Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 169 Japanese Trick【5/5】

Sure enough, after the official exchanges, the Japanese oil companies not only started commercial dialogues, but also extended romantic invitations to decision-makers such as the Minister of Energy and the Prince of Dubai.

"It's just to have a meal together, enjoy a song and dance performance or something." Xie He didn't know the content, but he knew that it was right to be very enthusiastic: "Dress well and let five or five Japanese girls see it." What is a woman."

Wang Lisa, who was praised so much by him, was a little flustered. Although she didn't ask, but from her tone and address, she vaguely felt that the prince didn't like Japan very much.

Of course she guessed right, Sheikh didn't have a good impression of the Japanese, he knew that Japan had a lot of great things, but that didn't prevent him from being uninterested in this nation.

After all, the reason for his enthusiasm is still money. After the Japanese enter the pit, he will act according to the regulations. Who the hell has met you a few times and is a brother? Don't be naive!

However, the Japanese feel good about themselves at present, and they have analyzed many possibilities. One is that OPEC will increase production a lot [enough to affect oil prices, and the United Arab Emirates is also seriously affected by the financial crisis.

The third is to consider from the perspective of business and trade. The oil-producing countries have a large supply. Before the oil price declines, it is right to sell a high price first. The strategy of the Middle East is correct.

Summarizing the above conditions, the conclusion is: Middle Eastern people are strong outside and capable in the middle, and they need others.

The Japanese believed in their own inference that the price of oil would remain high for quite some time, and the investment banks in the United States kept spreading the words that the price of oil could soar to $200, which was widely recognized by all walks of life.

The scheming parties met each other.

The bulletproof version of the Mercedes-Benz S600 came to a clubhouse in Tokyo. As soon as the white and elegant luxury car stopped, the door was pulled open, and the person who opened the door bowed to him at forty-five degrees.

"Welcome Your Royal Highness, you will make our place flourish!" The visitor said in Japanese, and began to introduce a group of men and women who came out, and the group of people also turned forty-five degrees.

The translator synchronized with the other party’s words and gave it to the prince. The names were so complicated that he couldn’t remember how many, such as Nippon Oil’s Beiliu Airlines, Yamaguchi, etc. The strange thing is that there was another one who was introduced as Japan Airlines. What the hell is Japan Airlines doing?

He couldn't figure out the situation with a few sentences, so he shook hands with these people, and after listening to their compliments to the royal family as he should, he turned sideways and motioned for the lady to go first, and walked into this low-key guild hall together.

Inside is a different kind of style, the double doors made of camphor wood, the corridors are extremely luxuriously decorated, the floors are all made of wood, porcelain is placed at intervals, and ukiyo-e are hung on the walls; the same is the same In the distance, there are ladies in kimonos bowing and greeting.

They were taken to a partitioned room on the second floor, which was full of Japanese style, and they had to take off their shoes before entering. This made Lisa, who was wearing carefully selected high heels, a little dissatisfied. .

"His Royal Highness, Ms. Advisor, please sit down!" A middle-aged man motioned for a seat in front, and the meeting was mainly about the prince.

His father and mother went to meet the Emperor, and the Minister of Energy invited another group of people to leave. This time he brought only two assistants and a special advisor lady, who is the very charming Wang Lisha in a black suspender dress. .

There was a long table in the compartment to sit. After the prince took his seat, everyone sat down around one after another, and then the Japanese continued to greet: "It is an honor for all of us to be here in person, Your Highness, please take care of us!"

"Okay." Sheikh's response was taken for granted.

The other party didn't think there was anything wrong, the prince who is used to being pampered and pampered always has arrogance, and before serving the dishes, they began to introduce themselves in detail.

Xie He focused on a few people, first of all, Nippon Oil's Beiliu Airlines, as Japan's largest oil company, is of course also the most severely persecuted by the soaring oil prices, and has an urgent desire for cooperation.

Another bald and slightly fat man named Jiro Eguchi came from Nomura Securities, the largest securities firm in Japan, with strong strength. During the financial crisis, companies that have been acquiring European and American companies are probably focusing on oil this time.

There is also a senior executive of Japan Airlines who is not related to the topic for the time being, tentatively named Passerby A, but Xie He glanced at the young woman next to him wearing a Japan Airlines uniform and holding a bun.

However, a sentence from passer-by A caught his attention: "Your country's Emirates and an investment fund hold the creditor's rights of Japan Airlines, and they are our good partners."

That's how it is... Xie He almost forgot that the royal family is the shareholder of Emirates, and he also has a position, but his only contribution is to improve the uniform of Emirates to satisfy his own bad taste.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Xie He nodded to passer-by A. The other party probably came to play the autumn wind, because Japan Airlines has not managed well recently, so he must borrow money.

The corner of Xie He's mouth twitched --- Ma Dan thought I was a money printing machine! If you don't show any color to you, I will write the name of the stock god in the Middle East backwards.

Wang Lisha is cautious, she is not here to be a vase, she speaks Chinese in his ear from time to time... The Japanese side can see that this woman who can make the prince walk sideways, sit down and support her, has a certain relationship Unusual.

There is also a curve to please her to achieve the goal, but because of the importance of the lady, the next process made several people in Japan hesitate, and some people whispered: "Do you want to change the method?"

"Don't bother, order quickly, I'm hungry..." Xie He didn't like to squat for too long, eat a few dishes, and say hello to my brother, so it's time to get to the point.

"Business as usual." The other side nodded, and then the Sheikh understood why they had doubts because there were no plates for dinner tonight!


Only two girls came in. They were naked, they were Japanese without clothes! Their skin was white and smooth, which was pretty good to look at, and they didn’t have the five or five bodies and bow legs that he hated. Root | No hairs can be found.

Eguchi Jiro, who was on the opposite side, introduced: "His Royal Highness came all the way from Dubai, and we boldly prepared some Far Eastern specialties for you. I hope His Royal Highness and the lady will like it!"

Perhaps in order to dilute the possible embarrassment, the woman dressed as a flight attendant said: "Authentic female body Sheng is very tasteful in Japan. It has nothing to do with pornography, but a more individual art."

The other party said it so seriously, the master who had seen the scene was quite calm: "Not bad! I just can try your unique art of sharp point."

They smiled and bowed to everyone, and then lay down on the table generously with their heads and feet reversed. The details of their bodies could be seen at a glance, and the maids also began to bring dishes, carefully placing them in different positions.

Xie He still complained in his heart, as expected of the Japanese, it was so fun when we first met, it was interesting... But with Eguchi's introduction and explanation, the way of this industry was also revealed.

There is indeed a lot of attention to the female body. First of all, the "plate" must be a virgin, and the blood type is preferably A-type. It is necessary to ensure that pure blood is flowing in the body. The female body needs to be prepared before meals. The cleaning process of the 3.4 body even costs a lot of money. a couple of hours.

The requirement is not to sweat when lying down, and not to have any other (including perfume) smells, but the posture of lying down, and even the location of the meals are very particular. For example, frogfish will give people strength. , placed in the heart; swordfish helps digestion, placed in the abdomen......

There is a lot of attention to this aspect, the two girls on the table are carefully selected, and they are also the flight attendants of Japan Airlines—the implication is that they are rare items, specially used to entertain the audience.

When the chef served the dishes, Wang Lisha also revealed some insights: "I heard that Japanese society has a lot of opposition to female body Sheng recently, and all the people who can enjoy it are rich and powerful.

"Thank you, ma'am." The other party smiled.

Wang Lisha's performance is in line with the aura that a company boss should have. She is calm and calm, and she can even make a few comments, but the prince is straightforward: "Then I want to try these tricks of the Japanese.".

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