Reborn Dubai As A Prince

010. The Goal Begins To Be Achieved

Western provinces of the empire.

Farid sat in the living room with Black and Azzam and watched the noon news report. The operation of Tuji has achieved complete success. The leader was captured by a special police team and then secretly controlled by the local police. The opposition party suffered a huge blow. In addition, some turmoil occurred internationally. As they expected, hostility began to spread within the local chicken.

"Everything is under control!" Black raised his glass and greeted them, "Let us celebrate the successful first step together! Long live the eternity of the empire!"

"Long live the Empire!"

This is a group of groups that are powerful and capable of exhausting means for the Second Empire.

After putting down his glass, Azam asked: "How about the police's loss in yesterday's chicken operation? The news didn't mention it.

"It's serious!" said Farid, who had received accurate information from the stinger. "According to the information from the operational intelligence team, except for the team I sent out to complete the task with ease, the police are fighting against the opposition party. It’s almost a loss for both sides. The opposition party’s firepower is very strong. They have a batch of automatic weapons in their hands, and the arrested members are scattered in several cities. This makes the police, who are used to winning with more than the few, unable to do what they want. If it weren’t for the strong orders from above and our Assistance, this operation will most likely end in failure."

"This is the only way to impress the government," Azzam said.

Black laughed a few times and said: "The opposition party will also be impressed! Look where it happened?! The home of the opposition party, the 31 Committee established by dozens of families is here. This city is not only for them A stronghold, and at the same time an inviolable symbol of family union! But the police did their work there! Knocked them down, and stomped on their faces!"

"It's like being insulted to your own wife and daughter in person," Azam said.

Black nodded, and said: "According to the temperament of the guys from the opposition party, the head of a committee was easily captured, and the head of another was smashed by the police with a shotgun. They lost all face, and they couldn't swallow it. .There is a high probability that they will retaliate."

"Are we going to take advantage of this opportunity?" Farid asked.

"Don't worry, let's slow down and wait for the development of the matter. Let these clowns show their performance first, and hope they can do something that satisfies me." Bly

After finishing speaking, he looked at Azam, "After that, this issue should be troubled by the government."

There were many international events in February, and there was a tense atmosphere. The issue of the opposition party has once again become the focus of attention of the empire. These issues that were not handled well twenty years ago have now become the focus of public attention after a few years of innocence.

The people of the Second Reich were discussing whether to swallow the chicken completely.

Well, this is domineering, very imperial.

But they have the strength to play like this-the purpose of the Brotherhood is that if King Sahil can really pay attention, once he agrees to start, things will be easy.

Now the police have taken the leader away, but whether they can keep it is still a question. Several family leaders of the local opposition party united in the capital, Bhamo, and held a meeting in a local hotel. This is a disrespect to the police!

But because there is no evidence of their crimes, even if the family leader stands in front of the police station, the police have no power to arrest—the background of this group of people is like a piece of white paper! First, there is still a group of people standing behind them. If a large group of lawyers want to do something, even the police cannot bear the majesty of the law, and they may even lose their official hats.

The police could only surround the area and closely monitor it.

Members of the opposition party chatted and laughed, drank wine, and played with women in the hotel, while the police, like shadow bodyguards, appeared around them all the time, and even used various monitoring tools , the purpose is to know what they want to plan.

However, the key information has not been heard yet, but the vigilant opposition party discovered the police bug! The lawyer saw it, it was fine, took pictures to collect evidence, and immediately called the police. The rat in the house, the bastard who eavesdropped on private messages!

The policeman was beaten up and ran away in despair.

five days later

"They're going to fight," Black said to Farid.

"Oh, yes, today is the day of the first trial." Farid was quite impressed by the speed of the government's actions. In just a few days, all the conditions for the public prosecution have been prepared. It seems that the police have a lot of evidence. , and can't wait to even give the opposing lawyer a chance to breathe.

Black took out a blueprint, "The opposition party intends to attack the escort vehicle on the road and rescue the suspect. They have a thorough plan this time and have a large number of people. Maybe the police will miss it."

"Should we notify the police?" Farid asked.

"Yes, just to be sure," Black said, "I let the intelligence people do it, and I let the police guard against the opposition.

"I'll keep an eye on how things go."

Just two days later, before the trial of the case, an accident happened! A group of escort convoys departing from the prison were attacked by a group of armed men on the road. The well-prepared police had a fierce exchange of fire with them, killing more than a dozen armed men. After the terrorists, the police paid a greater price-the other party used homemade bombs and rockets, and the police were completely crushed.

The fierce gangsters were defeated and the convoy fell into the hands of the opponent.

At the same time, at ten o'clock, the court heard the opposition party's case publicly on time. Surrounded by the media's guns and short guns, the two most important leaders were escorted out of an ordinary Audi car by security personnel and entered the court under heavy guards. Both the media and TV stations reported on this process.

The opposition party has missed out, and what they are attacking is only a decoy for the police.

But it does not mean that the police have won a complete victory. They overestimated their own strength-the bait did not have the effect it should have, and they failed to arrest this group of armed members of the opposition party.

They used weapons more powerful than the police, so that even the special police could not compete with them. Although it was a prepared ambush, the police still lost face and were in a panic. Finally, just to be on the safe side, a group of local troops appeared around the court.

This is great, the news media are so happy, all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere! What about the trial of the leader of the opposition party? I also unfortunately became one of the people who were crusaded |: where is the fighting power of the autonomous region at this time? Could it be that a group of gangsters can easily defeat them?

I am afraid that only the Brotherhood understands that the stronger the opposition party, the more legitimately the empire can intervene. A bunch of ignorant people, but they are very easy to use.

The seriousness of the problem was highlighted after such a commotion, and the media is worthy of being the uncrowned king! Their speculation and reports not only caused headaches for the local government, but even alarmed the Congress, so that members of the Congress discussed it in informal meetings past this question. During this period, some congressmen proposed a method: to form a force with stronger execution ability than the police to intervene in this kind of violence!

"It is conceivable that the opposition party will not be wiped out in three or two years. Today's incident has sounded the alarm, and the police have suffered heavy losses! What if it happens again in the future? Unless the police let the opposition party commit crimes, there will always be ringleaders arrested. As a national The police, a symbol of law enforcement, are provoked by lawbreakers, can law enforcement officers only escape? When 030 encounters another case of this nature no less than a terrorist attack, how should we deal with it?"

The words of MP Benito Bruno caused a lot of discussion among the MPs present. Some agreed and some objected. However, it is a private occasion and the speech is relatively casual. Some MPs from different parties objected: "Obviously, we can mobilize The strength of the army."

"Army?" Bruno shook his head, "Your Excellency, the army you think is generally a violent state organ, used externally, if we always let the regular army appear on the street

What do you think ordinary civilians living under the light of the Republic think? What do the outside world think? This is a 'criminal paradise'?"

"As a member of local origin, if you can settle the chaos in the local area, it doesn't matter if you use the army!" Another member of parliament also spoke, and his words seemed to be against Bruno

"But what I'm more concerned about is, when the military encounters this kind of thing, can it really handle it well?"

"Are you doubting the combat strength of the army?" Some people were dissatisfied.

"Everything depends on reality!" Bruno said, "Everyone knows the historical facts, and I don't want to repeat them, but who of us can guarantee that nothing will go wrong?"

The opinions of the MPs are diverse. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is obviously impossible to form a more domineering organization. Under the current circumstances, if it is said that the "Foreign Legion" must be formed to deal with the opposition party, the Brotherhood supports it. Members of Parliament may be regarded as lunatics!

But things will be intertwined. The opposition party incident is only the beginning of the whole plan, and the members’ informal opinions are just a sign. develop. What ordinary people can see is always a bunch of unrelated events reported in the news. but at a higher level

They happen for one purpose only. .

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