Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 226 The Sourness Of The French [1]

After successfully bringing his yacht to the headlines, he went even crazier—has he ever seen a 156-meter-long yacht soaring on the sea, who is faster than other super yachts accelerating from 0-25 knots?

This is how rich people spend their time. Although this boat is big, it has enough power. In the words of the sports car industry, when it accelerates, you can only watch the wake!

After making enough noise, the yacht slowed down. Sheikh came to the railing outside and looked at the sports yacht that was still following on the sea. Someone from below greeted: "Hey! Over here!"

He waved at them—it was his own, the Prince had a large capacity, and could hold two sports yachts, multiple motorboats and mini-submarines in his stomach.

"And me." The voice was softer, and after a closer look, it turned out that Alia was chasing after him on a motorboat. It is said that after living with my elder brother for a long time, my courage is getting fatter.

But he was taken aback: "Look ahead! Don't look at me!"

The little girl heard the reminder, and quickly adjusted her direction. Just now, she was about to hit the boat when she was going all the way... It's really worrying.

But Syed on the next level helps her cover: "I don't see anything."

"Please, you guys." Xie He was speechless.

This is already the tenth day in the Mediterranean Sea. They traveled around the countries along the way, and even visited famous cities ashore. This relaxing journey made Said clamor again, and ordered a boat to play.

"This time it will be called 'Al-Said'!" He even thought of the name.

Mark was surprised: "Why is it called this?"

Saeed has his own plan: "Prince of Saudi Arabia, people feel that there are too many when they hear it. I want to build my own brand, so it is called Al Saeed."

"You have an idea, then we can exchange and play in the future."

"Isn't playing a super yacht just for the fun of exchanging?"

"What are you talking about?" Alia, who had had enough trouble and finally landed, wiped her wet hair with a towel, and sat down in front of them.

"It's nothing, we're talking about designing a yacht." Saeed passed away with a laugh, "By the way, it's your birthday. Eighteen is the most important day. What gift do you plan to get?"

When it comes to gifts, she is shy: "It's good that you can be invited to participate."

"I have to think about it more." Said also liked this little girl very much, she chirped like a happy bird, very pleasing to the eye.

"What about big brother?" Mark wanted to ask for advice.

"This..." Xie He hid it, "Let's talk about it later, I don't look forward to revealing the secret now, I promise to make girls like it."

"I can have the option of dissatisfaction!" Alia was picky with her elder brother, because she greedily asked for it when she was not seventeen years old last year.

"Don't worry, it's not good, I have prepared a plan B." Sheikh said.

Just after the yacht sailed around France for a week and finally landed in France, she said goodbye to her friends, and Xie He took her on a journey alone, heading for Paris. But what exactly to do, she didn't know.

"Do you still want to keep it secret at this time?" She pestered to know the answer.

"Just keep a little bit more patience, you'll be a big girl!" Xie He pinched her face, and she wanted to make trouble with him in displeasure.

"No! It's a fairy!" she emphasized.

"Little fairy..." He smiled.

The private plane landed in Paris, Sheikh reported a destination to the driver, and shuttled slowly among the historical buildings in France.

Go deep into the first district of Paris, and finally arrive at the famous Place Vendome, which has always been known as the jewelry box of Paris, full of jewelry brands, and brands with a history of hundreds of years are considered young here.

Cartier flagship store, he gave the waiter a black card after entering the door: "I have an appointment."

"Please come this way, Your Highness the Prince." Knowing his identity, the other party led the way respectfully.

"What is this for?" Alia asked a lot.

"Didn't you say you want a gift?" Sheikh asked her to look at the jewelry world around her, "It's now, it's here."

"It's not time yet." She was surprised.

"At that time, there will be no surprises." Xie He asked her to sit down, and the store manager also appeared, a lady, holding a box in her hand.

She personally placed the mysterious box on the table, and Sheikh smiled and pushed it to Aliya: "A gift."

"Do you want to dismantle it now?" Aliya has been eager to try.



When she opened it, her mouth was wide open, because inside lay a tiara that shone with colorful colors, and it was densely inlaid with countless gemstones.

The most conspicuous thing is the pear-shaped diamond in the center, which was just bought from New York at a high price a while ago. It is a treasure handed down from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and is extremely rare.

The store manager introduced: "Almost a year ago, Prince Sahil commissioned us to customize a crown for you. After our top craftsmen made it, we successfully brought this masterpiece."

"It's so beautiful!" She looked over in surprise, "I really didn't know you were going to give me this gift, woo woo! I want to cry now!"

"It's not that exaggerated." Xie He picked up the tiara, "Put it on quickly and have a look. I asked the maid to measure the size for you last time. I hope there are no mistakes."

...asking for flowers...

Wanting to be surprised is also accompanied by fright. If it is not suitable, this handed down treasure that cost 15 million US dollars can only be pitifully placed in the princess's collection cabinet.

But it turns out that it is completely suitable after wearing it, because the back crown is different from the crown, the back crown is shaped like a headband, and it is not picky about the head, so it is easy to put on.

The crown plays a very important role in European aristocratic culture. It has always been an indispensable jewelry for royal women to attend important social occasions. The royal family and nobles also like to use it at weddings.

As Alia's coming-of-age ceremony, of course you can't miss a classic tiara. Looking at herself in the mirror, she was so happy that she was obsessed: "How can it be so beautiful!

Sure enough, Xie He still underestimated the attraction of jewelry to women, and Alia was no exception, but in his eyes, he was still the little girl who was afraid of riding a horse and had to teach her by herself.

"You have grown so big in a blink of an eye." He said emotionally.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" She happily hugged his arms and jumped up and down. She was overjoyed when she just received a big gift, and she needed to go shopping to release all her energy.

It's a good excuse, but it's also a good thing to take a happy little fairy to Paris. She has youthful vigor and pure yearning, which can make him feel that he is not too old

Halfway through shopping, she came up with a sudden idea: "Honey! Let's learn French! Recently, I feel that the French are really good at mathematics!"

"You want to learn French?" the Sheikh does say, "but beware of torturing your brain cells, just reading French numbers can make you cry"

"Teach me! Teach me!" She begged, looking at the numbers in the roadside window: "Like, how do you pronounce 76?"

He said: "Soixante-seize means 'sixty plus sixteen'."

The little girl tried to understand: "Then 95 is ninety plus five?"

In the end, she still underestimated the French's mental arithmetic ability. The prince smiled and shook his head: "Young man, Quatre-vingt-quinze, which means: four thousand five thousand five."

"Aha?" She counted her fingers in a daze, "If you ask a girl for a phone number, why don't you go crazy?"

"Almost." He took her hand to cross the road, "For this kind of thing, just read one hundred plus sixty plus sixteen, sixty plus twelve, four twenty plus four, four twenty plus four." eighteen

"Call the police for me." She was stunned, "Stop learning! Just teach me how to say 'I love you', and I will tell you later."

"Hahaha." It is really impossible to stop for a moment with her. .

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