Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 152 Prepare To Cheat [4/6]

The Ministry of Propaganda and Development of the United Arab Emirates predicts that the number of tourists visiting Dubai this year will reach 12 million, which is at the level of a world-class city, and various competitions and activities are adding highlights to it

The Dubai "King" and "Crown Prince" Cup Endurance Race will be held at the end of January next year. The equestrian circle is talking about the heroic rewards. The first place will directly throw away 8 million dirhams plus a Land Rover. The top three will all have Land Rover rewards .

Even for completing the whole race, there will be a reward of 100,000 dirhams. The invited well-known jockeys are free of air tickets, board and lodging, and the horse racing is also provided by Dubai.

This is almost equivalent to only needing to come here empty-handed, and you can get rewards if you complete the game. If you don't complete the game, it will be regarded as a sightseeing tour, so masters from all over the world will come.

The prince returned to Dubai.

He stayed away from womanizing, took time to recover as an athlete, and ran 160 kilometers in just 5 hours and 47 minutes in one training session.

Compared with last year's Asian Games, he took the second place in 5 hours and 47 minutes, but the whole journey there was 120 kilometers, and now it is 160 kilometers—he really feels super amazing!

"The problem of the venue." Princess Lavier pointed out sharply, "The terrain is flat, the weather is good, and it is not as difficult as the last Asian Games."

As the saying goes, you can't be happy for more than two minutes. Sheikh asked, "Is there any more optimistic news?"

"Yes." Lavier also nodded, "Your score is currently the best 273, seven minutes ahead of the second place, and you are playing at home, and both people and horses are very familiar with the field."

"Don't scare me all the time." Xie He was relieved, maintaining this state, the hope of winning a medal at home is very high. On the other side a black horse came galloping.

"Your little princess." Lavier led him there.

The royal family is interested in horse racing. Of course, the little fans also yearn for the scenery of galloping on horseback. Because of weight and figure problems, women put less burden on horse racing and are more suitable for long-distance endurance races.

Aliya turned over and got off the horse, panting, her little face was flushed but she was very happy to run around him: "I've finished the race! Long live fifty kilometers!"

Xie He looked at this energetic girl. Fifty kilometers was not a small challenge for amateurs. Not everyone could stand the bumps on horseback for two or three hours.

"How much did you run?" She asked again.

Xie Hexin wants someone who is a brother to be humble: "I'm a little slower than you——

"It's so slow! Hahaha!" She miraculously ignored the gap between 160 kilometers and 50 kilometers... Sheikh couldn't help but grab her and pinch her face.

"You will definitely win the first place next year." Her words are true.

"Is someone taking me as a standard again?" Xie He didn't care too much about this aspect, but the fan girl was very careful, she nodded, but this time she was very proud|proud-

"Everyone regards you as the number one enemy. You are now the final boss in the game. Defeating you is equivalent to clearing all levels!"

She was right, Sheikh is now at the final boss level.

He has already proved his strength in the Asian Games. Although he has not participated in any major competitions in the following year, and even jumped two levels to 160 kilometers, the outside world dare not underestimate him.

The most important thing is that he fights at home, which means he has enough time to run the track to the brim. There are hundreds of world-class horses in Dubai, and he can choose the best performer on this track.

But in the end he still chose "Good Luck Charlie", which is right for temper and character, and he wants to fight side by side with the old buddy and defend the champion across levels.

"It's still the same old agreement, there are countless chicks who have won the race." Sheikh was communicating with the horses again, leaning on the goal post, and no one was feeding carrots to Charlie.

Charlie chewed on a turnip, showing a row of teeth.

"Who doesn't look forward to it?" Xie He scratched the horse's face, "I don't even have this kind of treatment... I hope I can still get the first place. I don't have much time to play professionally in the future."

Charlie raised his head, and Xie He came back from talking to himself, and shook his head to the outside: "I won't practice today, you are in very good condition, and you will have no problem getting the ranking."

The truth is that there is no other horse that can be faster than it at present. In 5 hours and 47 minutes, the second fastest exerts all his strength, and can only shorten the gap to within two minutes.

Sheikh knew, however, that this was not Charlie's limit.

He still retained a little physical strength during the training, not only for tactical considerations, but also to guard against dark horses, so that he could fight back with all his might.

Charlie has always wanted to run wildly, but the (dbce) race is approaching so there can be no accidents. Now there is a whole team dedicated to taking care of him.

I want to say that the prince is not as leisurely as it is. He still has a lot of work after training. He can throw away almost everything he can now, but even if he is only the chairman, he still has a lot to worry about.

Time passed the New Year quietly, and everything was calm—except for the oil price, which was not calm at all.

Unlike the current cold weather in Europe, America and the economy, crude oil is rising abnormally, although all parties believe that under the current economic situation, crude oil will be pre-cooled sooner or later.

Investment bank analysts also said that the upper limit of crude oil is 90 US dollars, but the oil price has hit the face.

Then there are analysts who are not reconciled, thinking that one hundred dollars is the peak, and then it will be cold. However, major stockholders and institutions are in urgent need of buying, hoarding goods and waiting for the price to rise.

So it hit the face again, and now it has broken through one hundred dollars without any difficulty. We must know that more than half a year ago, the price of crude oil was only in the early 40s, but it has more than doubled now.

There is no sign of this rally showing signs of stopping. The parties that were damaged in the subprime mortgage crisis are ambitious to get back the profits in crude oil and stop losses evenly.

The crude oil market has ushered in a group of crazy speculators. Everyone knows that the current price is too high and will plummet sooner or later, but based on a fluke mentality, no one is willing to give up participation.

This principle is the same as knowing that it is a Ponzi scheme, but still envious of huge profits-I will stop soon, and it should not be my turn to take over!

The dealer's funds are still abundant, and they will not collapse so quickly.

I'm definitely not the last to suffer.

It is this kind of luck that makes more speculators flock to it.

Sheikh, who bought from 40 US dollars a long time ago and was still buying until the 70s and 80s, now called the major investment managers: "put the earliest batch of futures, use the profit to buy oil futures, and continue to sell short !"

Buy for 40 dollars, sell for 100, and make a net profit of 60 (not counting the difference in leverage), and then use the 60 to play games with futures and brokers, borrow at high prices to short, and continue to sell at a price of more than 100... …

Bullish in the front, bearish in the back——This principle is very simple. In fact, the post-event analysis of many financial cases is simple, but at that time, not many people were able to grasp it.

Even Xie He, who knew the future, didn't dare to be bold. He knew that crude oil would soar to $147 in his previous life, but he didn't dare to bet, and he couldn't wait to throw it away at one hundred and one.

Even so, the two processes of bullish and bearish can still bring him at least twice the return-and he has participated in as much as 15 billion funds through leverage.

The good show in the crude oil market will make people crazy next year-the big rise is bound to be followed by a big drop. In the previous life, the crude oil king willfully rose from 40 to 147, and then plummeted to more than 3,000.

He has already made money during the skyrocketing stage, so of course the plummeting price cannot be let go. Short selling and betting against futures dealers are common methods, but he feels that there is still a little essence.

He thinks he can rip people off!

How to play it? He didn't want to be specific until Wang Lisha, who was full of bad things, reappeared.

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