Reborn Dubai As A Prince

024 No One Can Stop

The local police in Las Vegas responded quickly, and a police car patrolling nearby followed up, and turned on the strobe to signal the sports car to pull over.

The eyes of passers-by were also focused on this matter, the pretense was finally stopped, right? The prince stopped halfway, and the passers-by who called the police also felt that they had fulfilled their responsibilities as citizens.

Coupled with his narrow mentality, why can the rich be so arrogant, but he can only behave in a well-behaved manner? It is this imbalance that makes many people stay to watch the fun.

You must know that in the judicial propaganda in the United States, or in film and television dramas, the police are extremely serious and do not allow intercession, especially in such an open and public-focused situation.

"This guy can't escape punishment." The passer-by said, and the others nodded their heads. They just wanted to see what kind of punishment the police would impose.

But the next scene still broke the rules.

Sheikh stopped by the side of the road in a regular manner, and the policeman got out of the car and pressed his pistol. The gun came forward, but before he took a few steps, another vehicle stopped behind him. They were two black Chevrolet SUVs, the style commonly used by American secret agents. .

A group of black suits came down from above, and stopped the police's actions. With the puzzled expressions of passers-by, the bodyguard explained and showed the privileges of the car owner.

Do you still remember what Said said in London, England? — No matter where in the world I am, I enjoy diplomatic immunity.

This principle also applies to Prince Sahil, and it also applies to the environment in the United States.

Diplomatic immunity, as long as the two countries have concluded diplomatic relations, the diplomats of both sides can enjoy this immunity in the other country.

The difference is that ordinary people can have functional immunity (partial), while the level of heads of state, kings and crown princes is absolute immunity.

Prince Sahil belongs to the latter, so he expressed his power in the bodyguard, and said: "If you want a complete statement of the matter, you can seek the opinions of the higher authorities, the state government, and the Ministry of Foreign Education!"

"Otherwise, as long as the immunity system and local laws do not conflict, any of your blocking actions can be regarded as a breach of diplomatic relations between the two countries!"

The name was suppressed, and the policeman had beads of sweat on his forehead. He hurriedly sought help from the higher authority, and the higher authority sent the request to the director. At the same time, the governor's office had already called.

The final result is that under the condition of ensuring safety, any free behavior of the prince of Dubai cannot be interfered, and sufficient attention and protection should be given.

After Xie He learned of the expected result, he just smiled lightly. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that he is currently visiting the United States and has brought a lot of investment and business.

Whether it is from a diplomatic or economic point of view, it would be a fool to offend him!

He also made a move that completely made passers-by feel that people are absolutely unequal—stopped for a walk, and the tiger followed him around.

Didn't you let me stop? I just stopped and went down for a walk. Naturally, my pet cat would follow and go deep into the crowd together, making it even more interesting!

The police carried out the orders of their superiors. In order to ensure safety, they sent a team of police officers to follow-the prince had already been hoisted, and the cat would be accompanied by the police when walking the cat.

The policemen lead the way in front of them, the policemen follow behind them, and hidden bodyguards are hidden around.

Xie He is so proud of himself, there are not many opportunities to make Americans bow their heads, but today, at this moment, he is definitely the No. 1 legend.

The few passers-by who were full of complacency before and thought that American fairness would bring disaster to this arrogant rich man are now like flies that have eaten a bite, with puzzled, unbelieving, and unacceptable faces!

"How is it possible!" He shouted unwillingly in his heart, but the facts are the facts, and ordinary people would not understand the dignity and specialness of being a crown prince.

Sheikh took Xiaobai across the long street now, he was already hungry, and he had enough fun, so he found a restaurant, and Amir knew that he would go ahead and ask the manager to reserve the restaurant.

The manager was stunned, but saw a black card in front of him, the famous centurion! There is no doubt about the ability of the person who said this sentence!

In order to feed the prince, the second floor of the restaurant was emptied, and one person and one tiger sat down. The prince smiled and took the menu from the hand of the waitress whose hands were shaking a little.

The female waiter looked at this big tiger with trepidation in her heart. Seeing this beast from a close distance, the heart of ordinary people would inevitably beat faster.

But now Xiaobai has a cold face, playing with Tian's paws on his own, Xie He rubbed his head, ordered roast chicken and steak for him, and returned the menu to the waiter.

"Thank you." He smiled and said thanks.

The waiter ran away in a panic. Although the handsome guy's smile is very charming, but with a tiger beside him, it really can't make people calmly enjoy this kind of smile.

While waiting for the food to be served, Sheikh did not forget his brothers: "Everyone sit down and order whatever you want, I'll treat you! There are also a few police officers, thank you for your hard work!"

The bodyguards were used to the prince's generosity, and they sat around him in an orderly manner—even when eating, they paid attention to forming a protective formation, so they must be more careful when they go out.

The policeman hesitated for a moment, and Amir understood it and said, "There is no one else here except us, and it would be impolite to say no to the prince's invitation."

The policemen were relieved, and they felt that this man was much more pleasing to the eye, and he was no longer looking for trouble for himself - in the end, the rules of the world are the same, and if you benefit from him, you will of course think that the other party is a good person.

Sheikh has already seen through it...but it just happens to be convenient for people like himself.

Amir, who made a few phone calls halfway, came back, and said to the prince with a strange face: "The chairman of MGM sent an invitation again, and he said that he has invited Ms. Johnson, who you want to know. "


Sheikh who drank the soup almost burst out laughing, what the hell! I just used Scarlett Johansson as an excuse to reject people, but I didn't expect that these guys actually invited her here!

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