Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 179 Porsche Anti-Kill【4/5】

Recently, the whole of Europe and even the world are paying attention to this big event in the automotive industry.

The outside world looks at the fun, and the insiders look at the doorway. In fact, it is the grievances of the rich and powerful descendants of Porsche - the confrontation between Ferdinand Piech (grandson) and Wolfgang Porsche (grandson).

Ferdinand Piech is the actual controller of Volkswagen, and Wolfgang Porsche is the actual controller of Porsche. These two cousins ​​who grew up wearing crotch pants together are now going to fight for the benefit of the family.

Regardless of their grievances for the time being, after the Porsche family successfully fooled the European Union to get rid of Volkswagen Law, Porsche showed its fangs and couldn't wait to announce that it would continue to hold shares in Volkswagen.

The international short sellers are also excited. Because of the global economic slump, the acquisition case has caused the stock price of the public to soar. Everyone believes that after the acquisition fails, the stock price of the public will inevitably fall back.

For a time, Volkswagen became one of the most shorted stocks in the market, and more than 12% of the "667" Volkswagen stocks were shorted [numerous hedge funds want to bite one

There are also financial media that published a series of news about Volkswagen's stock price, such as "the most overvalued stock in the world", and speculated that once Porsche stops increasing its holdings, Volkswagen's stock price will be smashed to pieces!

The stock price of the public will plummet, and those bold brokerages, such as the Dubai consortium that took 2% of the stock to dance with the shorts, are also considered to be dead without a burial!

Because Volkswagen's stock price has been inflated to a certain extent, the global financial crisis triggered in the first half of 2008 began to create many difficulties for Porsche's acquisition.

At present, Porsche holds 42.6% of the shares of Volkswagen, but it has not increased for a long time. Countless people believe that it will be difficult for Porsche to make further progress, and the road to acquisition will end here.

The acquisition will inevitably fail, and Volkswagen’s stock price will plummet back to its original shape. Volkswagen, Porsche, and brokerages are all fucking fuckers! The laughter of the short sellers has pierced the cold of the financial crisis!

They won.

Is this really the case? Porsche can’t make half a step forward, and people including the Dubai consortium and Prince Sahil are all going to drop their pants?

Is the investment myth about to be destroyed?

The smiles of the short sellers did not last long. In the second half of 2008, Porsche suddenly brought a shocking news, which almost detonated the automotive and financial circles—

It has stated that it already holds 42.6% of Volkswagen shares and has purchased 31.5% of stock options. If the plan goes well, Porsche will absolutely control Volkswagen in the future.

Porsche has secured 74.1% of VW’s shares, and it’s a little bit closer to 75%. It will be able to realize the control agreement in German law, merge the profit statements of the two parties, and use VW’s funds to help with the acquisition!

This number shocked countless people!

Just one day ago, it was found that Porsche held only 42.6% of the shares of Volkswagen, and the short sellers thought that let alone 50%, even a further percentage point would be a dream.

It soared to 74.1% overnight.

There is no sign, no trace to be found, Porsche's secretive move, which perfectly utilizes the characteristics of options-the Frankfurt market has a special communication rule, and the trading of options, such as raw products, can be carried out secretly.

This means that when Porsche bought options secretly, the outside world saw that their Volkswagen shares had always been 42.6%, and they still thought it would be difficult for Porsche to move forward.

But it used options to fool all hedge funds.

The German state of Lower Saxony yelled shit, the Porsche guy is trying to fuck me! Mahler is next door, but the 74.1% figure tells him that the Porsche actually put them on multiple times...

Porsche: Great!

It is not only Lower Saxony that is suffering, but also the group of international short sellers! No one would have thought that Porsche could still play this trick.

Porsche holds 74.1% of Volkswagen, plus 20% of the state government of Lower Saxony, the total reaches 94.1%. What does this mean?

The stocks sold by short sellers must be bought back and returned to the brokerage firm. It is said that the short sellers are short by 13%, which means that they need to use the same 13% to return them.

But there are only 4.6% of the stocks circulating in the market, how to fill the gap of 13%?

There are almost no stocks for shorts to buy!! No institution that shorts the public wants to be left among the crowd who are about to run out of stocks to cover.

On the day Porsche showed his trick, Sheikh couldn't help laughing out loud.

You guys are screwed!

In order to close their positions first, the short sellers had to rush to buy stocks. Even if the stock price was ten times higher than when they were shorted, they would not hesitate to cover it up.

The market even gave them countless critical blows——on the first day, Volkswagen’s stock skyrocketed from 240 euros to 590 euros! The slow-response funds instantly burst their positions, and blood flowed like a river!

The next day, the madness continued, rising from 590 euros to the highest point of 1005 euros! The market value of Volkswagen has reached a historical high of 370 billion, surpassing Exxon Mobil and becoming the world's most valuable listed company!

The funny thing is that just a few years ago, Volkswagen was still a company with a market value of 17 billion, which was considered to be the most pitiful giant in Europe with an annual revenue of over 100 billion, but hardly made any money...

The madness continued on Wednesday, and only Sheikh laughed and waited to collect the money. The stock he lent to the short sellers was only worth more than one hundred, but now it is one thousand euros, and he still faces the end of not being able to buy it.

It's really a river of blood!

Sheikh has made ten times the profit in this crisis, and there are countless short sellers who can't find stocks to pay back their money. This even aroused the concerns of the German government and the European Union, and quickly ordered intervention.

Porsche finally couldn't hold back, and immediately released 5% of its stocks to calm the fluctuations.

However, there are still countless short sellers who scrambled to buy it, even though the price was five or six times higher than when they sold it at the beginning.

But the money owed must be paid back.

This is absolutely the end of the world for the bears, who just a few days ago were celebrating that Porsche couldn't buy VW, and now they are crying and closing their positions.

The fifth richest man in Germany, Adolf Merkel, suffered huge losses because he shorted Volkswagen. After learning that there was no loan to pay the huge debt, he finally chose to commit suicide by lying on the train!

There are also countless fund investors and short sellers who lost their pants in this battle of wits, and fled the whirlpool in a panic, never daring to look back at this bloody scene.

In this Porsche short-squeeze feast, the hedge fund lost as much as 40 billion US dollars! Even the famous Lehman Brothers were all doomed. When they talked about 2.6 until today, they couldn’t help but get excited in their wheelchairs pumping thighs

Porsche the son of a bitch!

In this feast, Xie He earned more than 2 billion, but the most profitable is Porsche, tens of billions are easy to get, so that he was scolded by the group of funds later: You fucking don't sell cars, what are you doing? finance?

Porsche, as a sports car manufacturer, managed to trick this group of hedge funds around. This is definitely the most embarrassing day for short sellers in the financial history since the new millennium.

And Porsche, which holds a huge amount of money, can continue their grand plan to acquire Volkswagen with a sly smile! Who is the strongest descendant of Grandpa Porsche?

Wolfgang Porsche laughed.

Ferdinand Piech was already crying in the toilet.

But when Wolfgang danced and celebrated his old cousin, then you all know that the end of the world is coming.......

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