Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 113 Said Who Always Loses Bets【1/5】

In fact, an aloof person is not necessarily difficult to get along with, the key is that you have to grasp the entry point to chat with her. Majid is a pragmatic woman, so it is impossible to talk about those endless topics.

If you are talking about love, or about the life of the rich, you are guaranteed to be silent soon, but when it comes to the realization of value, the construction of ideals, and the value of discussion in front of the relationship, she is very interested.

In some respects, her enthusiasm for the construction of the Propaganda Department is also the result that Sheikh wanted, so the two had some chats; another point is that they are both secularism, and they both want a secular Dubai .

The two have common ideals, and Sheikh supports her on quite a few issues, such as women's freedom, such as social openness, and a lot of laughter was added on the way. This is the moment when they have talked the most since they worked together .

"But your idea just now is really eye-catching, I think it is necessary to realize it one step ahead of others." McGidd returned to the development of official media.

To gain more audiences, of course, is to launch popular programs. Just now Xie He brought out the concept of "Voice of the Netherlands", and this series of programs has become popular all over the world. in the future

"good voice".

Its copyright alone is enough to make a lot of money for the TV station, not to mention this way of inviting big-name stars to be draft mentors and digging out folk talents from a more professional perspective.

"It is worth developing." Xie He is of course also optimistic, "If you want to expand your influence, you can develop bilingual English and Arabic. I think not only the Gulf, but also Europe and the United States will have audiences.

McGidd has expectations: "I want to list it as a key point. Seizing the first opportunity does not mean success, but success will be higher than other latecomers. It will become a cultural output...

Sheikh listened in disbelief, she has such a brain!

What he mentioned was just the idea of ​​the program, but McGide actually extended it to the core function of the Propaganda Department—isn’t it just to influence a certain group through various forms of media expression?

He couldn't help but praise: "You are amazing!"

McGidd smiled: "I'm overwhelmed."

Sheikh said a lot: "I mean it, you know what, you are the kind of gold that is destined not to be buried, anyone would want to keep you, you are the one I want!

The happy Sheikh spoke too directly. When he realized that Mejid was a little weird, he came back to his senses: "Sorry, my description is about work ability."

Of course she understood: "This is your recognition of me."

They chatted until late at night, and this was the first time they had worked together, the two of them had such a harmonious relationship on this topic, even when he talked about some private off-topic things, she didn't refuse to talk about them.

It wasn't until the prince sent her back to the apartment that he smiled and said, "I'm very happy with today's chat. I saw a very complete you. In fact, you are very likable."

"You too." McGidd smiled, just as the prince appreciates, she also likes to meet a like-minded boss, which makes her feel that all efforts are useful work.

Sheikh sent her to the door: "Of course, don't let yourself run at full capacity around the clock. You are a flower in our cabinet. I dare not take the responsibility of letting her wither."

McGidd smiled: "I will ask you for leave if I think it is necessary, won't I?"

He thought of the last time McGidd made an excuse to go on a business trip, and smiled: "That's very clever———I don't mean to blame at all, I like you like this.

"That's my honor." McGidd nodded solemnly.

"Hahaha, goodbye!" Xie He said goodbye to her with a smile. Getting to know each other overnight is better than knowing each other for more than half a year. As expected, heart-to-heart communication is the best way to communicate.

They already had a kind of tacit understanding, based on the common pursuit... This feeling is also good, Xie He went back to sleep in a good mood.

Have a good night's sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by a phone call——"How are you doing, brother Sahil! Did you get ridden by a woman and didn't have time to answer my call? Hahaha!"

"Fuck you! Saeed!" Sheikh was annoyed, never expecting this guy to be serious, "I haven't seen you for a long time, I heard that you have gone to be a minister?"

Saeed said casually, "You have just become a minister."

"I just happened to be a minister."

The two laughed back and forth, Said explained: "Family matters, I also want to compete for power positions, so I studied for a few more days. If I don't talk about these important days, I want to escape from troubles!"

"Where is this going, Antarctica?"

"Don't think about it yet." Fang said seriously, "I'll go to your place to stay for a few days first. Riyadh is hardly a place for people to stay. Welcome me?"

Sheikh has recently unloaded the burden, and a happy event is imminent, and he just wants to relax: "Of course, come here, let's discuss how to play in summer!"

Said came in the afternoon, anyway, the two countries are very close to each other, when Sheikh went to the airport to pick him up, this guy landed in a plane with a rich gold appearance, and he suspected that Said was a time traveler.

...asking for flowers...

Because there are not so many people who have the aesthetics of "local gold", and it will take a few years... Xie He guessed irresponsibly, and Said also appeared on the other side.

"Hey! My best friend!"

When they met, they hugged each other warmly, and Saeed was excited to share something this time: "Remember what you asked me to do last year? I got it for you!"

"Last year?" Xie He couldn't remember clearly, it should be before he crossed.

"Actually, it's fulfilling the bet..." Said told the truth.

Sheikh burst out laughing at that time, this guy! In my memory, I always like to bet with others, especially with myself, but he always loses more than he wins, and then he is still very unconvinced, so a vicious circle...

Saeed didn't mind either: "Anyway, I brought you something."

Said took him to the freight warehouse, a car that had just been unloaded, still covered with a silver car coat. When Sheikh lifted the coat of the car with his own hands, the beast showed its proper appearance.

Sheikh surprised: "Maserati-MC12?"

"What you say is what you say." Said said that he was proud of fulfilling the agreement. "It took so long from order to delivery. I lost a lot of money. How about we make another bet?"

"Don't do it!" Sheikh was not stupid, he appreciated this unexpected gift.

It is said that not many people know MC12, because its output is too rare, there are only 55 in the world, it is the most powerful supercar launched by Maserati, and it is also the sister of Ferrari enzo.

It has a blue and white body paint, wide and long, longer than enzo, with a huge spoiler at the rear, and the most attractive thing is its front face, which is full of aggressiveness.

It's not a convertible, but the roof can be manually removed, turning it into a sort of convertible that's more capable of driving than its cousin.

The cockpit is purely lightweight, which guarantees that the driver will not feel comfortable, but can definitely experience the thrill of adrenaline rush.

Performance comes to mind: 630 horsepower 6-liter V12 engine, top speed of 330km/h, 5.1-meter-long car, but the weight of the car is only 1150 kg

This series of data represents its top performance in this era. I am afraid that only Enzo and Carrera GT (Porsche) Seven can match it today. .

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