Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 022 The Prince's Pomp

This trip is going on in the happiness of the stars holding the moon.

The overall quality of the flight attendants of Emirates is very high. They come from various countries in the world. They are tall and have different styles. They chatted with them about the customs and cultures of various countries, and they were all lively and eloquent along the way.

He also enjoyed the song and dance performance of the stewardesses. At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the sweet girl who was always far away from ordinary people was now full of enthusiasm to serve the prince wholeheartedly.

Terrible... If it wasn't for the fact that rabbits don't eat the grass beside their nests, and there are still a lot of serious jobs, Xie He also wanted to find an opportunity to make a rapid progress or something.

Don't despise him, it's just a man's normal thinking, if he doesn't even have this kind of thinking, then he must be a eunuch, and the protagonists are all eunuchs, obviously this book won't be long.

After entertaining for a while, Sheikh began to prepare.

There was a small meeting on the plane, which mainly focused on investment issues-the Dubai consortium in Las Vegas had planned to cooperate with MGM Hotel Group to build a large hotel resort.

However, due to certain differences, this plan has not been carried out smoothly, and the purpose of the visit now is to resolve it.

There is another purpose, Dubai's casino plans!

It also needs to introduce management experience, business ideas, or partners with sufficient strength from the United States... So the first stop of the American tour is Las Vegas.

"Is to get them to compromise with our plan?" Sheikh extracted the key words.

"Yes." Everyone agreed.

Sheikh knew what he was going to do... The plane traveled tens of thousands of kilometers, arrived at the west coast of the United States, and was expected to land in Las Vegas ten minutes later.

McCarran Airport ushered in a round of excitement. Local media reporters, police patrols, and government representatives were all waiting. Two A340 passenger planes landed one after another, and foreign guests from the United Arab Emirates officially visited.

Because of the diplomatic aspect, Xie He wore traditional clothes in accordance with the custom, white robe + plaid turban, creating a classic image of local tyrants, and accompanied by a group of officials, officially visited the United States.

After exchanging greetings with the officials who came to pick up the plane, the prince got into the Maybach he had brought from Dubai. He originally considered having an airport military band playing the national anthem, but he canceled it in the end.

The high-profile can only be appropriate. Playing the national anthem is tantamount to treating yourself as the head of state. My father doesn't mind, but the UAE may have opinions. He doesn't want to touch the political minefield.

High-profile enough to achieve the goal, Sheikh is not in a hurry to become the head of state. Let's talk about it after inheriting the position of the chief and becoming the second person in the United Arab Emirates. At that time, we will make a more high-profile appearance than the King of Saudi Arabia.

The motorcade of the Dubai delegation drove on the road in a mighty way. Except for the foreign guest car that picked up the prince at the front, the rest were all Mercedes-Benz. From S-class cars to MPVs, they passed the blocked road in a mighty way.

But it attracted a lot of crowds to watch. Some local news media with nothing to do recorded and photographed the road the convoy passed by and the hotel where the convoy arrived.

The most conspicuous vehicle in the convoy is the 6.2-meter-long Maybach 62, with the national flags of the two countries hanging on the front, fluttering in the wind, and the prince of Dubai sitting in the car, enjoying the scenery.

The mighty Mercedes-Benz convoy following behind also attracted a lot of attention. Because there were too many vehicles, it even caused a traffic jam. From the MGM Grand Hotel where they stayed to the road outside, there was a long line.

The fleet is arranged according to rank, and the division of labor is clear: the special car brought by air is filled with ministers, the S-class is the president-level person, the E-class is the next-level personnel, and the SUV and MPV are mostly accompanied by bodyguards and luggage.

There is also an episode here, because Mercedes-Benz is leased from the local area, but the prince's pomp is so great that the local dealer's inventory is not enough! In the end, I had to urgently seek help from my colleagues in Los Angeles!

In view of the large number of visitors, the local police and bodyguards of the Ministry of the Interior temporarily blocked the surrounding streets to maintain order. The prince and his party stepped into the largest and most luxurious hotel under the MGM Hotel Group.

It is a luxurious landscape in Vegas, and now all the suites are reserved by the prince. Not only the residents, but also 20 live goats came with them! They still entered the country with the diplomatic team!

The local media put these anecdotes that were either recorded or inquired into the news—the newspapers the next morning were wonderful, and the headlines on the front page were all reports of the prince's visit.

The front page is the meeting between the prince and the governor, but when you flip inside, the style changes. The media uses words to describe the flashy life of the prince. First of all, in order to make the prince live comfortably, the furniture is brought by himself;

In order to take care of eating habits, several large freezers were moved in. In addition to refrigerated top-quality ingredients, there are also a group of live sheep bleating, which were also transported from Dubai, and there are special air-conditioned rooms for them;

Because the prince and the dignitaries have picky tastes, in order to keep the taste and ingredients fresh, refrigeration is not enough, so 20 live sheep were shipped directly from Dubai. When the prince wants to eat, the chef will slaughter them on the same day.

This group of local tyrants also rented out all the Mercedes-Benz cars in the area, and took up all the suites at MGM. Because they wanted to be quiet and safe, the two floors below the suites were also booked out. They were all empty but unoccupied.

The vast majority of people who read the newspaper were dumbfounded.

In terms of ostentation, I only obey the Prince of Dubai!

They finally know what it means to have money and have nowhere to spend it, and the facts later confirm this idea.

What is also amazing is the business handwriting of the prince. After the visit, he affirmed that the cooperation project with MGM Group will definitely continue to operate, and the investment budget is maintained at about 5 billion US dollars.

Five billion dollars, once it is realized, will become the most expensive hotel in the history of the casino, or even in the history of the world, bar none!

You must know that the cost of a seven-star hotel in Dubai is only 1.5 billion, and here it costs 5 billion, which shocked countless onlookers and friends!

The importance of the visiting Dubai consortium is self-evident, and it immediately became the guest of honor in Nevada. Not only that, but also the congressmen and even the president of the United States have paid attention to it.

[The fourth update, please vote for me with some flowers and evaluation votes]

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