Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 258 Brush Up On Iq [4/5]

Among Lamborghini's research and development of new flagships, Faraday Group has concentrated its efforts, and Aston Martin, which has been coveted for a long time, finally has a clue.

The financial crisis has caused heavy setbacks to various industries, and Aston Martin finally couldn't sustain it anymore. In order to improve the concept, the prince is still willing to acquire them.

Martin's shareholders also offered a price tag of 1.2 billion US dollars.

This does not put much pressure on the advanced Faraday Group. Last year, Jaguar Land Rover achieved a global revenue of 20 billion U.S. dollars. Audi, which has penetrated deeply into the Chinese market, has been making money.

So he flew to the UK, in addition to paying attention to the acquisition of Martin, he also inspected Jaguar Land Rover. Then I went to Scotland on the way, perhaps out of habit.

The habits he has developed over the years make it indispensable for him to have the shadow of a little girl. Although she didn't say anything, her body is very honest, ahem, and her actions are very honest——

"No more excuses, I know."

Aliya hugged his waist with both hands, looked up at him with a smile on her face, the arc of her lips was warm and sweet, and the youthful breath sprouting on her body was the most unforgettable.

It's just that being hugged like this by the public, and she asked for a kiss before letting go, Xie He sighed: "Actually, I came here for a serious business.

"It's the most serious thing to be with me." She said as it should be, "You haven't kissed yet."

What else can I do, I kissed the forehead, she was dissatisfied now: "There are so many places on the face and lips!"

Reluctantly, he patched her face again, well, the three-year agreement has already been damned, and it has been less than half a year since she has been stalking people like this unscrupulously.

"Can we talk about something else in peace?"

"Hold me." She didn't finish.

Xie He sighed, and hugged her on his lap. She wanted to hug her neck face to face, and then nodded in satisfaction: "You just said that you are here to acquire and find design inspiration."

She had no choice but to be so close. Sheikh didn't have any scruples about being close to her when they first met? This pit may have been dug by himself in the end.

After throwing away these thoughts, he continued: "Yes, the design inspiration of the car! I'm not bragging, I think I'm too talented, I'm too embarrassed to tell others, for fear of scaring them.

"Oh?" She opened her mouth.

Coaxing the children to play... But Aliya is a good listener, and the joy of sharing that Sheikh cannot find in others can be realized in her.

Aliya then asked: "Smart people? Did you take the IQ test?"

"IQ test?" He really hadn't done it.

"You can do it now." Aliya ran to get a notebook, "I'll help you find it, the world-famous high IQ club topics, Mensa, Stanford-Binet, here you are."

Mensa?" Sheikh has also heard of this club, which specially gives people some difficult exams to test their IQ, but anyone who meets the genius standard can become their member.

The high IQ standard that Mensa recognizes depends on the test questions. Generally speaking, there are 30 questions. If you can answer 23 questions correctly, the IQ is 148, which is the standard for joining the Mensa club.

The Mensa test generally asks questions from the aspects of attention, observation, logical thinking, imagination and memory. Alia gave him a bunch of answer sheets on the Internet.

Just click on a set, 30 questions in 40 minutes, there are graphic questions, numbers, letters, etc., as simple as listing a bunch of numbers: 0.67, 0.69, 0.48, 0.88, 0.29, 1.07,?

Q: What should be filled in the question mark?

He filled in the answers without thinking much, and on some questions with more logical thinking, he only needed to enter |focus mode, and he answered in seconds.

Some Alia hadn't seen the question clearly, he had already chosen the answer, and continued to the next question... Forty minutes of the test, to be honest, he only took five minutes to complete it.

Then the results displayed are all correct.

Sheikh said it was not difficult, but Aliya was surprised: "You actually got a perfect score! My God! I haven't heard of a Mensa test with a perfect score!"

"This is just a question on the Internet, and the full score has a lot of luck." Xie He asked her to cool down, but also thought of a more accurate way-

Aaliyah almost joins him in thinking: "Go to the special Mensa test!"

The club developed it specifically for his age, not just a set of questions, not just a kind of question, the standard mode can only test ordinary people, when facing geniuses, Mensa also has a more comprehensive testing system.

Think of them and act.

Mensa originated in Oxford, and a private plane will arrive in less than an hour. Oxford is the seat of the famous Oxford University, where the Mensa club originated.

On the way, Aliya is quite proud of his achievements, and she is still popularizing the power of Mensa: "The number of members is as high as 100,000, covering more than 100 countries and regions around the world. It is the best and largest high school in the world. IQ Club."

"So there are a bunch of weird people inside?" Xie He conjectured irresponsibly and asked 910. The high IQ has always given people the feeling that it is an abnormal, abnormal human concentration area?

"Talk about yourself, stupid!" She laughed.

"Sooner or later I will infect you." Xie He played childishly with her, but on the other hand he was interested!

Doesn't your own Dubai lack talents?

If it is said that these highly intelligent people, especially those who have shown talent in the field of science, can be gathered together, wouldn't that be a group of scientists?

Dubai and its own situation are special, and technology is not lacking. Black technology is everywhere, but what is lacking is a brain that can absorb and transform it, and a smart brain is needed!

Aren’t Mensa’s members all high IQs? Even if only one out of ten people fits the bill, it’s still worth it! But let’s get involved first.

For their visit, the Mensa Association has a special person to receive them.

"Edward Alden, it is a pleasure to preside over a member of the royal family," said a gentleman who taught at Oxford University, taking time to preside.

Because Xie He wanted to get the most comprehensive and systematic test in advance, he donated a little money and asked the other party to come up with enough tough questions to greet him. This is not a big crowd.

"Bring me the most powerful ones!" Xie He came here to pretend to be aggressive today. With his strengthened brain, he is absolutely not afraid of these pediatrics. .

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