Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 297 To Be A Role Model【2/5】

The much-anticipated Banana Company chanted the slogan of the first generation release: change the world! This slogan, which was hailed as arrogant at the beginning, has not appeared for a long time, and it has not been mentioned in the second generation or the second generation revision.

But the third generation of it finally said it again, and successfully aroused the interest of all walks of life. One month before the press conference, the location of the venue has been fully booked, and all cooperative companies, media, and fans of all parties have arrived.

The press conference will also be broadcast live globally, and the intelligent translation company under Banana will provide global subtitle translation. It is now an enterprise with an annual revenue of 10 billion US dollars.

Guests from all parties attended the event one after another, and the royal family, who was on vacation in Italy, also participated through projection technology. When Herbert walked onto the stage, tens of thousands of people applauded

This American has already been created by the Gulf Group as the image spokesperson of bananas in "960". When people talk about bananas, they will think of Herbert, just like talking about apples, they will definitely think of Jobs.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you again. Herbert's face is full of smiles, "The third generation of banana mobile phones, everyone must have been looking forward to it for a long time, so I won't say more, just look at the big screen

Full screen, 5.7 inches, rear dual cameras... These are all features that can be seen, but just like the pretentious Banana Company, this will only be realized sooner or later, and it is not worth bragging about.

What he wants to talk about is the update of the intelligent system. Because of the support of big data, Nana is richer and more humane. Sometimes you can't tell whether she is a machine or a human.

"However, there is still a big gap with Halby, even the first-generation Hal." Lisa paid special attention to the core technology of the group.

"It is at least 30 years ahead." Sahil said frankly, "The second generation Hal is at least half a century ahead, and this is still a situation where the world's science is progressing smoothly."

"Then our monopoly position will be better utilized." Lisa has more business grasp.

After the part of artificial intelligence, Herbert finally brought the main event: "We said that to change the world, artificial intelligence is a kind, but the more important point is this——

All over the world, countless fans and media are watching with bated breath.

"After the advent of the smart phone era, the battery life of mobile phones has tortured everyone for a long time. Even banana phones, the first two generations could not get rid of this predicament, but now, we have done it!"

"Banana's third generation will adopt a battery system upgraded from a lithium system. With a battery with the same coating area (same volume), we have doubled the capacity!"

"With the same battery specification, the third generation of Banana will bring twice the battery life compared to the past, and the standby time for daily use will be able to maintain the open sky!"

"We have also added high-power fast charging technology, which can complete 90% of the battery within half an hour..."

People in the audience and in front of the screen are already in shock, the breakthrough in battery technology! Double the capacity, this is news that is enough to cause a sensation in the industry!

This is not only to change the small area of ​​the mobile phone, but more importantly, the field of electric vehicles, which is equivalent to twice the volume of the volume, it can indeed set off a new era!

Of course, Herbert also knew the shocking effect: "It is no longer a breakthrough in mobile phone technology, so I would like to invite Mr. Cavett, the president of Commercial Energy Company, to personally introduce it.

Another middle-aged Caucasian came onto the stage: "It's a great honor to stand on this stage today, to show everyone our battery technology with the release of the Banana phone.

"We have added other substances to the traditional lithium-ion technology and redistributed it, successfully doubling the capacity under the same area. This technology has already been invested in a large amount.

Cavett's introduction revolved around battery technology, and he emphasized two points: doubled capacity and greatly shortened charging time.

Because of the novel material and safer charging, commercial products are not only used on banana phones, but will also be used on new models to be released by Faraday Group, promoting the advent of the era of electric vehicles!

Through the banana press conference to promote batteries and Faraday cars, Wang Lisha, the chief executive behind the scenes, wants to build the consortium's industries into an ecosystem.

The concept of the ecosystem, after Wang Lisha took over the Gulf Group, has been committed to its implementation. Her excellent business thinking has made it all intertwined...

The release of mobile phones, on the one hand, promotes artificial intelligence, on the other hand, exposes high-energy batteries, and then breaks into the larger field of electric vehicles... and these are all group-operated projects.

Where she can't see, she is using these batteries, smart technologies, or the core areas of the consortium to create a new industrial chain and acquire more industries.

A huge business empire has sprung up.

The current press conference is only the first scene of her changes. The following era of electric vehicles, major updates of artificial intelligence translation, artificial intelligence search, and starting to catch up with the Google market... are all in her strategy.

Wang Lisha also combined business with politics: "Distributing some high-tech, high-value industries in the country can allow you to double the national economy [but I need to know which aspects you rely on."

Magid thought for a while: "More emphasis is placed on the foundation. What the kingdom needs is a self-sufficient system. In terms of high-tech and military technology, it cannot rely on the outside.

"Then I understand, I will promote more cooperation with the local people..." Lisa is the country's largest private economy, and every move has an impact on the country's economy.

"They complement each other." Alia, who was sitting on his lap, noticed this scene.

"Yeah." He nodded, they definitely have an efficiency of 1+1 greater than 2.9 to 2.

McGidd intentionally issued an invitation: "Your ideas are very good and feasible... I would like to invite you to join as the Prime Minister's special economic advisor?"

In the past, Wang Lisa would refuse, but now she has not forgotten that she is also a princess: "Don't we contribute to the ideal society together? I joined!"

"Very welcome." There was a friendly smile on Mejid's face. Her character would favor capable and independent women, and Lisa met her requirements.

"It's just that I don't have much talent." Alicia was disappointed in herself.

Sahil beside him said: "You have to be responsible for being a good princess! The two of them are better than the other, but they can't be a good princess. This role belongs to you!"

With a very lively personality, she quickly figured out: "Well! I want to be a role model princess!".

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