic they had just discussed.

"Well, we just talked about whether or not to start an indie game studio. You don't have to be too formal at the beginning, just do a simple division of labor, take a name for the studio, and then we will face the players, at the very least, we must have a title.

Xiang Yuwei nodded without hesitation after hearing this: "I agree with Qin Yue's point of view." If the studio needs space and equipment, I will do my best to support it!"

Zheng Kai immediately said: "Oh, brother and sister. As for the venue, Yang Huan said that he could provide a villa for more than ten people, no problem. In terms of equipment, we all have a computer, but the configuration may not be high......

"" equipment does not have to worry. I can provide you with a plan that as long as you want to join, everything is free! Qin Yue emphasized this point.

And they're right to think about it.

Xiang Yuwei is obviously a rich second generation, and her father is a billionaire!

The funds for opening a small studio, taking a little from her pocket money, are enough for them to spend for several months.

Not to mention, Qin Yue is still an invisible rich man. Even the top-of-the-line Martian laptop can be easily taken out and given away, which is not the spirit of ordinary people.

Money, of course, they are not lacking.

The problem is that there is a lack of courage.

Zheng Kai thought for a long time, and suddenly said something serious.

"When I first started college, I came with a playful mindset. Throughout my freshman year, I basically played games and had fun. doesn't do business all day long, and it's not much better than Yang Huan. "

Fat brother has won the award, fat brother is much more diligent than me, at least you didn't fail the course!" Yang Huan accosted with a smile on the side.

Zheng Kai patted his head.

"Haha, don't you regret it now? My girlfriend said that she wants me to work hard to make money so that I can support her! Recently, several senior brothers who graduated and couldn't find a job chatted with me, and Leng spread their anxiety to me! I'm only a sophomore, and I'm starting to think about my future life! I said so much...... I just wanted to say something to you.

Zheng Kai looked at everyone very seriously.

The atmosphere instantly became serious.

"Xiao Yue's studio, I will definitely participate! Because I am still young, I still have a lot of youth, and I am not afraid of losing tenacity, I also want to fight! No matter what the result is, I don't want to be a salted fish!" Zheng

Kai's voice was very penetrating.

His words moved everyone, and everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts.

is also because he is from the perspective of his roommates, and what he says can arouse the empathy of several other people.

The dumb wood was the first to break the peace.

He raised his head and said, "Brother Yue, I believe it, although I have no experience in indie games, I am willing to give it a try."

Yang Huan raised his hand timidly: "I will definitely participate!But I don't know how long I can join, anyway, before graduation, I will definitely still be there!

"It's okay, aren't you a mascot?"

"The venue is provided by you, and your contribution is definitely not small!"

There are three warriors taking the lead.

The people in the back also raised their hands one after another, indicating that they would participate.

Half an hour later, the only person who didn't raise his hand was the head of the house.

Everyone was surprised, the head of the house has always been a very enthusiastic person, and he always takes the lead in any activity.

Why did you retreat today?

Qin Yue saw the entanglement in the head of the house, and asked directly.

"Headmaster, do you have any concerns? If you are willing to speak up, you can discuss it and see if you can solve it. "

Yes, Headmaster. After this village, there is no more shop, you have to take advantage of it. "

It's hard to do a big thing, we must have all the people in the 404 dormitory! No one can be left alone!" The

head of the dormitory hesitated for a long time before finally sighing and saying.

"My dad kept asking me to take the civil service exam. If I were to join the studio, I would spend most of my time making games, except for my studies. His tradition of thought would definitely not let me make games. The head of the house was helpless.

His father has always been stubborn and has no way to communicate.

Ever since he was a student, his father has been brainwashing him, saying that he must become a civil servant in the future, which is an iron rice bowl!

In the life plan of the head of the house, there has never been a second option.

Now Qin Yue told him that there was another possibility, he was facing the fear of the unknown, and at the moment, he didn't have the courage to disobey his father.

The roommates, who had been coaxing, fell silent in an instant.

After all, this kind of family conflict is the most complex and difficult to solve, and it is difficult for outsiders to intervene.

They didn't know what to do, and none of them could come up with an idea.

Qin Yue raised his hand and grabbed the shoulders of the house chief, and the two sat very close.

"Captain, you're actually very sober. What exactly do you want, ask your heart, and you will understand.

It's a fact that our parents raised us. But that doesn't mean we have to be at their mercy.

When you join the studio, our games make money, fame, fame, and one after another. Wouldn't they be happy and proud to see your name in the news?

It's an honor that belongs to you, and as parents, they will be just as happy. Qin

Yue's words were particularly touching.

The little entanglement in the head of the house was suddenly washed away by the powerful courage that emerged from the depths of his heart.

He thought for a long time, took Qin Yue's hand, and nodded.

"Xiao Yue, listening to your words is better than reading a book for ten years! I finally have a thorough understanding. Don't worry, I'll do my best for our studio!!"

The head of the dormitory shouted at the beginning.

The whole dormitory was boiling.

"I'm dripping mom! 404 dormitory is about to become a god! This is a moment to witness history.

"Friends, we are destined to meet here, let's create miracles together!"

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