Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 174 The Crash Of Crazy Oil【5/6】

Not only did Said, the buddy, bring timely rain, but Prince Jihad, who was poor at home and only had oil, heard that his closest friend in Dubai was in trouble, and proudly stated that he would take care of the rest.

Jihad is bragging: "If you want to ask me for other help, I may not be able to give much effort, but you have to ask for oil, this is what I am best at, and I can help you fill up the tanker with my eyes closed .”

Sheikh was very moved, so I still envy the oil tycoons in this life. Jihad’s words are as good as you bring the oil tanker, and I will connect a few pipes here, and I will fill it up for you.

After arranging his subordinates to take care of these humanoid ATMs, the production gap in Sheikh's cheating plan was finally filled. After he went to sign agreements with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, everything was due to Dongfeng.

The prince's oil trade with Japan has quietly started.

Selling "650" to them at a price of 105 US dollars, and today's oil price exceeds 140 US dollars, in the unbelievable outside world, this business has actually started.

Many people feel that the prince has taken too much risk this time! This kind of big business between countries will keep him in losses from the very beginning.

Such a large business is still operated by the stock gods of the Middle East, and people all over the world are paying attention. According to the current upward trend, people generally think that the prince is about to fall.

Always win too much and lose once.

It is good to have too much self-confidence, but if you are too blind, you will be bloody.

As many as 60 billion in business, enough to add up all his previous successes, all of which will not go back..

Faced with such voices from the outside world, he will find that no matter how the times progress, there will always be a lot of people who are ignorant and still have personality, and they are not limited to ordinary people. Some rich people still have this kind of vision.

But there are also those who believe in him, such as Buffett, the stock god who had a pleasant conversation last time, this time he still chooses the prince's side, or chooses to believe in himself.

The stock god, he does not believe that the current oil reserves will cause the oil price to go crazy to the end. This kind of rise is often done in one go. After reaching the peak, there will definitely be a reversal.

The attitude of the stock god began to make some people want to follow up the actions of the Prince of Dubai. Maybe not enough reasons, but some people have a sixth sense, and maybe this time...he is still right.

The outside world is making a fuss about oil, and paying attention to the investment of the prince of Dubai is just one thing. The financial crisis has come, and the world's rich are in a state of desperation.

Only Sheikh calmly watched and waited for the development of the situation.

Now that the international oil price has reached a crazy high level, some people speculate that it may fall, but no one is willing to give up the great opportunity to make money!

After the oil price broke through 140, they thought there was still hope of breaking through 150.

Assuming that it breaks through 150, there must be some people who are lucky and think that 160 is the limit. If I stop at 150, I can still make a lot of money.

The fluke mentality makes the speculators go on and on, thinking that they are not the catcher, and the bad luck will not be their turn, and the plunge can't be so fast.

Because a few months ago, many investment bank analysts were still optimistic: "It is rare in history to be able to reach $120 to $130."

However, reality keeps beating us.

The international oil price is like a rocket, repeatedly breaking through everyone's predictions and breaking through everyone's psychological defense. Everyone firmly believes in one thing: the era of cheap oil will never come back.

The well-known investment bank Goldman Sachs continues to speak out in the media, claiming that the international oil price in 2008 may reach 200 US dollars, and the bear market is far from over!

It is this group of people who are fanning the flames! As a result, people who are pouring into the crude oil market with funds in their hands are getting more and more crazy-some people even think that the price of crude oil can soar to 250!

Therefore, it is still profitable to enter the game when it is more than 100.

Speculators from all walks of life have the same kind of madness. After the real estate market suffered setbacks, they began to target this field that is even crazier than the real estate market. Seeing that many people made a fortune, more retail investors and hungry wolves rushed.

But the mentality of international short sellers and speculators is different. Like Sheikh, many people have shorted at a price of 100 US dollars. They thought 120 should be the limit.


Unexpectedly, it has soared to 146. The short sellers are like ants on a hot pot. The pressure they are facing is huge. If it continues to rise like this, what will they have to pay back?

Some short sellers who couldn’t bear the pressure left the market in panic, were forced to liquidate their positions, and almost lost their pants! In this strange oil price where no one dared to determine the peak value, “high leverage killed many people.

Even Sheikh is under pressure, and he is also playing leverage. Every time the oil price rises, the burden on him is even heavier, and the teammates who follow him are all terrified.

But at the family meeting in Dubai, he rejected all opinions: "You need to see different angles. Goldman Sachs' singing may also mean that it wants to drive international hot money and carry out a round of short selling on oil..."

"Don't tell me that falling oil prices are bad for the United States. Everything is based on profit. As long as there is a profit, it is not the first time that capital has been sold to the government. Doesn't the lesson of the financial crisis not count?

Americans plan to spend more than 700 billion to fight the financial crisis, and a lot of it will be invested in banks, investment banks and financial institutions. This has to be said to be a kind of irony.

The prince's words have already convinced everyone, even if the arrow is not on the string, there is no turning back.

The pressure he faces from rising oil prices is also not small, but the funds are more abundant, and the largest banking group in the Middle East stands behind him, which can give him a steady stream of blood transfusions.

This is the obvious benefit of a consortium. The funds are continuous, which improves the turnover and survival ability of the enterprise, so the banker must have the calmness of the banker.

Standing behind the consortium, even if the oil price really soared to 200 US dollars one day, the big shorts gritted their teeth, and they could still hold on. The latest news shows that the oil price has broken through to 150 US dollars per barrel.

The highest record in the previous life has been broken.

Under the influence of the butterfly effect, the degree of destruction and deterioration of the subprime mortgage crisis has surpassed that of the previous life, and the current oil price has also surpassed that of the previous life... Various signs indicate that the financial crisis will be even more terrifying.

Now he just sits and waits for oil to crash.

It didn’t take too long, and suddenly one day——when everyone was happily pouring hot money into the oil futures market, the grandsons of OPEC smirked and spread the news of an increase in production of 1.8

There was a bang, the sky didn't fall, but it was almost there.

The price of international crude oil suddenly plummeted from 155 to 130 in one day, and in an instant, a group of people who had just bought and hadn't stepped out of the futures market were scared to pee at the door.

This diving-style plunge is far from over. It is only an illusion that it rose back to 135. A week later, it has already fallen below 120 US dollars. Countless people have lost money in this big dive.

The 120 mark did not last long. Under the influence of the financial crisis, the plunge is like a dam that cannot support the flood. As long as there is a gap that rots, it will be a complete collapse!

It’s just an appetizer now, and the main meal is yet to come! Oil peaking and plummeting will wreak havoc within half a year, from the highest level to thirty or forty dollars, and a large group of people will lose their fortunes

The big crash that the Sheikh was looking forward to came. .

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