Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 232 The Prince Coaxes Together【3/6】

Now he's going to fight without saying a word!

Qualcomm wants to be the car with the arm of the mantis, to avenge the competition for chips, so...he just jumped out of this circle, you want to compete with me for chips? I will play communication with you!

4G technology, right? Although there is still a lot of publicity about how powerful 3G technology is and how smooth the network is, 4G is the most exciting thing in the future, and even 5G is looming!

Qualcomm, a communication giant, controls a large number of patented technologies, and the annual revenue of later generations is 50 to 60 billion, part of which comes from equipment and chips. The emergence of the Spinosaurus chip destroyed its future.

More importantly, communication technology and patented technology. The prince also has to start from here. Since we are playing competition, let's play the big "643"!

For these patented technologies, he immediately activated the smart phone, packaged all the current 4G, 5G and even further technologies, and continuously extracted them through the X laboratory.

Qualcomm has absolutely no idea that just because of an idea of ​​feeling good about itself, it has provoked a super powerful opponent, even though they are just a humble "small company" at the moment

But this small company will be able to subvert their understanding in the future. All of Qualcomm's technological advantages are not worth mentioning in front of it, and it will be completely crushed!

Qualcomm will definitely cry in the future, why me!

The prince didn't intend to target a certain company, he aimed at all potential competitors——Apple? Microsoft? Google? Sorry, I mean your products are rubbish!

Back to current reality. The prince plans to go to China to pave the way for technology, and then go to Han to promote chips. The market for Spinosaurus chips is all smart phones, including his own banana phone.

Samsung's money in the Han country..... If you don't make money, you don't make money! Anyway, you will be harvested by your own banana phone in the later stage, so let's make a fortune now!

When it comes to the mass production of banana phones, from the supply of parts to assembly, we also need to go to East Asia... The era has begun, and so has the competition.

If he didn't agree with each other, he pulled out all the cannons of the plane, and asked you if you were afraid of Qualcomm.

The prince visited Tianchao, the itinerary was relatively hasty, and he did not carry out any political activities. He met with the senior management of the Gulf Group's investment department in the capital [to establish the future development direction of chips and communication technologies in hand.

Tianchao is a huge market that cannot be missed.

Then he met with senior executives of Huawei and other companies to discuss the spirit of mutual cooperation, and he instigated Huawei to engage in 3G technology, which has been thoroughly understood by Qualcomm.

If you want to do it, let's do 4G!

Huawei also has certain 4G patents, and Xie He cannot get around these patents in some aspects, so it is better to cooperate with each other and exchange some.

Huawei has obtained richer technologies, while Gulf has obtained technologies that are better developed in the Chinese market because of the cooperative relationship. The two parties are mutually beneficial and win-win and make money together.

The combination of the prince and the boss of the other party has this meaning in their smiles.

United to pit the Yankees?

This is really interesting, otherwise they always think that they are the best in the world, and they will do everything possible to prevent other countries' products from entering the US market in later generations.

After learning about the powerful technology possessed by the Gulf Group, Mr. Ren became more interested: "Wish us a happy cooperation in advance?"

"Happy cooperation!" The prince shook hands with him earnestly, and the United Landman Project was born.

The rest of the details are done by hand.

The prince's identity spans a wide range, first he is the leader of various companies, then he is the leader of the group, and then there is a consortium. You can't let the commander do the job of a soldier, can you?

So this boss is currently having a drink in a bar in the capital, and continues to clink glasses with Liu Xiaodong, who doesn't brag and feel uncomfortable. If you say this guy is also fun, meeting him is always all kinds of down-to-earth fools.

"If you want to talk about this girl, I'm actually face-blind, I don't even know the concept of being pretty..." Liu Xiaodong blew again after drinking alcohol on his face...

Usually the pressure is high, but now it is equivalent to having a vent, which can be blown. What's more, Jingdong's achievements are much better than those in the previous life, and it already has a plan to go public.

So the prince also bragged to him: "Yeah, I don't know if I'm beautiful or not, so I always start with the best ones in the public's word of mouth. This face blindness is really a pain."

Liu Xiaodong was stunned, he is a prince after all, he pretends to be superior to others, what does it mean to start with the best? What the hell is going to pick up those famous ones!

"This way!" Halfway through the blow, Sheikh waved his hand in one direction.

When a young man wearing a baseball cap saw them, he immediately trot over with a smile: "Boss! Hey! I finally see you again! It's not easy!"

"It's all for living." Xie He smiled modestly and introduced him to Liu Xiaodong: "Wang Xiaocong is the son of the real estate old Wang."

"Ouch, Mr. Wang!" Liu Xiaodong obviously knew, "Hello!"

"Hello, Old Liu!" Wang Xiaocong sat down carelessly.

Liu Xiaodong shook his head: "You don't mean it, call him the boss, and when I get older, I become Lao Liu—"

Xie He poured wine for Xiao Wang, and he smiled at 4.9: "I will do it myself!"

Xie He followed up on Liu Xiaodong's complaint: "Isn't it obvious that you are old? Do you want to marry a little girl to prove that you are only superficially old, and your engine is still strong?"

"Hahaha!" Xiao Wang laughed, and poured it out for them: "Both old brothers are full, you are both seniors, I have a lot to learn."

"You want to talk about this little girl's problem..." Liu Xiaodong thought about it for a while, and it seemed quite interesting, this is the way to prove that he is still young!

"Am I right?" The prince coaxed together, it's over! Mr. Liu's eager eyes seemed to go back to the old path of his previous life, marrying a wife who can be his daughter, haha. .

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