Reborn Dubai As A Prince

003. The Road To World Supremacy

Just as human desires are endless, an empire will not stop at the present.

The government of the Second Empire under the leadership of Mejid will not be satisfied with the current scale. Her ambition is like the expansion of the territory. After the empire is formed, it will not end.

As early as the time of the United Kingdom, she had comprehensively studied the territory of the Arab Empire, from Persia to the west and Morocco to the east, and the Second Empire currently only occupies less than half of it.

Even if a civilized society can no longer achieve the purpose of occupation and colonization by seizing and massacring cities as in ancient times, some areas that must be occupied cannot be given up.

In Mejid's eyes, it must be controlled. The Iraqi country in front is one, as is the Syrian country that leads from the land to the Mediterranean. Now she uses a pen to draw a red circle in Persia on the west side of the empire.

"It's going to be rough again." Sahil saw the new strategy map, and the first thing she thought of was this woman who could make troubles, and someone else would suffer.

"A strong country with weak neighbors is the safest way to develop." Mejid has her reasons. "Persia, which is growing, has the ability to develop nuclear weapons, and integrates politics and religion, is actually more dangerous than the previous Saudi Arabia."

Sahil didn't object: "I was careful about them from the very beginning, but it's a pity that the friendship that 31 finally had was about to be destroyed again."

"Even if we don't move, don't the Persians think so?" Mejid's words contain the truth from ancient times to the present.

"Be careful." Sahil doesn't try to dissuade her, although he doesn't have a strong desire to do so, but he knows in his heart that she is right.

From the establishment of the empire to the 10 years of the empire, Magid spent such a long time laying out the strategy.

In addition to the absolute suppression of the military, she also started from two aspects of cultural influence and consciousness. Influence, the secularized Second Empire has become the world's third largest economy, a developed country, and a high-welfare society.

The cultural industry is prosperous, influencing the surroundings through Arabic, and exporting the world through English..... It is the way of the United States in the past. The entire Arab society is paying attention to this dazzling "model"

Secularization = better way out.

This kind of concept has already affected the surrounding countries and people. The younger generation's concept of religion has gradually wavered, and they are no longer as persistent as before.

Accompanying this step is McGide's core strategy—consciousness weapon.

Noobs who are banned by orders, or super veterans who have trained for three months, have verified the absolute power of memory writing, and after years of development, it is enough to become an invisible strategic weapon.

A tool of terror aimed specifically at consciousness, thought.

The Mejid government specially set up a strategic secret agency to export consciousness to Persia through S sect members.

The implantation of consciousness has affected the Persians. Their envy of the Second Empire and their suspicion of the unity of politics and religion...take root.

Persia used to be secularized. Before the Pahlavi dynasty was revolutionized, Persia was completely a Western society. Women wore skirts, took part in beauty contests, and were free to dress up. There were a large number of scientific undertakings and research scholars. It was once called "Little America".

That is to say, after the religious revolution, it was completely regressed to the unity of politics and religion, but these years have proved that the Persians can only rely on the old foundation of the previous dynasty, and they will never make great progress after spreading religion.

Now that the secular thought of the Second Empire hits, some people are not calm immediately.

It takes a full ten years for a ten-year-old boy to grow into a twenty-year-old country's future. When these "futures" occupy the mainstream of society, it means the coming of change.

Ten years of empire.

This intrusion of awareness that only the high-level people know, and the people are confused, has already formed a large scale.

"The time for subversion has come." Mejid said to the core members of the country, "Everyone over there is waiting for our signal, only one order is needed, and Persia will change.

"Your Majesty." The ministers all looked at Sahil.

"Things have come to this," Sahil still had a spirit in his heart, "If you want to win, you have to win beautifully!"

"Long live the Second Empire." Mejid stood up.

"Long live the Second Empire!" All the ministers responded one after another.

The progressive movement of the younger generation was launched in Persia.

Mejid, who sits in the capital of the empire, recalled: "When we were young, you specially let me understand the history of street revolution in China, and now it comes in handy.

"I said earlier that all changes remain true." Sahil tasted tea, "After learning the essence of the master, you can use it on any country in the world."

"Persia won't be able to resist for long, and historical progress is inevitable." McGidd is very confident.

She believes that even if she doesn't do it, someone else will.

She just moved ahead of time.

The street movement of Persian youths soon expanded to the whole country, and various protests and parades were staged in big cities. They demanded the separation of church and state, demanded the opening of the country, and improved relations with surrounding powers.

But the separation and openness of church and state means that the leadership will lose the right of dictatorship—many revolutions in history have revolved around the issue of whether to let go of power.

The Persian government could not let go of its power. They chose to suppress, drive away the demonstrators, send military police, soldiers took to the streets, implement further control, and even curfew.

Cut off the network with the outside world, so that citizens can only use the local area network; control speech, post comments on the Internet must be real-named, and if you speak carelessly, you will be invited to drink tea.

The government forces are still monitoring the people. Everything that a certain chat group says may be monitored, and privacy will be studied in front of everyone. There is no privacy at all.

The government of theocracy is still suppressing the development opportunities of any secular forces. The excuse is anti-corruption and opposition to national politics. At the beginning, it is high-sounding and full of justice.

The people are living in this environment with constant complaints, and their anger is accumulating.

Finally one day, it exploded!

The worldly forces have formed an army, backed by weapons and equipment!

They want to seize power and bring down the dictatorial government.

They had the public support of the Second Reich - Prime Minister Mejid slammed human rights in neighboring countries [and pledged humanitarian aid on TV broadcasts.... Anyway, it's the same thing that the United States uses.

In fact, whichever country becomes the hegemon of the world, it will always be like this. Justice? Justice is not absolute, it is all relative. In the eyes of Persia, the Second Empire was extremely evil.

But in the eyes of the people of the Second Empire, this is a manifestation of the strength of the country and the pride of the nation.

The Persian authorities responded and warned that they would use force in self-defense.

The empire was waiting for this excuse, and the plot naturally developed to the matter of Persia firing on the people, and then the empire, unable to bear it anymore, launched a blitzkrieg.

And then there was the overwhelming lightning battle, and hundreds of thousands of troops had already been stationed at the border, rushing forward!

There are also countless leading parties in Persia to help, and the ending is the same as Yilak, who was under the attack of the US army in the past-880 hits, and settled the matter in Persia every minute.

The state-religious government fell.

A secular government came to power. Before the western powers had time to intervene, the leaders of the new government announced that they would join the empire and become a large region.

The Imperial Parliament also quickly passed the resolution.

The westerners had just had time to speak, and then the spokesman of the imperial government stated that the Persian region has now become an inalienable part of the Second Empire!

1.64 million square kilometers of Persia, more than 85% of the votes, joined the Second Empire, expanding its territory to 2.7 million square kilometers.

With the world's largest oil resources, even in the current era of electric vehicles, it still affects the world - because the aviation industry and industry are inseparable from oil.

The Second Empire is already the hegemon of the world!

Westerners have to admit this fact. In the ten years after the war, the United States has declined at a terrifying rate. It has not been caught up by China, nor has it been extinguished by Russia.

It turned out to be the Arabs who have always been looked down upon, and they surpassed them strongly!

"Then the West is going to be hot again." Sahil sees something other than victory.

Dang Maijid was not afraid at all: "If you want to make a fuss, you can continue to make a fuss. They didn't dare to fight us to the death before, but now our strength is even more powerful, let alone think about it."

Sahil laughs: "The truth about cannon range!"

"A world where strength speaks." With a smug smile on Majid's face, he touched him with his outstretched legs, "Your Majesty, I have doubled your territory for you, how can you reward me?"

Sahil shrugged, she has everything, how can she reward her? Listen to her, slap her until she cries...all are expected options. .

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