Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 116 Bringing A Wonder 【4/5】

"Your highnesses, are you awake?"

Just when the three princes were sitting on the ground decadently, thinking hard about the madness of last night, Amir's voice came from behind, and Sheikh was pleasantly surprised when he turned around: "Hey! Do you know what happened?"

Amir looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot, but he nodded: "Yes, I saw it all, we are in Istanbul now."

"You actually remember clearly?" Said was surprised.

Amir said: "I didn't participate, you guys were playing the whole time, the scene was almost out of control, and then I told the bodyguards to restrict your actions and wait until you wake up.

"That's it!" They all understood.

Amir apologized again: "This is a helpless move, otherwise you may be taken away by the police, and if your identities make matters worse, it will cause a diplomatic scandal.

"You didn't do anything wrong, you did it right!" Xie He said with lingering fear, he was afraid of causing trouble if he drank too much, but it was okay if it was only on their territory.

It's just that Said is still curious: "What happened last night?"

Amir had a weird face, wanted to laugh but had to hold back, he sat down: "The story is a bit long, I can also briefly talk about it..."

Three people surrounded them.

Let’s start from last night. It’s easy to overplay if you let it go, and the three of them are princes, who can control it? After playing around Dubai with a group of women, I don’t think it’s fun

Said said that if you want to play, you can play what others can't do. How can you be like a commoner as a prince? They should set an example to lead the public.

Mark said that he wanted to have sensual activities, but with cultural characteristics... Sheikh patted his thighs after thinking about it, let's get a yacht, and go to Turkey to watch authentic belly dancing, How about it?

This unreasonable idea immediately won the approval of everyone, so the three princes went out with their bodyguards. They have private jets, diplomatic privileges, and entry and exit are very simple.

They spent a lot of money to get a super yacht, and called a group of dancers to dance on the boat for the people on the shore to see, and finally they ruthlessly mocked the dicks along the shore...

Saeed smiled and asked, "It's not too out of line.".?"

Speaking of this, Amir had a funny face: "You threatened to smash up other people's bars, expel their citizenship, and throw money on the street to make people fight, and...

Denationalize people? Spend money to get people to fight?

"Don't talk about it!" Xie He couldn't hold back his old face anymore, this is really their style! Looking at everyone again, he was very serious: "Forget about this matter in the past, but never do this again in the future!"

"No more." Said still has a headache now.

"It's enough to experience it once." Mark recollected it, and it was the most exciting to play with these seniors. Of course, he was glad that no major mistakes were made.

After waking up in the morning, their memories gradually became clear. Last night they played really crazy... Now they collapsed on the sofa weakly, enjoying the sea breeze and eating fruit.

It’s just that every time they think of a detail, everyone will burst into laughter. Said’s stomach hurts: “I’m sorry! This experience is so amazing, I have to share it with others later!”

Sheikh reminded: "Don't spread it to the ears of the elders. Drinking and making trouble is a serious crime."

"This is Turkey." Said said nonchalantly, "Look at the drink that Turkey drinks. They call it lion's milk (raki), but it's actually liquor. The key is that their beliefs are the same as ours."

"It makes sense." Mark found a reason to fall.

"That's called 'secularization'." Sheikh lazily said that the Turks who believe in the green religion still drink alcohol, women still have beauty contests, and there are still red-light districts. Belly dancing is known as the essence of culture...

Don't tell you they believe in Islam, you don't know it's Turkey...Dubai is obviously on the same path, they have been secularizing over the years.

"Interesting." Said continued to laugh, "Damn it! This should be written into a story, recording the crazy legend of the three of us!"

"Yeah." Mark agreed.

"Wouldn't it be better to make it into a movie." Sheikh floated a sentence, and their eyes were all focused on him. This idea sounds even more daunting.

"Brother, you are a giant in Hollywood now, you can do it!" Mark was eager to try.

Sheikh got up a little bit, thought about it, and suddenly it was a flash of inspiration—a hangover? A hangover! Isn’t there such a series of movies in later generations?

Moreover, the popularity of "The Hangover" is extraordinary. It is said that with an investment of 30 million yuan, it has earned a box office of more than 400 million U.S. dollars, and its reputation remains high. It is known as the most hilarious movie.

Box office, fame and fortune double harvest!

More importantly, the plot of the first episode of The Hangover in Past Life took place in Las Vegas, so he can completely move the story to Dubai to shoot!

These two cities have many similarities, they are both cities built in the desert, both are rich and luxurious, both have casinos, and both have various exaggerated styles.

Since they are all the same, there is no problem putting the hangover drama in Dubai! More importantly, Dubai is more comprehensive than Las Vegas in terms of luxury.

In terms of publicity effect, once The Hangover is filmed, it will be like a "々.tourism promotional film" in Dubai! The more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes, and Sheikh gets excited.

Tell them this idea, the two princes haven't figured out this idea yet, but they also think it sounds powerful and very feasible!

He had thought about it before, letting "The Fast and the Furious" be filmed in Dubai, and "Mission: Impossible", the previous filming of the police promotional film was also an opportunity to promote the city's scenery.

But no matter how you think about it, it can't compare to the depth of "The Hangover". It's just a crazy fun in the city———he watched The Hangover in his previous life, and he didn't know that Las Vegas can be so crazy.

In this life, he can definitely let people know more about Dubai after watching the movie... This idea is definitely possible!

(Nonuo Zhao) He couldn't sit still when he thought of this, and immediately called the United States, contacted Dave Center, CEO of MGM International, and told him to find a script for this aspect

Because The Hangover will only be released in the next few years, but there should be a script, even if he doesn't have him, he can still worry about it and ask someone to help write the finale.

Center also paid attention to the task given by the boss, and began to arrange for people to find it.

"By the way, some special effects teams may be needed." Sheikh did not forget this point. Many landmarks in Dubai are still under construction. He plans to use special effects to improve them to make the city look more beautiful.

After hanging up the phone, Saeed and Mark also got excited: "If I want to shoot, I want to be a side character! No, no, I want to be the villain!"

Xie He rolled his eyes: "Do you want to be the villain who was trampled to death by the protagonist?"

Saeed didn't mind: "That's fine too! Hahaha, I haven't experienced being on camera yet, I have to show my face!"

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