Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 312 This Is Hard Power 【2/5】

The U.S. military over there was taken aback by the "ghost", and the air force headquarters here was also very lively, because it was their own strength, everyone was very surprised.

Time went back a bit, when the radar warning came, the second-generation Hal got the result through the US intelligence and satellite monitoring, which was the US fleet in the Indian Ocean, which set off from the San Diego base.

The U.S. military has bases all over the world, which is not surprising, but what is strange is that they have encountered this moment—the drone is flying at a super high speed of Mach 6.5, which is faster than most missiles

Then the U.S. military naturally thought it was a missile. When the two sides met, the air force headquarters became lively—"Damn it! That's an American!"

"We're going to fly over them!" Sahil suddenly had a bold idea.

"740" "What if it is locked by the fire control radar?" Suleiman said, he didn't want such a powerful weapon to be burned.

"Don't worry, even if they launch missiles, they won't be able to catch up with us." The king told the truth—the most direct and violent truth.

My plane is so fast that your missiles can't catch up!

What are you playing!

When the drone flew over the head of the US fleet, let alone launch their missiles, even the fire control radar could not capture its changing figure. At this speed, even launching missiles would be a waste.

The standard-2 air defense missiles of the U.S. military only have a maximum of Mach 3. Of course, they also have the faster standard-3, but they are used to intercept ballistic missiles, not to deal with aircraft, so the Americans can only stare blankly.

"We ran out of the scanning range." Suleiman was also stunned. The world's overlord, the most powerful navy, couldn't survive a move in his hands?

If the drone carried a few anti-ship missiles and flew over the fleet before launching them, then the Burke-class ships and even the aircraft carrier of the U.S. military would be killed!

"This is ultra-high-speed defense breaking." Sahil said, speaking of martial arts in the world, only speed can not break! The same principle is used in military affairs.

It's so fast that your missiles can't catch up, and your radar can't react in time. When the plane carries the missiles and comes over your head, you are finished.

This unexpected encounter made all the officers in the headquarters look excited, and couldn't help shouting! The scene just now proved that the drone code-named SF is powerful!

As long as it is loaded with weapons, it can beat the Americans fat! Also because it is a drone, the mass production speed can be very fast, because there is no need to worry about the safety of the driver!

In the past, fighter jets needed to be tested repeatedly, because the life of the pilot was more expensive than the plane! If the pilot died, it would be a big loss! But in the era of drones, pilots are hiding in the base!

What local tyrants need most is money, especially now that they are sitting on 290 billion barrels of oil, have mastered super batteries, and mastered super biotechnology......

The haze that has been hanging over the kingdom's army for a long time—the US military, the pressure dropped suddenly at this moment! After tearing apart the opponent's eyes, the tiger was no longer scary.

Sahil looked at the expressions of the officers, which is why he brought them here to observe.

It is to let these cronies and the backbone of the kingdom's army know that as long as you are brave enough, what about the Americans? Give it a few years to develop, and no one can stop it!

The king also said: "The ultra-high-speed drone is only part of the plan. The aviation group already has an aerospace fighter project. This guy can fly into space and then return to the atmosphere to fight."

Everyone admires it, this is hard power!

Obviously, after this incident, the morale of the officers improved as a whole.

The kingdom's military strength is definitely strong enough. The super shield plan, from laser weapons to electromagnetic guns, to interceptor missiles, guarantees that unless it is a supersaturated attack, no one can break through the defense.

Thor's Hammer Project, long-range electromagnetic guns make up for the shortcomings of land attacks, and ultra-high-speed drones make up for the shortcomings of the sky, and then purchase American and Chinese tanks and artillery and hand them over to the mechanical army. Is that unstable?

After the muscles are not afraid of people, the development of the kingdom becomes bold. Don't forget that except for the United Kingdom, other countries in the Middle East are still in deep turmoil.

The peace and prosperity of the United Kingdom is quite miraculous, but there are still opponents like AIE around them, they occupy Iraq, Syria and some countries in North Africa...

Behind the turmoil, there are Americans, Russians, Turks, and even Persians... If the United Kingdom wants to become a big country, its neighbors must listen to itself!

And their female prime ministers not only need their neighbors to be obedient, but the realization value of obedience is not high enough. Why does she frequently worry about the regional situation?

The real reason is to annex!

Swallow the country of Iraq, and then develop horizontally to the country of Syria, there will be a direct outlet to the Mediterranean! It is no longer necessary to go through the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the Suez Canal to reach the Mediterranean!

This will be strategic!

Hiding in the Persian Gulf, it will always be a regional power, but if the land goes straight to the Mediterranean, it will be the domain of the Europeans!

Build up the navy, and on the other hand, sail into the Indian Ocean to beat the Indian Asan, it will be another piece of paradise for the kingdom!

So the situation in the Middle East will continue to be chaotic.

Under the high-handed rule of AIE, Iraq and Syria finally bottomed out, and an organization called the "Rebel Army" was born, constantly calling for standing up against AIE's extreme policies.

The rebel army, supported by the United Kingdom, has a strong financial strength of 0.9, flexible development, particularly advanced intelligence, and particularly stalwart leaders.

Several leaders among them are the bionic robots sent out! This group of terminators act as humans to help Jianguo launch a proxy war.

Since Sulayem, the leader of the rebel army, shouted for equality and freedom, a spark has been ignited in the land of the Middle East!

The Kingdom has invested in all aspects of assistance to the rebels, and even directly dispatched special forces on the border to help the rebels clean up the AIE, while opening routes and providing supplies and weapons.

Soon, the rebel army occupied the land in the south of Iraq, established a base camp, and continued to develop through it... The next big expansion of the kingdom is quietly brewing.

PS: The book is coming to an end.....

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