Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 208 Justice Comes 【3/5】

In response to Mejid's voice, two days later the UAE Intelligence Agency and the Dubai Police made public disclosures about the terrorist assassination case.

The Anti-Terrorist Operations Bureau captured more than a dozen members including the planners and implementers, and arrested hundreds of people from this extremist organization and related groups in the UAE.

The assets of extremist organizations in Afghanistan were seized, their funds were frozen, and the most important masterminds were prosecuted in the name of money laundering and supporting terrorism.

The anchor of Gulf TV introduced that according to the laws of the UAE, the main planners and implementers will be prosecuted by the UAE prosecutors and face the maximum death penalty.

On the website of Gulf News, the lace news showed that some people on the Internet called for the addition of hanging to the death penalty for the planners and implementers, so as to serve as an example to others.

Public opinion is surprisingly unanimous in their dislike of "260" and terrorism. The experience of the female minister is just the fuse that ignited all this. No educated people would like an explosion at their doorstep.

The sheikh of Dubai also made a speech on this matter, claiming that Dubai will continue to fight extremism as always, and that Dubai's law enforcement forces will maintain the standard to give everyone a stable and harmonious environment.

"We are a friendly city, whether it is secularism, conservatism, or different denominations, or even different religions, we welcome friends with a welcoming attitude

"We are also a city ruled by law. We have the most advanced law enforcement equipment and the fastest law enforcement team. Although we have faced terrorist threats, our law and order is still among the best in the world..."

Sheikh was eating fruit while watching the sheikh's speech on TV. What the official said was a bit understated, but the truth is more intense than what the news said.

Multiple departments in the UAE launched a joint cleansing, MBE and its related organizations, all members were arrested and interrogated, and all organization associations were banned.

Some took advantage of the chaos and tried to escape by water, but they still couldn't escape the police's facial recognition technology. The coast guard sank a speedboat that was trying to escape to Qatar.

Behind these big moves, the attitude of the United Arab Emirates is explained-you can run liberalism in my territory, but don't f*ck | make explosions in my house, otherwise you will die forever.

Sheikh also informed all parties: "This time, we must use blood to make an iron law, and directly sentence these participants to death. Regardless of the degree, as long as they are involved in terrorism, they will all be killed! If the participants conceal anything, they will kill their entire family!" "

The attitude of the cabinet government is unanimous, and it must be cracked down.

All the masterminds requested by the prince to be killed are also the king of reason.

The rapid handling by the UAE authorities and the deliberate publicity of the Propaganda Department have allowed the outside world to see a super-efficient law enforcement team, which has won the admiration of citizens of many European countries.

There are also jokes on the Internet that in my own country, the matter may still remain in the police's wrangling.

Some netizens praised the law that has the death penalty. In their country, it would be life imprisonment at most. The best way to deal with these violent terrorists is to completely destroy them.

Some people also praised the security of Dubai. Although there are attacks, but from his experience living in Dubai, it is a city where ladies can go to the streets at night with peace of mind.

"The external voice finally calmed down."

Seeing here, Sheikh is relieved. As a tourist city, the most important thing to pay attention to is public security. Poor public security is tantamount to destroying one's future.

"The outside world is still paying attention to women's rights." McGidd put a thick document on the table, "The case will be tried soon, and the result still affects many people's hearts

"I'll talk to the judge." Sheikh reassured her.

"There's also the religious police," McGidd said, "and I think the attitude towards them should not be monolithic, but the common good."

"We need coexistence, not hostility." Sheikh quite agrees.

"I did learn this time." McGidd is proud but also humble enough to learn. She has been paying attention to their handling methods.

Sheikh put down the document: "If you push the public opinion properly, this matter will be handled with confidence... It's almost done. I'm going to see the judge."

"Excuse me." She handed over the coat.

"It's also my responsibility." Xie He put on his coat, "I can't let you be too disappointed in your pursuit of an ideal society."

McGidd couldn't help hugging him: "You have been with me on this road..."

"It's really worth it to let you play like this in the office." Xie He kissed her a few more times. She is more business-like and can flirt with him in private, but she is very serious in public.

"Enough." She pushed away.

"See you tonight." Sheikh stopped teasing her.

"I made an appointment at a restaurant in the evening, and remember to wear formal clothes." McGide did not forget to arrange the romance between them, she just broke through the last layer of relationship, and now she is eager for sexual nourishment.

He could see the burning desire in her eyes, so he resisted the urge to fuck her now. He made an appointment with the judge who presided over the case, and wanted to reiterate the royal family's attitude towards the case.

He also made an appointment with representatives of the religious police. The relationship between the two parties is definitely not antagonistic. The royal family can fully support their side, as long as there is interest.

No matter how human beings develop, interests come first.

Both things have progressed, the judges know what the royal family wants and the religious police know it's time to lay low, and that stopping Dubai's progress will only ruin itself.

In the court trial not long after [the official chose to open the strong case.

The judge finally pronounced the sentence. The victim was not guilty of the crime and could be released in court; on the contrary, the two perpetrators were convicted, and they also concealed the facts of the crime and committed fraud.

Combined punishment for several crimes was finally sentenced to 25 years for one and 20 years for the other, and before the implementation of the extradition agreement 4.0, both foreign criminals need to serve their sentences in prisons in the UAE.

The judge sent them to the recidivism prison, where a group of guys suspected of terrorism were imprisoned. You can see the frightened and pale faces of the two guys when they were taken down by the police.

Even if France wants to extradite criminals, it will take time and procedures. In addition, the French people also despise these two people, and the efficiency of the French government will be even slower.

I'm afraid we'll have to wait two or three years later, when the two guys are tortured by a group of extremists in a black prison that doesn't see the sun, and they can return to China to serve their sentences after going through despair.

Soon after the verdict was pronounced in court, the media from all walks of life published the news that justice would finally come. The verdict pronounced by the Dubai court finally won the support of the majority. .

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