Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 195 The Whole World Knows 【5/5】

Led by the prince, the convoy of hundreds of luxury cars headed for the hospital in the old district, and when it successfully crowded the entrance and the parking lot, the hospital staff were also stunned.

The media who rushed to catch the breaking news took pictures of the whole process: locals wearing all kinds of traditional Arabian white robes, holding flowers, gifts, or simply holding cash, crowded into the wards. go.

Because there were about 200 people who came, there were too many people in the ward, and the local tyrants were unwilling to go back before they appeared in front of the camera, and they were all unwilling to leave first.

At this time, a prestigious local tyrant stepped forward——

"Everyone be quiet! I thought of a way! Call your drivers and bodyguards away, and leave me alone! Let's line up to see!"

This "tactful" arrangement immediately won the applause of the local tyrants. Everyone asked the driver and servant to retreat first, leaving the gifts behind, and formed a queue in the corridor of the hospital.

When Sheikh arrived at the hospital, his car had nowhere to park. Originally, it was possible to park at the door, but in order not to interfere with the passing of the ambulance, he asked the driver to park the car across the street

Followed by a thousand media, 31 took the elevator upstairs, and as soon as the door opened, he saw the scene in front of him: on both sides of the long corridor, there were a lot of white robes standing densely, with all kinds of gifts at their feet.

People's eyes swept over, and after seeing the prince, the honorific greetings kept ringing: "Sheikh Sahil, it's an honor to meet you!"

Sheikh was amazed that so many people came to see the poor?

He also doesn't quite understand the world of local tyrants. Under the attention of the crowd, either adoring or respecting, they passed through the crowded corridor and came to the surrounded water.

"Sheikh Sahil!" People in the ward also greeted one after another. Brother Mendil was in a dizzy state on the bed.

Mendir next to him was also stunned the whole time. The room has been filled with flowers and other various gifts, and the little local tyrant gave a pure gold toy car......

"Your Highness, we are all inspired by your kind deeds." Just now the leading local tyrant spoke, "Basel, a local businessman."

"Thank you for the patients. You are all good deeds." Xie He shook hands with him. He knew that the first ones to come in were those with a head and a face, and he also wanted to get to know him.

Basel said piously: "The prophet once said that 'all the believers should care for and love each other like a body. If one is sick, the whole body will suffer from insomnia and fever'."

Sheikh also wanted to say a few scriptures to pretend to be a cultural person, but found that he didn't understand: "Okay! Well done!"

After speaking, he hurriedly came to Mendir's younger brother's window and shook hands with him: "Don't worry, we have already understood your condition, and everyone here and I will solve your problems."

"Thank you, thank you!" He said gratefully, and for the first time in this class-distinct society, he felt the warmth of a local tyrant.

"Please don't worry, we have already raised enough funds to pay for your medical treatment abroad." Basel also said aside.

Mandir's brothers don't know what to say anymore. The local tyrants are all addicted to looking at the poor, and of course they all show their love.

The TV media recorded the whole process, and finally Sheikh thanked everyone for their kindness: "I am very moved by today's scene. The outside world misunderstands that Dubai is a cold class society, but today I feel the warm side."

"I hope that capable gentlemen can continue this kind of charity. I believe that what we do today will receive more gifts from Allah in the future!"

The prince's praise touched the hearts of the local tyrants, and some people immediately shouted and praised God.

The hospital staff stared blankly outside, and the prince took the lead to form a team to see the poor. This incredible scene will definitely cause a sensation in Dubai tomorrow, right?

In fact, yes, not only did it cause a sensation in Dubai, but people all over the world knew about it!

The news of this era is not as dazzling as that of later generations. When the headline of this kind of local tyrants teaming up to visit the poor came out, people from all over the world who had never heard of it or experienced it were shocked.

News pictures show: local tyrants drove all kinds of luxury cars to the hospital, causing a big traffic jam; local tyrants brought all kinds of gifts, crowding the corridors of the hospital; local tyrants generously paid patients three times the cost of treatment. .....

This unusually crazy move by Dubai has once again refreshed the understanding of the people of the world. Forming a group to visit the poor, which is rare, has become a favorite move of local tyrants. Who else in the world besides Dubai?

It set off a new round of upsurge on the Internet. Even Sheikh didn't expect that the joke of "going to Dubai to be a poor man" was staged many years in advance, and many netizens in China began to be bombarded by the "Dubai Myth".

"I didn't expect that being a poor person in Dubai can be so exciting." Netizens on the forum also made a fuss.

"Am I the only one who feels the warmth and human touch?" Some people noticed something different.

"This city is worth visiting." The navy also moved quietly.

But it is undeniable that more people are becoming interested in Dubai, where the exaggerated buildings, fancy police cars, and eye-catching lifestyle are becoming more and more attractive.

In the eyes of some investors, Dubai, which is so rich in funds and so insane, has become a country worth investing in to test the waters, and those who are fast have already been investigated.

This flashing hot spot has set off a new round of topics.

The staff of the Propaganda Department collected all kinds of admiration and praise news, and Amir selected some anecdotes to read to the prince, and he couldn't help laughing himself.

After Amir finished reading, he said: "There is still a follow-up to the matter. The real estate businessman Basel who organized everyone before, now I want to ask you to call on everyone to form a charity fund together."


"He said that this kind of charitable deed should be carried out more effectively. It should not be done on a whim. The establishment of a charitable fund can not only satisfy the fame that everyone desires, but also help more people in need."

Sheikh agrees: "Circle resources are the most valuable. Didn't I have the Bay Regal Club before? Find an opportunity to ask them out for activities, and then participate in this matter."

"Can build fame and do good things." Amir applauds.

"That's right." Sheikh nodded in satisfaction, "Let Basel come to see me, I can talk to him about this and introduce it to the members of the club."

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