Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 319 Challenge On The Road To Growth [4]

There are already quite a few people who regret that they gave the opportunity to let the United Kingdom rise.

The total economic output is close to 2 trillion, which is only created by a population of 30 million. In the military, the robot technology is super advanced. In terms of land warfare, even the Americans dare not easily say that they can win.

And the growth momentum is very violent, absorbing immigrants from Asia and all over the world, supplementing elites from all over the world with excellent conditions, and transforming them into their own citizens.

At the same time, because of desalinated water and super plant technology, the bay is turning into an oasis... These series of changes are actually seen in the eyes of Americans.

The original plan of the Americans was to cause turmoil in the Middle East, push up oil prices, and at the same time support a stronger ally to fight against Persia and contain Russia.

But I just didn't expect that this ally developed so fast that the Americans felt that they couldn't control it! This has evolved into another situation-prevention.

The appearance of a powerful country in the Middle East is something Americans and the West do not want to see, especially since they still hold nearly 300 billion barrels of oil resources!

The tricky decision at the beginning, now it seems that it has become a problem of breeding tigers!

The stronger the United Kingdom, the more Americans worry. Although some people also explained that the Kingdom and the United States are quasi-allies, and the relationship is currently very good.

But the hegemonic thinking of the United States cannot tolerate the growth of the kingdom.

As a result, they are still friends on the surface, but their vigilance has long been aroused! Americans can't come here aboveboard, but they can support their agents, such as increasing investment in AE.

There is also increased cooperation with Israel, which is definitely the backbone of the fight against the Middle East. There have been five Middle East wars in history, and a large group of Middle Eastern countries can't beat Israel, which is small in size.

Now the Americans are also pinning their hopes on them, but it is not enough. The Turks, who have always had ambitions to restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire, are also the target of support.

As a result, the north of the United Kingdom is full of hidden dangers.

Going further, if the kingdom is stronger, it cannot be ruled out that the Americans cooperate with the deadly enemy—————— Persia, unite to contain the development of the kingdom.

You said that the United States was still fighting with Persia before? Hehe, politics!

Let’s just say that during the Cold War in the last century, didn’t the Americans have a honeymoon period with China? At the beginning, the Black Hawk helicopters were sold to China, and they almost decided to export F-16 fighter jets!

The United States during the Cold War has always regarded communism as a scourge, but in order to contain the Soviet Union, is it not the same as cooperating with the Chinese Empire?

Therefore, it is not impossible for the Americans to unite with the Persians. These are the challenges that lie in the way of the greatness of the United Kingdom.

At the meeting of the national core leaders, Sahil sought everyone's opinions: "We have to find a way to break the situation, and don't let the Americans always stare at this piece~". "

"We can actively create conditions to divert their attention." The Minister of Intelligence said, "According to the data obtained by intelligent monitoring, our threat level is currently second only to China and Russia.

"Even North Korea and Persia are behind us?" Sahil was surprised, the Americans are crazy! Don't you agree that we are quasi-allies?

The Minister of Intelligence said: "Our development is too strong, our technology is too elusive, Persia has strong military force but no money, and the country is small and will not become a big country, but we are different.

Everyone thinks that it has the most oil resources in the world, has mastered quite a lot of high-tech, the military is still so powerful, and it is surrounded by 600 to 700 million Arabs... The sum is terrifying.

If it wasn't for the artificial intelligence Hal monitoring the United States, he really didn't know that the threat level of the United Kingdom was so high, and he couldn't help complaining: "Damn it! I want to strengthen the military!

"The strengthening of the military is better off the table." Mejid said, although there is no reversal yet, no one can say when it will.

Sahil asked her: "Is there any way to make the Americans stop staring at us?"

Facing His Majesty's question, Mejid replied: "I have a consideration. China and Russia are still the number one threat, so we can let them share some pressure."

"A way?" He asked for a way.

She offered a way of thinking: "Give them some tradable military technology, such as helping China improve, then Americans will be more vigilant about China's development and will distract attention from East Asia."

"Like this?" Sahil thought for a while, "It's also feasible. We need teammates on this road. "Aren't all countries interested in our military technology? You can try


"The main thing is to let the United States know, so there will be some gray operations in it." McGidd said again.

"It doesn't matter. If China and the United States can't fight, at most they will fight each other." Sahil is still relieved that neither of the two nuclear powers can bear the loss in a fight.

The challenges on the road to growth need to be resolved.

The cabinet made a plan for the king's subsequent foreign visits. He would visit China and Russia. The theme was cooperation in oil resources. No one knew what deals were going on behind the scenes.

Sahil is very clear that now is the time for teammates to stand up. They should be happy with the continued development of China, and I am afraid that they are even more happy with the declining Russia.

Russia and Mao have always been unafraid of the United States. Isn’t NATO afraid to take action when annexing Crimea? Let the Russians stand in front, as long as they are given benefits, they will definitely do it.

At that time, the United States will continue to worry that China has grown stronger again, and Russia has made trouble again. Even though the United States is powerful, it cannot take care of so many places at the same time.

It will be the future trend of the United Kingdom to make a fortune in silence and race against time. Because Yilaq, who wanted to dominate the Middle East, was beaten by the United States, and now they have learned their lesson, and Yi (Wang Dehao) must avoid it.

When there were only the two of them, McGidd made a bold suggestion: "々. Maybe the communication with Russia can focus on the strategic resources we urgently need."

Oil is definitely not there, nor are weapons and equipment, but Sahil guessed from her eyes: "You want to say... nuclear materials?"

She nodded: "Although the Soviet Union disintegrated, Russia has inherited a huge nuclear arsenal. It's just that Russia has been declining in recent years. It is very expensive to maintain so many nuclear weapons."

From their perspective, whether they can get it or not should not be considered. What he considers is the price: "I just want Russia to give it to us, and it will cost a lot of blood."

"The opposite is also of great benefit to us. Russia is the most likely to cooperate with us in the world. It is not the United States. Our growth will not affect Russia's status.

"Also..." He thought deeply. .

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