Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 288 It's Prosperous Now! 【4/5】

This is why Said came to explore the way before.

He wants to see for himself how ambitious and powerful Dubai is. The facts gave him a lot of confidence. After returning to Saudi Arabia, he couldn't wait to tell his family elders

Saeed’s father, Prince Adil—he is still a prince at the age of seventy, and it’s hard work. So I don’t want to be angered by the centralized power anymore, why don’t we separate the family!

He united a few uncles, nephews, relatives, and tens of thousands of soldiers, and prepared to retreat to the east, divide the territory, become a prince, find a powerful backer, and spend his life eating, drinking, and enjoying himself.

Although Saudi Arabia is not divided in name, it is still a kingdom, but everyone is preparing for the future. Now the powerful second-generation princes are retreating to their own territory, and Adil's group is not far behind.

They believe that in the near future, families who are dissatisfied with the division of territory may stage a full-scale martial arts. The particularly smart 31 in the third generation, such as Said [Of course he has a bunch of small nines.

So Prince Adil took Saeed and a group of princes to Dubai for a secret visit.

President Farid called Sahil and Mejid, and the three of them agreed that the cooperation prospects are bright. The next day, the president and commander-in-chief took them to visit the troops.

All kinds of advanced weapons were displayed, electromagnetic guns, lasers, terminator robots-the winning weapons, which opened their eyes.

In terms of special operations and tactical penetration, the military also demonstrated the latest optical invisibility cloak, which is the size of a tablecloth and can be worn on the body to achieve invisibility.

"Not only is it invisible optically, you can't scan it with infrared cameras or millimeter-wave radar." Sheikh gave them the infrared camera.

Adil and Saeed both picked it up and looked at it. The 36-degree infrared feature of human body temperature cannot be hidden even if you hide behind a wall, but now it is gray!

"Infrared shielding technology." Xie He said proudly, "Of course there is radar absorption, millimeter waves can't scan their position, unless they are very close.

"However, the range of sniper rifles is often more than 500 meters. Millimeter waves have no effect at such a long distance. Our soldiers are like ghosts, elusive."

The old prince and the little prince thought at the same time, if you want to use this technique to play assassination, who can avoid it! Cover the tablecloth and you will become invisible.

After this day's visit, these big dogs were all shocked.

I thought that in the counterattack, the power displayed by Dubai was the trump card, but I didn’t expect that there are so many cards that have not been measured, and they are equally astonishing!

Said couldn't help saying: "If the Americans are on the same level as you, they may not necessarily have an advantage?"

"If they don't use their air force and missiles to wipe out the ground, how can the Americans be their opponents?" Sheikh said with a smile, "Besides, our laser weapons are increasing in number. 11

With laser weapons to intercept, are you still afraid of missiles?

After a day of visiting, Dubai's muscles are too strong for them to refuse. Finally, it came to the negotiating table, where the president and the prime minister were in charge, and he was drinking tea and watching the excitement.

Dubai's sincerity has been shown, and it's Adil's turn.

The old prince took out a map, on which he used a red pen to outline the land from the border of A country to the northeast, and all of them bordered A country's sphere of influence.

So they brought 150,000 square kilometers of land, which is equivalent to an ordinary province in China. There are many deserts, but the key is that it contains rich oil and natural gas resources!

This is a big piece of fat, and the other party also said: "Oil resources can be jointly developed, but you must provide all-round military protection."

In the end, we all know that the black hearts of the Americans are unreliable, and letting the United States intervene is not necessarily helping them. Because Adil's strength is not the strongest.

Therefore, allies who are far away are far inferior to partners who are geographically adjacent, and the increasingly powerful Albanian Dubai has become their best choice.

But after seeing it, Farid shook his head: "You are not sincere, 150,000 square kilometers are all in oil-producing areas. It is easy to delineate, but difficult to keep!"

"That's why I need you." Adil didn't mind. Now it's just a bargain. Of course, they know that such a big piece can't be swallowed, and it is estimated that half of it is good.

But since the benefits are to be shared, the more the better, it depends on how ambitious Dubai is. McGidd whispered in the prince's ear: "What do you think?"

Sheikh looked at the map: "The oil-producing areas in the east have all been delineated. At least there are 70 to 80 billion barrels of oil. These people are deliberately playing with fire."

"It can be reduced by about one-third, and a buffer zone can be pulled out." McGid said.

"No." Sheikh shook his head. "As long as the Americans don't send troops to interfere, this division is fine. Anyway, Adil is the same as the Saudi royal family, isn't he? After the teacher becomes famous, whoever has the most powerful fist will have the final say."

McGidd analyzed: "The possibility of the Americans sending troops will not be greater than 30%. They want to see a split and war-torn situation in the Middle East. International oil prices will rise and the demand for arms will increase sharply."

"I have no objection." The prince nodded.

Not to mention passing 800 miles, the result is certain.

Prince Adil was originally the supreme officer of the Eastern Province, the legitimate ruler. And several big local cities, whether it is the government or the police, all obey Adil's orders.

The only thing they lack is military power, and the reason why this place was not robbed immediately: if AIE wants to go south, this area will bear the brunt!

AIE is too difficult to fight! The local tyrants only won it once, which was the second expedition of the Peninsula Shield. The price was that all the leaders were killed, and the Gulf fell into chaos after that.

So it is difficult to hold this place.

But then again, the Eastern Province is the only way for Dubai to go north. The army wants to go north to take back the country of Kho and fulfill the commission of the Kho royal family. Sooner or later, it will fight AIE here.

We have to fight sooner or later, it is better to occupy now.

Adil and his group of warlords or princes are now willing to fully unite with the country of Afghanistan, jointly develop resources, and provide military protection by the country of Afghanistan.

At this stage of development, the four countries on the left side of the Persian Gulf have been completely controlled, covering as many as 300,000 square kilometers of land, rich in oil and natural gas resources, and have an advantageous coastline.

Now it's developed!.

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