Qin Yue cleaned up the little insects, and Yu Wei had the sequelae of the insects, so she didn't dare to touch the flowers on the ground.

I was afraid that after a while, I found another bug.

"Alas, my eldest lady. You're that big, what are you afraid of a little worm for? Do you know that you can pinch several of them to death with one finger?

Qin Yue's expression was slightly exaggerated.

Xiang Yuwei showed a disgusted expression and said, "Qin Yue, what you said is so disgusting." I won't dare to look at my hand anymore. The thought of a bunch of bugs bursting in my hands, ...... I want to throw up.

She hurried into the house.

Qin Yue was extremely helpless, helped her pick up the scattered flowers, and carefully checked to see if there were any small insects.

Only then did the arranged flowers be placed on a long table in the courtyard corridor.

Tonight, they are going to make a candlelight dinner here!

Xiang Yuwei rested for a while, and then ran to the kitchen to help Qin Yue.

She took the apron and wanted to tie it for herself, but after tying it for a long time, the apron just couldn't be tied, which made her anxious.

Qin Yue was stir-frying.

She whispered for help in the back: "Qin Yue, can you do me a little favor? I can't tie my apron ......

" "Huh?"

Qin Yue turned her head to look, her embarrassed appearance was like forgetting to bring paper to the toilet.

"Oh, you little fool, why can't you even tie an apron?" Qin Yue smiled and squatted down to help her tie it.

I have to say that Yuwei's waist is very thin, it is really Yingying's hand, and wearing an apron, she can show her graceful figure.

"Ding! Xiang Yuwei's heart is moved, the heart value is +666!" Xiang Yuwei

was happy in her heart.

Qin Yue's movements seemed very intimate.

"Are you annoying me? You will be guilty in the future~" She deliberately joked, but she was actually testing Qin Yue.

Xiang Yuwei herself also felt that she was very annoying, a disabled person like her, she couldn't do anything by herself, she could only trouble her relatives.

Her family is very rich, and it doesn't matter how many nurses she hires.

But if he follows Qin Yue in the future, his economic situation will definitely not be as luxurious as before, Qin Yue will have to do it himself, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and take care of her all the time.

She was a little uneasy.

Qin Yue's expression froze slightly, and then, he raised his hand and hugged Yuwei from behind.

Yuwei felt that she had fallen into a warm embrace, and she was instantly filled with a sense of security.

He whispered in her ear.

"Do you think it's troublesome, but I don't think it's troublesome at all~ I can take care of you meticulously and get tired of being with you all day long, that's the greatest blessing in my life. When you are sick in bed in the future, and you can't take care of yourself, I'll help you take the and pee, that's nothing! between lovers, you should take care of each other~"

Xiang Yuwei listened to the first half, and the whole person was so moved.

But when Qin Yue came out in the second half, she felt a little disgusting again.

She threw her elbow back, poked him in the stomach, and wrenched away from his embrace in some exasperation.

"A word of love can be said so disgusting by you, I have convinced you~

" Qin Yue didn't have time to answer, he smelled a burning smell, he actually forgot, his dish was still fried on the pot!

"WC, my dish!"


After a frustration.

The dish is finally ready.

The crowd gathered one after another, placing dishes and chopsticks one by one, serving dishes and soup, and the long table was full of a whole column of delicacies.

There is also a heavyweight dish in the middle.

Qin Yue spent more than 700 yuan to buy three catties of blue lobster!

Night fell.

The long table is lit with candles, and the vase is decorated with flowers picked by Yuwei, which is a romantic candlelight dinner.

Everyone was busy all day, and they were really tired, and when they saw this food, they began to gobble it up.

After eating almost.

Qin Yue suddenly shouted to stop.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in fact, today, I have prepared a few mini-games to liven up the atmosphere. The first game is called Double Face Transporting Table Tennis Balls.

"What kind of double, what face, what does it mean?"

"The rules of the game are very simple, a team of two people, need them to clasp their fingers tightly, face to face, face to face, table tennis ball in the middle of the face, can not fall halfway, from A straight line to B. And if you successfully put the ping pong ball in that small bucket, you will be considered a winner.

As soon as Qin Yue finished talking about the rules of the game, everyone understood.

"That doesn't sound like a hard thing. Tang Xiaofu looked relaxed.

"If you win the competition, what is the prize?"

"After the competition starts, the time will be counted, and who will complete the task in the shortest time. Whoever is the winner!The winner, you can get this whole blue lobster!"

As soon as Qin Yue announced the prize, the group of foodies instantly boiled.

"Then I'm going to be the first to try!Can I pick my teammates by myself?" Tang Xiaofu immediately raised her hand, she looked around, and finally set her eyes on Lin Xiaoguo.

"It's just you, young lady, you're about the same height as me, we can make a pair!"

"Me? "

They went to the lawn.

Qin Yue drew the line in advance.

Watch as they clasp their fingers together. Putting a ping-pong ball between two fleshy faces, this posture is inexplicably funny.

"Are you ready, ready, let's go!" Qin Yue began to time.

They moved slowly, with their hands and feet, and walked sideways like crabs.

This table tennis ball will hit the nose, eyes, and cheeks, and the appearance of squeezing eyebrows and making eyes make the onlookers start to complain in an instant

!"Look at it now, the difficulty of this game is too high, how can table tennis remain stable!"

"This game is definitely invented to make people whole, and ordinary people can't complete it!"

"Come on, Guoguo!I've recorded it for you, and I'll send it to Moments later


The two little girls were in a hurry to break out in a hot sweat, and the sweat fell down in big drops, from Xiaoguo's forehead to Tang Xiaofu's nose.

"This emptiness is always messing with my mentality, I'll clean him up later

......" "Hold steady, sister...... Don't listen to them, come at our pace. "

One-two-three-four, one-two-three-four......" "

It's almost there, it's almost there, and there's still three meters...... There is still a meter ......"

Their expressions became extremely hideous, and several people sweated for them.


on!" "Don't worry, take your time!" "

It's almost there, it's almost there!"

They took the last step with difficulty, carefully letting go of their faces, and the ping-pong ball landed steadily into the plastic bucket on the ground!

"Haha, sister, we succeeded! Great!" Tang Xiaofu jumped up and hung on Lin Xiaoguo at once.

Lin Xiaoguo still looked dumbfounded.

"Did we succeed? We succeeded! Oh yes!"

they hugged each other excitedly.

Qin Yue walked up to them.

"Congratulations, it took twenty-four minutes, let's see how the other teams perform. "

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