Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 132 How To Go In The Future【4/5】

Xie He, who has almost forgotten all the mundane matters, first spent a week in Miami, and then went south to the western Caribbean, traveling all the way until twenty days later.

The princess's vacation is over, and Xie He, who played wildly with her, can also take a breath. Being a qualified elder is not easy, and he began to understand the inevitability of summer homework.

"Summer is here temporarily." Aliya has had enough, "But I will come back next time!"

"Anything else?" Sheikh on the plane had no energy. This holiday was a bit crazy, but her smile never stopped. One mouthful of a soft and cute brother is worth the money.

"My dearest!" She came over and hugged his neck, shaking, "You have such a lovely sister, why don't you cherish and love her?"

"You didn't brag about yourself that much, did you?" Sheikh hugged her, "Calm down when you go back, remember that you are a member of the royal family, you must be humble and have your own demeanor.

"Remember." She was very obedient.

But he added: "Of course you can tell your parents later that Sahil has fulfilled his responsibilities completely and brilliantly, and you should reward him...."

"Pfft." She laughed, "It's so shameless.

Sheikh said solemnly: "Then it must be worthy of my dedication these days, right?"

"I can think about it." She said in a ghostly way, lowered her head and kissed 297 on his face a few times, but this is the reward you deserve.

"What should I say now?" Sheikh accompanied her childishly... and finally returned to New York, and arranged for a private jet to send her back to Dubai, and then it was her parents' business

Of course there is one more thing——"Are we clearing things up?"

Jennifer looked at him with a straight face. She was kidnapped by him for more than 20 days and played with countless times. If she was an ordinary woman, she would have collapsed long ago, but she still enjoyed it secretly.

Damn it! Jennifer knows that now she has to turn the situation back: "I've done everything you asked, I have my own life, and I hope you don't interfere with me in the future."

Sheikh looked at her amusedly: "You said it so high-soundingly, and you put all the responsibility on me? I remember that in this process, except for the first part, who was the most active at the end?

"I don't care about it!" Jennifer is not easy to provoke, "I won't argue with you! I just want to make it clear that this time you and I are clear, and the next time the outcome is not decided!"

"I am waiting."

Xie He doesn't care, if she dares to deliberately seduce him next time, he will teach her to learn to be humble when facing a 20cm strong man. As for now, the two people who are neither enemies nor friends hug each other and bid farewell.

Finally broke up. As Jennifer said, she has her own life, and Sheikh doesn't want to develop too much content with a married woman. At most, she has time to play a friendly match

Before leaving the United States, he went to Nevada.

The construction of the factory has already been carried out, and he has specially set up a management company to supervise the progress, ensuring that he can always ensure the mastery of the project, and will not let accidents delay it.

The next thing is to look forward to.

Sheikh returned to Dubai, where the weather is hot, and various outdoor projects are busy. On the wall of his office, there is a huge planning map. The first phase of Dubai has been implemented.

For the prevention of the financial crisis, he has made sufficient preparations; for the reserve of funds, the reality of the subprime mortgage crisis, and then the increase in oil, he can also make a lot of money.

More attention should now be paid to the future.

At this time, his deputy minister came to the door and talked about the minister's absence: "During the two cabinet meetings you were absent, the prime minister had already appointed the Ministry of Publicity and Development to play a leading role in education. Recently, the minister of education came to talk to me. "

"You and Hood can handle this, right?" Sheikh said.

McGeed didn't finish: "The reform of educational content from early childhood to youth will be designated by the Ministry of Education with Hood, who is in charge of this area, but what I want to talk about is the issue of local higher education. This is the direction you have attached importance to."

"Yes! A university!" Sheikh thought of his "second phase concept", which is a more distant future and a longer-term plan.

He will have black technology in the future, and education is the most critical link whether it is research or inheritance of technology! If a country or nation wants to grow, education is indispensable!

The prince (dbca) has always attached great importance to it, so Mejid also paid attention: "I have heard your vision for the future of Dubai. Education is an indispensable part, so I want to know how much you value it."

"Actually..." Sheikh thought for a while, "You also know that there are many branch campuses of foreign universities in Dubai, which are also very well-known, but there are quite a few talents here, and they are just transfer points here. .

"I just want to introduce a way to keep them more. I also told you that the future of Dubai cannot do without science-in fact, no country can do without science, but China's start is too slow."

"It's still too late for us to hurry up." McGidd quite agrees, "So your method?"

"This is the key!" Sheikh stood up, "What is the current population of Dubai? More than two million, how many locals are there? More than 200,000 [the welfare of the locals is prosperous?"

Mejid can answer this question: it is no worse than Switzerland, Sweden and other top countries in the world. Some outsiders call our life "the life of a slave owner".

"So they envy the benefits, right?"

"Of course. It's just that the UAE doesn't have an immigration policy, except through marriage—what do you want to open a special channel for these talents?"

He nodded: "People who want to keep them, first keep their hearts. If I can change the immigration laws to allow people with outstanding achievements or contributions to join, its future will be more dynamic."

"The difficulty will not be small." She considered the reality of the United Arab Emirates. Although there are 9 million people in the whole territory, less than 1 million people hold their own nationality [and are not open to immigration.

Sheikh's approach: "Give them the status of 'permanent residents' first, and enjoy the same treatment as citizens. As for the issue of naturalization, I think that for a considerable number of people, the UAE's nationality is not high enough."

"It's a clever combination." McGidd agreed with this direction, "but what does it have to do with the university you were surprised to mention earlier?"

"Of course, you have to be clear. My focus is on the future of Dubai, and education is only one part. The skyscrapers of the future are built layer by layer, and all parts are inseparable. Education is a foundation."

"Its role is not small. People from outside may not be suitable for our rhythm here. We are in the harsh environment of the desert. We have a high demand for natural resources and water. We have unique business development... You just absorb the elites from outside, it is like a car that needs to be adjusted before it can adapt to the local track, while the university can adjust it from the beginning and run in faster.”

"You see it very comprehensively." McGidd understands, so let's start from this foundation first? Continue your usual style of fanfare?"

"Why not?" As the Crown Prince of Dubai and Minister of Propaganda and Development, he never thought of keeping a low profile in his work, and he always wanted to be eye-catching. .

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