Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 161 The Duan Zishou Prince [2/5]

The prince is definitely the most important person in today's summit.

Whether it's wealth or political status, he is enough to crush everyone present. If he takes out one of his great achievements in business, who will not accept it?

There is no place to compare his political status, at most he is a representative of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, but the other party is a prince who holds real power. So that's why the minister is here today.

The official is obviously here to support the scene. Although the political exchange is not important, it must not lose face... The Chinese side is very particular about all aspects, but the prince is much more casual.

"Long time no see, Mr. Ma!"

"Li, your search engine is getting better and better!"

"Penguin's development is even better than I expected. You have realized all my ideas. You are indeed the leader of the Internet in China......"

After meeting acquaintances and chatting in a nagging style, the prince's casual attitude dilutes the seriousness of this summit, and he doesn't need this kind of rigor, and it's not a political exchange.

"I'm very glad to be able to participate in today's exchange summit." When the prince spoke on the stage, he also raised the cup in his hand to greet everyone. Of course, it contained tea.

Everyone sitting under the stage raised their glasses in response.

The prince smiled again and said: "Today I am not signing any joint agreement, I just come to have a cup of tea with everyone and talk about the economy and the Internet. The topic is not limited. Everyone is free to choose."

The crowd applauded, and there were some media workers on the scene. The cameras will record the summit, and some clips will become the subject of news.

But Xie He didn't care, he didn't have any manuscripts at all, he just thought of what to say: "Actually, I don't like to be too modest, what I can do is what I do, such as the two bosses in the audience, Mr. Li and Mr. Liu."

"I still remember that when I invested in them a few years ago, they had made some achievements, but now they are all leaders in the field of Internet business. Congratulations!"

"That's why I won't be humble. I saw their bright spots at the beginning. I was optimistic about the prospects of China's Internet field. Now everyone has seen it. The scale of each giant has already been established. Congratulations!"

The two horses who were named were all laughing and laughing, and the people around them also felt that this was the case. The few people who had been heavily invested by the prince are now prosperous.

Looking at the adoring eyes of a group of people, Xie He's inner drama is extraordinarily exciting, bragging in front of a group of domestic bigwigs in various fields, this feels like flying!

The most important thing is that this group of bigwigs all agree with their awesomeness, and even refer to his opinions on many issues, and take every prediction he makes seriously.

The prince was in a happy mood, and the topic drifted away.

"I fell in love with Facebook, YouTube, and invested in BAT. Look at their brilliance now? I dare to say that the social and smartphone fields in the future will shine brilliantly||!"

In front of this group of business bigwigs who are currently the most important in the celestial dynasty and will be powerful in the future, he brags about his arrogance.

What's even more refreshing is that some people in the audience listened with bright eyes and regarded his words as mantras! For example, Lei Jun, who is still working at Kingsoft, and Huawei's boss, who has always had the idea of ​​business expansion and transformation.

They all listened to Sheikh's words, and they didn't take such predictions lightly like others. Those who are interested can also find that the prince has said so more than once, including the earliest blessings and the Wall Street interviews later.

Social area? Internet economy? Smartphone field?

The sign is buried, it depends on how these people think of his prophecy. I think he's bragging...... forget it. Those who are interested in listening, he will also help in the future.

Later, it developed into a question-and-answer session. In addition to the profound topics brought up by the bosses, such as talking about real estate, the prince said with certainty that there was a real estate bubble in China, but it was difficult to collapse.

There are also media reporters who want to ask some "simple" questions—such as suggestions for young entrepreneurs, the prince immediately felt that this girl is sensible!

He was just about to pretend: "Entrepreneurs don't rush to look too far, don't say that I will become the number one in the country soon. We can set a small goal, for example, earn 500 million first."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay. Small target? Five hundred million?

On the contrary, Wang Jianshu nodded thoughtfully, and looked at the dull Wang Xiaocong beside him. This kid was churning in his heart, and he felt that this guy on the stage was too good.

Bragging in front of so many officials and bigwigs, playing tricks non-stop, and getting applause...he can't find a second one in the world.

No wonder Buffett said he is a talent!

"Amazing." Wang Xiaocong was vaguely convinced by the other party, he was only six or seven years older than himself, but he needed to look far away in terms of achievements and realm.

Even catching up is very powerless. At first, he thought that his father was very good, and he had done so much from scratch, but looking at the guy in front of him, he was even better than his father.

When a person surpasses too much, others can only look up.

Wang Xiaocong has this kind of mentality, but he has a better mentality. He regards the other party as a role model, an idol—he also hopes that one day he can stand on this kind of stage and criticize celebrities——

So he successfully found the shining point of his life.

Sheikh afternoon, the cowhide is the largest so far.

In front of the most representative business figure in China and the most important corporate executives in the United Arab Emirates, he talked nonsense and threw ideas around. If you want to change to another person, another occasion, absolutely no one cares.

But not now, with his series of prerequisites for success, these big bosses listened attentively. Anyone can brag, but if you brag and everyone recognizes it, that's the real thing.

And after blowing it up, let a group of equally awesome people believe it, this is already a fairy tale!

Afterwards, the media posted some videos of the summit on the Internet, as well as the Weibo platform touted by the prince.

It was as if a boulder was thrown into a calm lake, no, it should be a bomb, and with a bang, people from all over the country saw the prince's bombardment.

For example, his sentence "々, set a small goal first, such as earning 500 million yuan", spread all over the forum, swept the post bar, and undoubtedly became popular on Weibo.

There is also "I am not short of money, money is just pursuing ideal numbers for me, and sometimes I don't know how to spend it, so I prefer to construct dreams."

After the rhetoric that this series can be used as a joke was released, netizens who are still a bit conservative these days, and the tricks are not as diverse as those in later generations, were also shocked (Li Qianhao).

Money is just a number to me? I don’t know how to spend money?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… etc. This has caused a lot of netizens to respond “I know how to spend money! Let me help you spend it”!

Obviously the prince's words were taken out of context, but it can be confirmed from the side that this prince and super rich man who is skilled in using Chinese to tell jokes has won the favor of Chinese netizens.

In the previous life, Lao Wang and Ma Yun were easily despised when they said this, but now netizens think that the other party has the ability to say that. When you are a prince and a local tyrant, everything is fine.

Almost overnight, after the prince conquered countless young girls with the characteristics of a diamond king, his charm also began to conquer men.

With strength and the ability to make people have nothing to say, just a word is a classic... The prince has reached the realm of the old Wang and Mr. Ma in his previous life.

Even their combat effectiveness is not as good as the prince who speaks loudly in front of the country's ministerial bosses and dozens of business bosses. This guy's aura without upper limit is really awesome!

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